Large-scale whole-genome resequencing unravels the domestication history of Cannabis sativa

Not sure where to put this.


So according to this, cannabis originated in China. Someone told me when I decided to use Chinese salt based fertilizers to breed 2 landrace Peshawar Afghans, they were no longer Afghans. They were now Chinese Afghans. However, if Afghan cannabis were once Chinese cannabis… it wouldn’t make a difference. Lol. More like feeding them a meal from their ancestors time. :grin:
A bit much, but a good article.


Really great read thanks bunny

@bunny thank you so much for sharing this. there is a gold mine of info in there, again really cool

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I’d say that analysis and modeling pretty much backs up R.C. Clarke’s work. Adds a lot of detail.
Great post!


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Thanks for sharing! Will put this in the article que!

Probably should have started a thread for technical papers but that just sends me down a rabbit hole looking for interesting articles and I never get anything done. Will do it yet.

Chinese weed has elevated levels of opioids. I’ve heard!

Another paper on the degradation of CBD in samples. for those interested in CBD storage.

Stability Study of Cannabidiol in the Form of Solid Powder and Sunflower Oil Solution

To cut to the chase it does not degrade at 20 C if stored for a year in powder form.

The role of time and storage conditions on the composition of hashish
and marijuana samples: A four-year study

Yes, I want to get rid of the THC and retain CBD.