The Canadian Contingent (Part 2)

got you beat… mine has not arrived yet and they received it on may 4rth/2023. Have been back and forth with them between august and october and then the agent I was dealing with went silent and hasn’t replied.
I had a 110 plant indoor count so it was a problem for them LOL
I am dealing with License to Grow and they have been great. Offered me the free 24gram script while they fight health canada through the courts over the changes. When they sent me the letter my license was under review, I got my doctor and my pain specialist involved. Wrote out an intensive description of how I grow, how I process and which cannabis products I use and how I use them. Signed by me , my doctor and my pain specialist … they received those in September 5 days before my license renewal date came up. The agent even questioned if my doctors were real LOL she was a total douche on the phone the two times I actually got her to call me.
They are stupid fucking drones getting paid too well , with big benefits and pension packages while they screw with peoples lives. Health Canada is hostile to home growers it’s just that simple. The politicians who allow this shitshow to keep going on are being paid very well to instruct health canada to behave this way.

Fuckem All… once an outlaw grower… always an outlaw grower.
License or not, I’ll do as I please just like all them greasy well paid politicians are doing these days (on our dime no less)


So apparently THCeed broke his hand in brutal fight for a speckled trout. Going to be tough for our friend to roll joints now, so if any Canadians wants to roll a couple and mail them to him just PM me for his address.

Come on Canada…lets help a brother out…he’d do it for you! :slightly_smiling_face:


Heel up soon @THCeed !!!

If any of you like Irish whiskey you should try the 2 Gingers .

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You are amazing brother. Well, so are a lot of famOG. I have managed to roll 2 joints so far. Neither one even coming close to lasting more than 5 minutes. Almost comical looking. First one canoed pretty bad, the second was a lot better, burning wise, anyway. Big difference from my usual 20 minute plus cannons.
Thanks for the well wishes, everyone.


I saw this on gtaseedbank today by BC Bud Depot.


Be very weary of BC Bud Depot…extremely weary.


Ahhh yes, I thought I remembered something about them. Where they respected in the past?

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Ya as in stay TF away lol


Back in 2012 I saw their booth in Amsterdam. The were shilling “the purp”, “the black”, etc…bought a few packs and they were all shit…all…not one decent thing to say about any of the plants. Very underwhelming. Was disgusted that they were representing Canadian breeders at such a prestigious event.

Lol…and cheers to everyone who has heard me rant about that multiple times over the last 5 years…lol


Oh no! I appreciate your first hand acount.

Thanks for the heads up yall!

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You’re probably after that particular strain, but if you’re looking for good seeds the JOTI company has good gear.


Thanks for the recommendation. I have my eye on his texada timewarp for my first honest go at an outdoor grow this spring.

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I’m getting ready to start his blue timewarp in the next couple weeks.

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Will it be and outdoor or ondoor plant? I hear they can be big

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Just tossing this out there to see if any interest. I know a guy who is very connected. Used to have well over 100s of cuts but is slowly shutting it down. Im going to be bulking my stable out again come spring. Just thought I’d toss this out there and see if people have interest in a group buy to get more of his cuts. Can figure out logistics if there is enough interest, this is just a feeler post atm. This is the most recent list I got from him, you’d cry if you saw his full list and some of what got let go already

Motorbreath 15
Roji og
Lindsay og
Legend og (Kush)
Hazmat og
Topanga canyon og
Valley og
King (mother of pink kush)
Chemdog 91
Chemdog 91 (s1) D pheno
Chemdog 91 (s1) Sour pheno
Old BC master kush
Purple hurkle urkle
Purple skunk (God bud mother)
Vic highs space queen
80s acrid skunk
Sour dubb
Super lemon haze
Alaskan thunder fuck
Midnight snow
Mikado (grapefruit)
Dog haze
Maple ridge rockstar
Aj sour diesel
Dr grinspoon
Vintage HC affy
Winnie the blue (old-school blueberry)
Pineapple sorbet
Pink kush
Vancouver Purple kush
Coffee Purple kush
Breeder Steve sweet skunk
Pandoras box (cherry lime cleaner)
Sari chem
Girl scout cookies (thin mint)


These peak my intsrest so far :slight_smile:


Don’t forget the Maple Ridge Rockstar :wink:


Ditto! And that goes for Rockstar.


I didnt! Was looking up the maple ridge part and after a quick google that’s top if the list!!


I’m going to be doing indoor. Maybe 3 weeks of veg and then into flower. Should be solid.

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