TEMU budget bubble hash for the lazy grower

Do you think you could have fit 3 times that amount of flower in the washer?

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No chance my man, but this washer will take more.

You need a full sized washer and larger bags to do all 5 pounds at once though.


Thanks, I have just been using a 5 gallon bucket and big spoon. I got one of these exact collapsible washers and about 95g of flower I don’t want. Was debating on the washer or the hand method for tonights extraction.


I find that with the labour involved I’m hesitant to do a run on less than a half pound. But a washing machine might change my mind.


Super easy, runs for 15 min at a time. My minimum is 1 gal zip lock bag full.


Yes, it would easily take 95g and more


@Foreigner I own a 5 gallon washer if you ever wanted to pop over and have a hash party growmie. Just BYOB(ags). :metal:

(same with seed sorter and rosin press :ok_hand: )


Hey thanks man. I might just take you up on that.


@Foreigner my basement “lab” is very cold in the winter which makes it perfect for bubblemaking! I left the Yogi mass soak and separate for 1hr and the ice barely melted!


The other day I was out and about and I could have chosen to buy ice and just do it but instead I went to the dispensary and bought 2 grams of black hash.

Unmotivated, not a surprise.

The surprise is the hash is really quite good!


@Foreigner’s idea of diy is delivery from Bud hub.


Bud hub
Porn hub
Food hub.

I use all the hubs


It’s funny, you don’t realize how unmotivated you are until you have to do stuff…which is always such a drag


@jesuswearsflares have you found this machine working good After the First batch or It Is not worth the hassle to buy It?
Was It a good yield?

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Not sure I saw it used, but a sprayer works great to help collect more, & gather the Hash product in the bag, rather being all over the walls.
Nice hash tho.


The washing machine works fine no problems. The yield wasnt massive but just the same as using a hand stirrer or drill with attachment and less work.


That’s what I meant,right.
Doing the hand stir Is really an hassle to me Just to set up things.Using the stirrer Is also bad because I have small 1gal bags and I hit plant material too much and got very great amount of contaminants.
I know you didn’t put a lot of materiale and that’s why you hadn’t a Mountain of hash.It s also genetics that plays a good Role in Trichomes for hash.
Would you recommend not using the mesh zip bag and directly put the weed and ice together?

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I use the mesh zip bag to stop the hash containing too much green material or the green material clogging the bags. I personally will always use the zip bag to put my weed in but that would be for you to experiment with.
Using the washing machine means you could run it multiple times so it is washed for multiple 20 minute periods. Also I collect the run off water and reuse it so there is very little water wastage.
For the ÂŁ20 the machine cost me I would recommend it. There are similar machines with bubbleator printed on them that do exactly the same but are marketed to gullible weed smokers but they cost over ÂŁ100.
I recently done another run with this and you can see it in my grow log here Whats in my box? - #45 by jesuswearsflares
Hope that is of help to you. I probably wouldnt recommend the TEMU bubble bags as I think they have some of the micron screens mislabelled


I double checked and It Is a 90micron black bag.
Thanks for the help and yes,I am trying to buy It with a Little discount with no fkn luck.
Anyway,I m getting a 150 micron bag with a zip too to put the plant material inside.
I m digging your posts


You will need a little bit of garden hose to attach to the drain hole of the washing machine too. Good luck with it, feel free to post pics of your 1st run with it here if you get one.