The Canadian Contingent (Part 2)

and yet I still can’t buy clones at the local garden nurseries…
but hey, lets sell more beer LOL
never was much of a drinker.


Yeah grocery stores too. I don’t think you can buy hard liquor anywhere but the liquor store.

I have zero issues with booze in stores… I have the ability to walk/scroll passed something I don’t like.

What I do have a problem with is now everyone working in a gas station/corner store is going to have to be over legal age so they can sell it to you.

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Meanwhile gun crime is rampant with unregulated over the counter gun sales .


I hope the man who had her charged is being mocked to shame by his friends.


Someone like this is prob a sad and angry as fuck old man alone in a house thinking the world owes him something. Fuck this guy. I hope the community around him takes care of their own turd.


Maybe if the water gun was filled with piss or something.

This just in: weather arrested for assaulting man with rain.


I’m really digging Alberta’s new Bill of Rights… should be the same across the whole country… I hope it gets adopted.
then water gun fights can resume as normal without fear of having some idiot ruin your life with frivilous charges. Amazes me that there are people as stupid as this in our country, waisting our judiciary system on an arrant squirt gun.
is it the covid vaccines making everyone dumber than rocks or what?
I need to roll a rocket


That’s why I’m such a big proponent of water gun control. Long water guns only. Short water guns illegal.


The strange part was the cops never got both sides of the story or even went to talk to other neighbors. We had a grumpy old man here, he even tried to get me in trouble with the cops by shoving me and then telling the cops I shoved him first. The cops came and talked to me, I told 'em the story. They already had sooooooo many calls by this old man they knew he was a trouble causer. Hah hah after the cop told me that the old man claimed I shoved him, pops told the cop that the old man was trying to run us down on the road with his truck. Then the cop got fucking agitated. Went and told the old man never do that shit again.


I said booze in corner stores, Miller Lite doesn’t qualify :joy::joy::metal::wink:


Apparently it was a rather young, junior cop… They’re already saying he was overzealous.

This is on par (or worse than) the woman in the US suing McDonald’s for giving her hot coffee.

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