The Canadian Contingent (Part 2)

I’m going to run out of milk for my coffee.

I can’t believe I’m going to say this:

I wish I had a jug of milk or at least a carton.


good one haha

you guys crack me up LOL

A waterbox thingy? :grin::joy:


Yes one of those things that shall not be mentioned.

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You can’t “return for refund where applicable” in Ontario FYI.
No deposits on pop cans milk jugs. Only beer bottles and… Something else that I forgot.
In BC it’s basically created jobs for the homeless.
I’ve had my windows smashed twice… All that they got was a 10c pop can :face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth:


Another vote for milk bags!

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Milk jugs are returnable. Beer cans are (not pop which makes no sense)

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When I was very young we used to get money for penny candy by collecting and selling pop cans to the recycling depot.

Who’s turning the cut now? 🥸

I did too :grin:, E.B. was the owner of the candy store, never did find out what that stood for, lol… Ahh, when youth had a little drive, eh? :person_shrugging:

That said, I haven’t seen penny candies in 3 decades or so, hahaha


We also used to steal empty 24ers from the sides or people houses and return the bottles.

That’s a lot of penny candy. I got busted in grade 5


Hahahaha I could have used you back in the day. I was always hiding my empties behind our shed (I was 6’ 5" and 14, I could buy boose in liquor stores without being asked for ID, I had a lot of empties 🤦). Life was grand, until dad found my stockpile :rofl:


We got busted for taking beer down to the valley and we had to furiously explain that we didn’t drink beer we ate candy.

Ratted out by jealousy.

I had to wear a shirt and tie and slip in with the after work downtown crowd to get booze from the liquor store. Worked every time.

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Hahahaha can you imagine being on the adult side of that convo?? :joy::rofl:

That’s some dedication and ingenuity :joy::metal:


We were almost in really big trouble.

The liquor store move was a good one. There were other ways but that way was perfect.

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Saved ya all the “fees” of getting someone to boot for ya too :metal::grin:

LOL, getting in shit for returning empties to buy penny candy… Yeah, you and I would have got into a lot of trouble as kids together, lol… I was always getting in shit for something, but I was legit being “innocent” in it. My older sister was such a pain in the ass, as I said to her one time, “because of you, I’m getting into yrouble for stuff I haven’t even done yet!”. Of course, all she heard was the “yet”, which found its way back to mom and dad and got me in more trouble :joy:


I was in trouble so often that being in trouble was not really a big deal. “Oh no! I’m in trouble!”

My younger siblings played that game very well on me.

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In comparison to my sister, I was an angel and never really did anything (or, more accurately, never got caught doing anything) that required much attention… I 100% skated under the radar and did pretty much whatever I wanted. My sister was very reactionary, I was much more methodical :grin:


When I first moved to BC every time I took a drink of something it reminded me of Kramer loading up the mail van with empties. :joy::joy::joy:


found a candy store in Banff this fall problem is the penny stuff costs a dollar now wife and i dropped like a hundred bucks in there was worth it


I know that candy store!! Man, just breathing the air in that place costs a mortgage payment, but it’s sooo sweet, lol. You did well only dropping a hundred!