The Central American landrace and heirloom thread (Part 1)

Gonna need that recipe eventually, I have plenty of long flowering sativas that I am not looking forward to lol


Joint pain gone eh? Damn i need me some of that! I’m not sure, but I suspect the first few generations will have some cbd in them in some plants. Its actually a good sign of purity to find a Thai line today that contains cbd. Not all did, but Squirell Tail in particular is known for its healing properties. Commercial Thai lines have bred cbd out( and many are hybridized). A small amount of cbd can legthen the effects of the other cannabinoids from what I understand. How was the buzz overall?
@District_Flora I’m close to having it down.
Its really super simple and “dirt” cheap😁
@GREANDAL Kerosene? Interesting. Looks Super potent


Hermosa… That’s a great job your doing… Smashing grow.



Thank you sir! Intense experience in just about every way.


Yeah my baseline of pain is pretty high so it really surprised me when it abated all of a sudden. Wasn’t expecting it.

Lightened body feeling, kinda goes with the joint pain

Sensation of sharper vision, concentration. Was able to play some difficult tunes easily. Learned a couple fairly quickly.

Overall happiness, no agitation or racyness. *

It did last a long time, over 3 hours but I couldn’t say when it was gone, something I like.

It’s going to be much stronger

*Edit: I’m going to predict it’s going to be some real head lube when it’s done.


Um…yeah. lol serious cottonmouth happening now.


@District_Flora here’s what happens when i experiment. Heres two photos. The first the plants are in light warrior seed starting mix. The 2nd photo is one week later in 50% black gold organic garden soil/ 50% coast of Maine super soil. The mix is too strong and you’ll notice the plants have lightened in color. Maybe 25-33% coast of maine, 66-75% garden soil will work better. Coast of Maine soil stays wet forever. Could be this too. Either way, more perlite, less potent soil will fix the issue. Landrace plants require very little fertilizers. Sometimes none.


:rofl::joy::rofl:. Nice!


Tomato eyes the whole deal. lol


I’m so happy you got some good plants😁. Is that an OST bud shot up above? ( most recent photo) Definitely the keeper pheno if it is.


Yes that’s Ost with the buzz description. No doubt the other two will be good too. In a month or so. lol


If I get that dialed from the start that front pheno will put out I’m sure.


I think so too. At least one of the longer flowering phenos looks like same bud pattern. What week now? 13?

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We’re in the middle of week 15, remember I started at 12/12. Been at 11.5/12.5 for three weeks. Left it there for the slow Ost.


What’s the reasoning behind this if I may ask? To lessen the chances of it going herm?

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I moved half an hour shorter for the Oaxacans, shortening the day incrementally can help the onset of flower. Some equatorial varieties produce less resin if you deviate too far from 12/12. They’ll “finish” but will be weak. The number I’ve read as the low limit is 10.5/13.5 but that’s for faster flowering (12-14 weeks) plants. Doesn’t hurt the fast one to have a longer day but the other ones are just now taking off. Erring on the side of caution. lol


Good to be cautious. I’ve read the same thing about low light hours effecting resin.


Some Oaxacan Gold seedlings to join the party. Soaked for 24 hrs in water + peroxide in which 3 of 4 cracked open. Added them to a damp paper towel in a plastic sandwich bag for two days and then potted into solo cups. Decided to add two more using the same process in which both popped.

Seedling soil is a mix of:

  • 1 part compost
  • 1 part coco
  • 2 parts worm castings

With small amounts of the following:

  • 4-4-4 all purpose dry organic amendment
  • rock phosphate
  • azomite
  • kelp meal

Currently the plan is to pot them up to either 1 gal or their final 3 gal size pots once their leaves reach the edge of the solo cup. I’m planning to top them as this is currently setup indoors. I’ll be taking some clones for sure and possibly running them outside for the summer season. Pollen will be preserved to use when the other seeds are ran and to possibly share with anyone here that is interested.

Lighting is currently 12/12 with temps fluctuating between 72F-78F with RH 30-40%

Pictures are at four days since breaking ground.


I did this cross two years ago Aguascalientes sativa area X Jalisco Sativa area. It wasnt a bad plant, good high to take a walk and do usual activities.

