The Bucket Company

Is anyone running their 3 or 5 gallon bucket setups? The 20% sale going on has me looking, but I wanted to ask around here to see what sizes you guys were using and what kinds of yields you are getting with them, and if you think they were worth the purchase. I’m looking to turn a 9x12 room into a flower room and I really like the design of these. Thanks!


I use what’s available and some are free…cat litter buckets, detergent buckets even Dollar tree buckets…I keep it simple…


Yea I feel that. I could DIY something, but the older I’ve gotten, the less DIY I have become lol. It’s a clean setup for sure though.


I had a clean set up too, back in the day…but nowadays to me if you know the basic principles of how a DWC works any containers that will hold water will work… I just concentrate more on the quality of the plant I’m growing other than the buckets…you can grow a 3+ft. tall plants with 3gals. buckets…

This container grew a 3+ft. tall plant bromigo…when growing in water theres no resistance on the roots so the whole container will fill out with roots unlike soil.




I’d be using these for soil. I need a 99% mess free setup to protect the room and the wood floors. Sprayer manifolds and central runoff collection are features I’m looking for. I’ve thought about using some flood trays, but those add up quick and I’d end up spending 4-500 on those as well.

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You’d be surprised on what containers you can use at the Dollar Tree/Dollar General stores bromigo…


phil, i’m loving your approach. i think like vahomegrown, i’m so used to throwing money at problems, when really there are cheap or re-useable solutions around us aplenty. my parents are amazing immigrant gardeners who have recycled a lot of the materials that they currently use. i can learn a lot from you guys.


I’ve been there and done that…but why spend the money for those when you can use everyday items or shop and the Dollar Tree/Dollar General…I really dont care what/how the planters look like as long as it does the job…Having a nice looking expensive planter is not gonna make you an expert gardener…But the number one reason is, I’m not trying to keep up with the Jones’s…I can grow just as good if not better using recycled items…save your money for quality Nutrients instead bromigos…

This Item cost me $2 …the top bucket has the bottom cut out and it will grow a plant up to 5+ft. tall in soil…and it’s easy to water because of the lip on the bottom bucket…correction nowadays it cost $2.50 because prices went up to $I.25 at the Dollar tree



I run 5 gal DWC, all black standard buckets and the top Hats with coco chunks. I would advise against using white buckets as light plus nutrients equals bacteria. I think my yield and quality are decent but always roomto learn and improve.

Black bucket cost more from hydro stores…I have that covered too, literally…I use black plastic garbage bags from again, Dollar tree…I’m not gonna spend money on tape/paint…I keep it simple folks and I don’t do any overthinking when it comes to growing to weed.

Not too shabby for recycled items…


Ive seen some people use them in their journal, no complaints from what I saw, except someone changed them because the size was constraining (to fill them they had to grow low number of big plants always).

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These buds were grown in recycled items…anyway when the buckets are covered in black plastic bags to me it looks perfectly fine…


I’m not used to throwing money at problems in that sense. I’ve been a DIY guy my whole life. I fix my own cars, work on my own house, put together computers, AR15’s, any hobby I get into is like that. It might not cost anything to go cheap, but you always end up paying with your TIME. I’m getting to the point where I don’t mind paying more money to not have to spend time researching parts and fittings, placing a bunch of orders, getting my tools out, putting everything together, cleaning up, etc… I just got done doing the wheel bearings and brakes on my car, I need to pull the engine in my truck and fix lifters, head gaskets, rear main seal, DOD/AFM delete… I live in the country, closest gas station is 20 mins away. I dont have time to go around to dollar stores and try and find the cheapest way possible to do everything.

I appreciate all the responses but I’d really like to hear from people that have used this product and hear their opinion on it.


I gave you the boiled down opinion of someone with experience. I will dm you the journal so you can see how they worked for him.

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