The Canadian Contingent (Part 2)

Any of you guy know of a Canadian fella that did clones by the handle of Giggy ?


I know Giggy



A friend of mine dealt many times with Giggy for clones in the past but lost his contact info over time.
I told him about this forum and the amount of Canadians here so he asked if I could find out if he was still around.
Heā€™ll be happy to hear .

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I heard in Saskatchewan you arenā€™t allowed to smoke a spliff and drive your car with 2nanograms per decaliter. That means anyone who has had a puff in the last month canā€™t drive lol!


If thatā€™s true, thatā€™s hilarious, especially being Saskā€¦ Sask is so flat you can see one side of it from the other, looking along the same road :joy:. You have to intentionally turn off the road, theyā€™re all straight :joy:

I have also had to scrape the inside of my window when i visitedā€¦ It was -47C when we got out of a movie.


Yeahā€¦ measuring metabolic byproducts and then establishing a ā€˜one size fits allā€™ number is totally bogusā€¦ and the authorities know it.

Unfortunately, it will probably take decades of litigation before the laws are properly fixed. :pleading_face:



couple years ago here in BC interior I was hot boxing the ice hut as I always do LOL and a conservation officer comes along and unzips my tent door. He checks my stuff, all good, but then blathers on about weed and how itā€™s not in thier mandate to deal with it , I shouldnā€™t be consuming ā€œin publicā€ ā€¦ okay then. he leavesā€¦ or so I thought.
Two and a half hours later I got my limit , packed up and headed off the ice. I see his truck still in the parking lot and found that odd. But whatever, I head off and as I am driving down the road home this rcmp cruiser passes me, kicks on the lights and siren and pops a nut ā€¦ I just pulled over. Iā€™m an observant fellaā€¦ I knew what was up. So the cop pulls behind me and , checks my id and reggie and then gets me out of the vehicle. We have a 20 minute conversation road side. Meanwhile the dirt bag CO, who should have been out on all the other lakes in the area full of ice fisherman checking licensesā€¦ but noā€¦ lets sit in the parking lot at this lake and try and bust this guy for weed ā€¦
Anyhow I wonā€™t get into all the details of the roadside convo but I show him my med license paper, show him the 3 joints in my container. In the end, he is satisfied that I am not impaired and sends me on my way. I donā€™t know why he didnā€™t test me furtherā€¦ I had smoked a bat of biker kush as I was catching my last fish hehehe
So I sensed an attitude of decency from this rcmp guy I dealt with. Iā€™d say he was a senior member going by his age. He was sharp and put me thru a lot of double questions to try and trip me up but in the end ā€¦ no DUI for me , much to the chagrin of the lazy CO tryin to be johnnydogooderā€¦ Iā€™ll remember him for next time hehe


COā€™s can be bruuuutal, and they donā€™t like being proven wrongā€¦ I betcha dude has your license plate written down tooā€¦

Glad the RCMP donā€™t really want to deal with pot amymore


My buddy was finished hunting and standing at his truck rolling a joint. A Conservation officer pulls up and he throws the bag under the truck. The officer checks his license and is about to go when a stiff breeze blows the bag of weed out. The officers says " I know you are not going to stand here and tell me thatā€™s not your weed" my buddy says " I sure as heā€™ll ainā€™t gonna stand here and tell you that it is !"


A CO (AKA woodpecker cop) wanting to play at being a real copā€¦ what a surpriseā€¦
For some reason, they all consider the term ā€œwoodpecker copā€ to be derogatoryā€¦ toughā€¦ :laughing: :vulcan_salute:



Do you have a permit for that woodpecker?


Just a quick reminder fellow Canadians. Stamps all went up today. US went up 10c, international up 21c and oversized up 15c. Standard Canadian stamps also went up put your Permanent Stamps are still good until used. Just had to but a pile of 5c and 1c stamps to cover the difference. :v:


Thanks for the reminders


In protest Iā€™ll never mail again.


on purpose as that is how Canadians react when they get upset. I am so damn made i am going to write a letter shoot car payment this week well next week i am writing a big one see how that works pay that record deficit off 10 cents at a time

A friend of mine went and bought a bunch of clones from these guys last week.
ā€œThey must be good producers because theyā€™re legal.ā€ was his reasoning.


lol I think thatā€™s backwards


Thatā€™s crazy! First our penny now they are looking at our mail.


And of course itā€™s a few days AFTER they just raised postal rates!

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Not sure what the limit is but itā€™s very minimal. Last month they just implemented every driver getting stopped will blow now.
So beware driving though the province could get your vehicle impounded.
If you or your vehicle smells of weed automatic 3 day suspension.

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