The Central American landrace and heirloom thread (Part 1)

I’m surprised it wasn’t excellent going by looks alone. Nice resin coverage. I recently just this morning read that Mexico has or at least had many type 3 plants ( high cbd low or no thc) growing in the country. Have you come across anything like this? Would these be acclimated hemp plants? Could the pictured plant have contained a bit of cbd?


Deeper into the cure the OST in the fridge jarred has a cookie dough ice creme type of aroma. Almost reminds me of a type of scented candle I can’t put my finger on. Very appealing regardless.
I have several OSTx RIL SOWAH seeds going now. First one to pop up. RIL Sowah is a excellent plant one of the best bud I have grown. Should be interesting cross with Old SilverT.


What does this stand for?

Outstanding plants I got from this pack.They were super stretchy and lanky like the OST “sort of” but the bud was sour diesel type smoke and beefier than the pure sativa. i have had real Sour D in NyC it leans this way in the cross. Was a stretcher. Should be good mix with the high flying Mind Soar of the OST


Torreón Violet comes to mind. You can read some old high times market quotes where it is listed. The northern Mexicans seems to be mostly non drug varieties. More rope than dope as my dad would say.

I once read (in the first grow bible perhaps?) that the weed in Mexico was high thc closer to the equator, and turned into CBD the closer you got to the border.


That would follow what i have learned. Latitudes near 30 degrees should have thc/ cbd in them, but also some THC phenos I’d think. Maybe most of it was feral ditch weed = lousy high?
I read about Torreon Violet. Who had that…Snowhigh?


What Oaxacan is this?


These are the ones I received from you last week from Cryptic Labs originally


@deeez99. Oh sweet! If I can make a suggestion… you May want to throw a couple more transplants in your routine. These can get huge if given root space early. Best to keep them in small containers til week 8 or 10 of flowering, give or take. Solo cup into a quart, into half gallon, then gallon til end of stretch, then into 3 gallon for the finish. If you are a good transplanter and wait until the roots envelope the soil before doing so( not root bound, but enough roots to keep the root ball from falling apart) and always use the same soil mix, they won’t skip a beat. Yet, they are able to sense the limits of their container and will grow like a goldfish according to its size.
If you have a powerful light and tall ceilings I like your first idea, solo cup to 3 gallon. :grin:. May have to up pot to a 5 gallon later though.


Double Panama red round two.

8 days later there stretching great…and looking good…

The twins are going upward stretch…and the Sativa leaning type one is going sideways.

Unfortunately we lost the Panapus past week it’s been producing loads of male flowers…As I have loads in the greenhouse I culled it.

Still chuffed with what I got….




Ps. I forgot ( that DPR smoke does that)

I’ve got all the seeds from the bud I pollinated.

And I tried one couple of days ago. About 25 seeds




Ah thank you for that suggestion because as much as I’d love to fill the room to the 8 foot ceiling that was just not part of this particular plan so I will try to do the incremental up sizing.


Recently received a pack of the Oaxaca at my post, thank you @Upstate !

Do you expect at least 16 wks for these?

For running outdoors in New England would you recommend to start flowering indoors in June or July and then bring outside in late August?


Happy to help… I’m trying to come up with something easy everyone can do. Feeding these can be difficult and size is always a concern indoors… This method really helps in both regards. Looking forward to seeing more of these grown out.
@catapult 13-16 weeks flowering, occasionally up to 20.
If you start flowering by the solstice they will be done by mid October, with some exceptions. Placed outdoors at the end of August the day length should be safe to continue floral development… but I haven’t tried it yet.
The beginning of the month of August has 14 1/2 hours daylight, the end of the month has 13 1/4 daylight hours. I have read they will continue to flower, but its too much work to test it. I’d move them out in August but also use light dep to keep the short days. We hit 12/12 on the equinox.


Thnx that’s good info. Makes me wonder, have you ever tried to using 13 hours for early flower while indoors?

Cookie Dough Ice Cream? Neat. Unexpected. Er, uh…I mean…that’s what I was going for🤣


Very nice and healthy looking plants. What’s your soil mix for these? They certainly enjoy the extra root space and the tropical sun. I’d say Panabush( RIP Panapus) is looking like a winner! She’s loving life! Congrats on your first homeade sprout too. Thats awesome! A step closer to bringing the 74 Panama home😁
Bummer Panapus was a hermie.


Quick Q: if it suggests 13-14 week veg + 12-13 week flower… can you just still just flip to 12/12 at 2 weeks from seed to get the party going or is this a stupid idea?

Reason: i’m waffling on orderimg Jalisco from TLT and the natural adventure timing is 6 months (as described above)



That’s just the veg time the plant would get in country. You can go 12 -12 from seed like @GREANDAL has done. I did a three week veg and the plants flowered quicker. Not sure if thats a coincidence or not. Same overall grow time. Many tropical plants won’t flower until they hit sexual maturity, so whether the light cycle is long or short at first may not make a difference in when that happens. In other words for example you grow one plant under 12 12 for 8 weeks before it responds by beginning actual flowering. Another clone
of the same plant you grow under 16 hours light for 8 weeks and then flip to 12 12. It will respond to flowering quicker than the other plant ( possibly) equaling roughly same total grow time in the end.
Hope i didn’t go too far off track. I was just reading an old book today and these people were growing Colombian vegetatively for 8 months and then flowering and finishing the plants by November. Pure Colombian. They were already sexually mature so they flowered quickly, like what i had happen with my Oaxaca cuttings. They flowered 2 weeks+ quicker as mature plants compared to my first run with them.


No digretion at all this is solid and very interesting information! :heart:

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