(PROJECT)Building a Set Up to my Dark Box to VEG(NEED HELP AND TIPS)

Hello , wasup og’s, good night everyone ill start the topic and I ll post the pictures of my Dark BOX(TENT)to one good soul or lot of them help me in this project
I need tips to exhaust , Refrigerating, that’s is the basic thing than I don’t know.
I count with you guys to help me to build my new veg.
One moment , I ll take some pictures by my cellphone.
So, i im doubt to spend the minimum possible with this.
Is hot here where I live , and with a 400w hqi to my veg , can be burn inside of the tent.
I ll instal a ar conditioner here , ill post the pictures after this post.


This is the tent.
120 x 120 x 200 cm

Have 150-160 mm
Are five of that.

In the top of the wall i ll instal a ar conditioner.
My idea is buy flexive tube to bring the ar of ar conditioner to the top of the tent.
To breeze the hot temperature of lamp.


What the minimum thing i have to do?
By this time is all i gonna do

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Do you have an exhaust fan to vent the tent with? Preferably having the exhausted air blown out of the room your tent is in.

And what’s the AC unit like? It also needs to be exhausted out of the room tho should cool the whole room rather than try to get the cooler air into the tent alone. Would also lower the RH and be better if you are in a warm place.

What kind of reflector are you using with the 400? If it’s one you can vent that will help a lot with temps as they can heat up a 4x4 tent really good without lots of ventilation/cooling.

A temp/RH controller on the exhaust fan is good to have too.



Wasup @LabRat , very welcome bud.
My first doubt about what you say is of A temp/RH controller on the exhaust fan , you can give me one example?
I thinking’s in put a exhaust on a flexible tube to remove the air from inside to outside.
But I don’t know how do this.
Here doing 100,4 (°F )
I ll use a air conditioner , here another doubt !(With or without) exhaust? to cool down the temperature inside the tent.
The reflector , I ll use a 400 w , not too hot , I think , with the ac , will be stable.
I thinking’s in buy one without cool tube , by the price.
By now is all bud

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This is correct. AC units need to be exhausted outside of the room. If not, it will create more heat.


Is a AC of wall , I already see one time a ac of wall like what I have , with a flexible tube close to the OUT of cold air of ac. bringing the cold air from the air conditioner to the tent

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This is the flexible tube

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I new with tent.
I just taking care to everything work 100%

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I use an older style analog controller on my 6" exhaust fan. A humidity controller like what is used for bathrooms and a cool/heat thermostat wired for cool so it turns on the fan if the temp or humidity get too high.

On the left is a ceiling fan speed controller I wired up so the fan is running half speed


If you’re handy you can build your own but honestly you can buy some electronic ones online for less than what the parts cost to build one like mine.


If you’re using a window type AC that cools the room then when your exhaust turns on cooled and dried air will be pulled into the tent as the hot, moist air is sent out.

Is smell going to be an issue? If so then a good carbon filter will be needed and they aren’t cheap. If not then the AC can cool the room and the tent can be left open so temps will stay pretty steady.

What you eventually need depends on your particular situation and they are all different. I grow in a cool room down in my basement so don’t need AC and as I’m out in the country I don’t need odour control either.



Hey @LabRat , Good Schematic.
I read some articles and dude , this is very complicated in the first time you read and see.
But without doubt works.
You grow in a tent?
do you have a link of this apparel?
If you know someone who want to sell some of these FanControl
If have one system of these ready I think is better.
But is cool know how to build one system of that.
One thing, Here is Hot and today for example do 100 F without ac
Another Doubt…I Instal the Exhaust Where in this tent?
And here , is calm , I don’t need to control odor. Thanks a lord

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I have a small 2x4x5’ tent for clones and small plants in my spare bedroom but my main grow room is underground taking up a corner of the basement/crawl-space. Was built as a cold storage room by the original owner of the house and perfect for a grow room so had to buy the house. :slight_smile:

It’s 7x9x6.6’h and all the air for the room comes from the rest of the basement where it always stays cool. Like a big concrete icebox. Been growing in there for 18 years since moving my plants in when we bought the place.

Your exhaust fan usually hangs inside the tent near the top and pushes the air out that shiny tubing to vent outside. Mine vents under the workshop thru a 6" aluminum dryer vent.

You can find temp/rh controllers online with just a bit of searching. Amazon and all the rest sell them. Make sure it does both the temp and the RH so if either gets too high it turns the exhaust fan on. I’m using a 400W CMH light now and it’s not enough to get my fan to turn on Just keeps the room at a nice 75F and the RH about 50% which is great because in my mancave here the RH is only 13% so if the exhaust fan was running it would drop the humidity in the grow room way down.



Dude That is my dream buy a new house. by now this place I growing is temporary.
I ll buy a new house in two or three years ,to grow definitely that’s what I calculating.
So @LabRat , my problem here is RH and high temperature.
today do 97 F here where I live.
But with ac in a 100F day I got 76 F. with ac
You got a exelent set up with a good place to grow. Without doubt bud , this a incentive to me do the same thing in a couple of years.
I have a closet growing the flora and I ll build this tent to veg.
I need a exhaust of 6 inch right?
to plug in the out of the tent , right?
You give a exelent ideia with this concret icebox that you say.
What you think? is completely needed to buy a ducted reflector???

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6 inch should do your 4x4, but more the better as you can always dial down the airflow but you can add it if you need it.

Venting directly outdoors will solve a lot of the heat problems. Most of my temperature issues resolved themselves as soon as I vented outdoors.

Being in South America you ain’t gonna have the “keep things warm” problem I have in the cold season. As far as overheat in the summer I’m looking into getting a portable AC unit which will go into a small 2x2 tent as a “lung” tent.

The hot air will vent outdoors, and the cold air vents into the tents. :+1:

Best of success; nice to see you growing! :smiley:

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Hey @Pigeonman , very welcome bud.
I think by this time , I need to have in the minimum , one exhaust to outside , and one putting the cold air from ac to inside the tent.
I need tips to install the exhaust , this model I seeing to buy this model.
and I need help to install on flexible tube D_NQ_NP_670186-MLB48763549893_012022-V

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Those type move a lot of air well. If you can afford it, I suggest looking into AC infinity’s units. They are PMW (pulse width modulation) controlled so use up SO MUCH LESS POWER; also they run so quiet you question if it’s running at times.


Nice to know @Pigeonman
I ll see…
This that I show is a turbo exhaust that have a little cost.
And works great.
First of all I ll install the ac.
Before that I ll come back here.

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This may help out @BERZERK

Grow Room Fan Size Calculator with Size-wise CFM – What for Me.