The Canno Lator : a potential game changer

I recently listened to a podcast with Wernard Bruining who is one of, if not the main pioneer of the Amsterdam cannabis revolution. Apart from being a living legend he also has created and designed some killer tools for the community. The one that I thought was amazing is the Canno Lator which is a kit for making small batches of RSO and different oils. This is a vital tool to get for cancer patients to make their own medicine and without needing a pound of material to begin with, pretty sure he said 15 to 20 grams of plant material is all you need.

A couple years ago I beat cancer and Rick Simpson Oil was a huge part of my recovery process. RSO can get expensive especially when taken 3x a day so the Canno Lator is a game changer and costs around €120. Another advantage to making small batches is you can use different flower for multiple batches and in turn have a much wider and diverse range of cannabanoids, for treating cancer this is key.

Anyone tried the Canno Lator? I’m going to purchase one soon, as I need to keep up on my maintenance doses.

Bless, Fatty


Thanks, you can make small doses, I have made some oil with a Crockpot but this looks faster … beer3|nullxnull

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Thanks for sharing the link @George yes meant to be faster and with a better return so more efficient. You may even be able to buy one across the counter in Spain.

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They sell them online in Spain, I watched the video and looks complicated for me icon_e_confused|nullxnull, @JadeNectar kindly sent me a recipe for doing oil in a Crockpot, just fire and forget, but I am intrigued on this one as you can do small batches and play with that. Maybe after gaining some more experience empollon|nullxnull I will give Cannolator a try, there’s always something more to learn … :sweat_smile:


I think after doing it once it would be pretty straight forward but there was a few steps to remember. What’s the smallest amount you’ve tried in a crockpot? I was always under the impression that because of the surface area of a crockpot being quite large you need a good amount of plant material.

I bought the smallest Crockpot :sweat_smile: and used 100 grams of buds for 1 liter of olive oil. I was told that the buds should be dry to avoid pathogens, so I used my “ancient” stash and cooked it for 24 hours. Someone said that the longer you cook THC it degrades in CBN, so next time I will go for 36 hours to make it look like CBD oil, one cousin with arthritis rheumatoid has found relief for his pain with it, looks really interesting …

I will try to do a smaller batch next time, maybe cropping the buds and making them smaller makes it easier to cover with less oil … beer3|nullxnull


That’s the thing I’m not currently growing so 100 grams is a lot of $$. The other advantage is it only takes 2 hours and with my 3 year old getting in to everything the less time the better for me. The initial cost is a little expensive but that money will be saved instantly after a few batches. For the non-grower anyway.

That’s great to hear:)