Thanksgiving spread contest and giveaway

Did any of you got any beans from @AzSeaindooin420 . yet or is it just me… Do anybody knows if he’s ok. I haven’t heard from him since the Thanksgiving contest ended… I was just concern… Thanks…


With the greenhouse forest he had…he’s probably still in trim jail. :joy:

He did have a big job coming up also.
So he planned to be a tad MIA.

I’m sure he’s alright. I hope he’s alright!


Nothing so far no word! Hope all’s well :pray:t2:

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Haven’t got em yet but I’m sure he’ll get around to it. Probably just busier than usual.


Not yet! Hope all is well!

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@jamMAKEcan he posted on one thread he has been super busy with work. He is sorry but will be getting letters out soon or something to that effect. He has a decent commute so long hours and driving he just probably busy.

“Hey guys, sorry I unexpectedly got slammed with a busy work week thinking I was on union vacation haha! Haven’t forgot about ya but also haven’t been able to package y’all up and get it sent”


Ohh ok im grateful he ok i was worried about him being ok … Work is always a good thing… Thanks guys…


Just in case a text was sent. :+1:


Hey all @AzSeaindooin420 is fine he has been spoken to. Really busy right now so no worries. @jamMAKEcan


@420noob . thanks brother…

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Ok so it’s been 2 months and i still havent heard nothing from @AzSeaindooin420 . about the 1st place prize. I dont know if anybody else got theirs… But i think I’ll give my 1st place prize to whoever … I cant wait anymore…
Maybe he’s still working which is great.:trophy:.:trophy:. But when he comes around he can give it to whoever he wants . i guess…

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Probably still in trim jail after that harvest! :rofl:
I think he does seek out side gigs.
@AzSeaindooin420, you slice homie?

I will be taking over distribution of these prizes.

Please allow time for the beans to arrive with me and everyone who should have seeds coming will be taken care of. I’ve been in contact with AZseaindooin. Life is a bit complicated and heavy for him currently but he is still going to take care of you guys even with the current hardships he is dealing with.

Patience is a virtue.

Details will be figured out shortly.

If that’s how you feel I will divy these out to other winners. He had some major hardships come his way. So I’m sure he is more than sorry for leaving people hanging but life comes first over getting free seeds out to people.


That’s really sad to hear. Lot of it going around now unfortunately.


That was a great event he put on. Hope he can tackle this fast.


Sending my best to @AzSeaindooin420. NOTHING comes before your life, health and happiness. But hey, we all know that, RIGHT???
Take care buddy, great to see another fantastic OG’er step in and help out. @Rhai88
:clap: :clap: :heart:


Hang in there @AzSeaindooin420, we are all here for you. Just reach out!:+1::wink::facepunch::sunglasses::peace_symbol:

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Yeah man, see you when you get back bud @AzSeaindooin420 I hope everything eases up on you soon.


Oh no! Sad to hear.
Life can be a cruel bitch sometimes.
Glad you’ve been in contact with him. :slightly_smiling_face:
We miss you @AzSeaindooin420. Keep you head up. HMU via PM if ya ever need to vent brotha.


Well since you are doing it… If u don’t mind… I will still accept the winnings… If u don’t mind.:grin:.
Thank you for stepping up…
I wasn’t getn any response … I didn’t know what else do do
I apologize if i caused any issues

Best wishes to him hope he can get over it safe and healthy.:green_heart:.