The Cannabis Research Lab

Good idea!

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If you got anything to add please feel free! And invite everyone over to check it out so we can grow this thread to the master data thread haha

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You might as well transfer all of the ones in this thread.


I took a quick look and there’s some great info there thank you!


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Thank you for sharing that here. I missed it some how.

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The search function is not the greatest at times.

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I’ll try and bring the growing side of things from that thread and try and keep them both their own topic. I think it’s super beneficial to have a separate drying and curing science thread

I totally agree the search here is the worse of any site I have been on.

No point keeping them separate, as you found, not always the easiest of things to find. If the stuff does not end up in here it will eventually fall back into history and only be found if someone stumbles upon it.

@GrowingInThePines most forum software search engines suck, I have had to find stuff with the topic and me as an author using Google rather than the site’s software. Mind you the site had over 8k of posts by me so maybe not the greatest of help.

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You’re right, didn’t think of it that way. Just didnt wanna steal from the other post haha but we can definitely do that

The Highs and Lows of P Supply in Medical Cannabis: Effects on Cannabinoids, the Ionome, and Morpho-Physiology


A collection of 16 academic papers:

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Thanks for dropping this in here!

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I really like pubmed’s “related articles” lol


speaking of related articles…


Here’s a brilliant new Canadian paper that is the most comprehensive thing I’ve ever seen on botrytis cinerea and cannabis, it’s going to take a while for me to digest this:

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To evaluate the hypothesis we examined the impact of five supply ratios of NH4/NO3 (0, 10, 30, 50, and 100% N-NH4 +, under a uniform level of 200 mg L-1 N) on plant response.


These guys picked some pretty extreme ranges to test. I’d rather see the ratios from like 0-2… not many people using a 10x ratio due to calcium requirements, which come from calcium nitrate for the average person. I guess they’re probably concerned with field growing rather than inert media where all the calcium needs to be supplied by the nutrient solution.

But yeah NH4 is a bit rough due to being a much smaller molecule with much faster uptake rates compared to NO3. It’s much harder to control, but could have some beneficial properties in small amounts with regard to counteracting pH rise.