Does anyone have an actual RSO recipe? Cancer coming, need help!

Please link any RSO recipes here…death will come to us all, but it doesnt have to be so early or painful…please share stories of life experiences for inspiration to others who may be fighting the fight …


I looked up what rso meant a couple days ago. This seems to be a pretty good write up… ppl with experience may have other advice


the first link is ricks own site, i believe


My mother in law found out she had Cancer. For two years she was on the decline. She tried everything. Every drug imaginable for her pain and sickness. She was loosing hope and giving up.

I brought her some RSO and she began taking it. She eventually was ingesting up to a graham a day. She wasn’t suppose to live long, she had stage 4 and it was aggressive.

That oil helped her live her days happy. It saved her from giving up. It helped her appetite and nausea at such a high level. Most importantly it did something to her mind set. She had hope again.

She lasted 6 years, 4 of her last (I believe) can be attributed to her aggressive approach with the RSO.

What we learned during those years was that cancer needs to be approached holistically. In North America Our medical systems success rate eradicating cancer with chemo and radiation is only 2% . 98% failure rate. Our system is designed to kill.


This is just a quick write up I did the other day.
Take your trim and small bud put it in glass jars, take the glass jars, large hole type strainer, colander will work as well, do finer filtering later. At least 190 Proof alcohol, some use 99% ISO but I do not, cheaper to use though. Put it in the freezer for 24 hours or more.

Pour the alcohol over the bud in the jar, until completely covered, shake for 3 minutes, have your colander set up so you can strain in it, right in the freezer, then repeat. This will keep the green out.

Then filter it through a finer filter, 75 micron or lower. Take the filtered liquid, and freeze it for 72 hours. This you want to drain off as fast as you can, leaving lipids and waxes behind. I will not dump it all, leave a bit of alcohol, and dump it, because it has lipid and waxes, you can alternately refreeze that and drain once again, to get the remaining lipids and waxes out.

Filter one more time if you have a 25 micron screen works best. Then purge off the alcohol. Do not purge it all off, let it be a bit liquidy, then that last you can finish off in the oven at 220, or a magnetic hot plate with stirrer. When the smaller bubbles have dissipated, you have decarbed oil. :slight_smile: To test to make sure no alcohol, which I don’t worry about quite so much since I use grain and it actually dissolves better in medibles if a bit of alcohol left. Simply have a small amount on a dab tool or something that is fire proof, light it, if sparks, alcohol left and needs more time to purge off.

While warm suck it up into syringes. If you don’t have syringes, put it in a jar with lid, then scoop out what you need.


In Michigan we have treated many for cancer with cannabis oil. One of the interesting things I was reading the other day, Prostate cancer, the treatment is more effective in the raw form, juicing would work. It does not kill off prostate cancers as well when decarbed.

Adding in CBD to this will keep it from metastasizing, some cancers such as hormonal driven, do best with high CBD low THC, while many others do better with high THC, low CBD.

There is some info on the net, not enough by far, but some studies have been done on cancers and the most appropriate medicine to fight that type cancer.

One thing I always forget to mention, well two lol. the Oil is For Life, you can not stop using some form of cannabis to keep cancer from rearing it’s ugly head. The oil dehydrates, I recommend drinking lemon water through out the day. Green tea also fights cancer, I would recommend green tea and water with fresh lemon.


Hi @Gardenartus great info as always


I’ve made RSO for years. It’s as simple as washing your buds in acetone. Mix it up for a while. Until you see the trich heads are gone. Then you can strain that through no4 coffee filter paper. Place in a glass bowl. Use a slow cooker as a double boiler and evaporate the acetone off until you’re left with an oil. Take it off the heat and purge for as long as you can or at least until you see bubbles stop forming. Then you can heat again lightly to be able to collect in your storage container.

That’s my method anyway. I do usually set up extraction right by the bowl evaporating straight out the shed and wear a respirator. Or suffer mighty headaches :mask: if you get stuck you know where to find me. Also use lab grade acetone not nail polish remover


Ultimately, found a 3 part series from mr.s. himself!!here’s a qp with a gallon of isopropyl…99% USP



That ain’t pickle juice!!
90 second, frozen qwiso wash.


The 2 liter is there to fill the first boiler, of the second boiler (oil…I hope)…
Fuck…getting cold tonight …

Looks like my night will end… sometime after the sun rises…this takes forever…usually did it in an old pizza hut deep dish pan…garage sale bargain for $0.25…this double boiler is taking forever…and I’m cold…I keep typing to keep my fingers warm…frig


Reality has set in…this is not going to be a 24 hour process…


story of my life :slight_smile: more 25

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I am rigging up a timer and putting a lid on this

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Down to the last half gallon!!!..

Effin’ eh!!! Might take a gram today!!!

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Aint seen no science wut sez u gotta do nething besides get a lot of cannabinoids in yer system while limitin poisons n known carcinogens. Why cook it down a billion years n turn it all to CBG or CBN?

1st original recipe from Rick Simpson used naptha. LOL @ that n acetone! Hard pass.

Better 2 start w organic no spray weed. Make tincture w @ReikoX alcohol extraction recipe n then let it evap naturally (no heat) till sludge is left. The sludge is yer oil but b careful its xtra potent.

Use half decarbed half not decarbed n use some cbd weed if u want best results.Thats all u gotsta do. Aint rocket science.


I thought the decarb process happens in the pan…double boiler!?.

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Easier 2 decarb in oven before. More control n less time. Read the tincture recipe.


Medical grade iso and 24 hours later…I usually just use a hot plate or burner.but i cant afford to lose the potency the thing that was killing me was