The Canadian Contingent (Part 2)

Toss that in the fireplace. It looks like penicillium.


My guess is fusarium , just by the way those buds are wilted

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Where would it come from?

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From what I understand with my limited knowledge the spores live in soil, no real way of knowing exactly where, how ever if your growing in an area that farms cereal grain crops it could come from neighboring crops, as it is an issue in commercial farming.


Free willow premium firewood for anyone that wants it, just pay for delivery lol


I need firewood! :grin:


Where is it going to be delivered from ? Looks more like mulch not logs, if you are working in the upper Lahave Bridgewater area and want to dump any wood chips or logs give me a shout I will take it.


Yikes, lots of ambers.


Perfect for me :wink:

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I don’t remember the context of the pic I was just trying to diffuse political nonsense.

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Oh man, two days ago a neighbor had two trees chopped. Oak too and the wood sat there since, went by this morning on my morning walk with Charlii and there were two guys with trucks just piling it on. I was like “nice guys! Helluva score there no?” (There was even 4-5ft sections you could easily make oak board from) the one guy shook his head saying “ I pay good money for this stuff and will definitely turn it into just that “ it’s probably 4 truck loads if they are PACKED!


Of course, everybody has their own personal preference and it’s all good by me.

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Great stuff, all split in tiny pieces , tightly stacked with no airgap , be able to shovel in just like coal and polly the same btu’s of a snowball per shovel lol

We have clients on second peninsula that take our woodchips when we’re up that way , we’ve built them some nature trails and they want more trails built .


Well, thanks for reminding me anyway. With the weather we’ve been having, firewood was the last thing on my mind. Got a bush cord coming Thurs. or fri. now.


wtf is a bush cord ?

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4’ X 4’ X 8’ of wood. 128 cu. ft. Lasts me all winter with the insert, burning every night!


Why would they use the term “bush” ?
A cord is a cord, 4x4x8 tightly stacked.
You are hard pressed to get a full cord in a 3/4 ton truck with an 8’ dump insert with sides that go to the top of the headboard unless it is tightly packed .

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I’m not sure…that’s how I’ve always bought it. Also known as a full cord, but no one ever calls it that…here anyways.

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4 cords of wood make up a bush cord.