The Central American landrace and heirloom thread (Part 1)

Always good to ask before buying. Tlt ships to the states. Some strains ship from within the states, some from Europe.


nice i may wait to see if i can grab them next week when i get paid. the strain sounds wonderful and sparked my curiosity so ill run them, ect.
how is that lambs bread? that is truly a magical strain there with no doubt

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What is the source for the Jalisco?
Until now i didnā€™t know to someone that can offer pure real jalisco strain.
Btw iā€™m trying to get a really rare landrace from central AmĆ©rica, thereā€™s no info about landraces of that country,so stay tunned amigos


So a Peruvian dude found me on Reddit
Heā€™s trying to start a medical operation down there
Iā€™m having him look for old beans
Could be a fun turn of events


Itā€™s a Snowhigh strain.


I believe @Pigeonman has these but not sure if he grew them out yet

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I got them a few months ago from The Landrace Team and plan on doing an open pollination run as soon as possible.

My 4x4 is currently running 12/12 for a few months at least and Iā€™m hoping to do it right after IF Iā€™m able to keep the heat down as my AC doesnā€™t pipe into the room my tents are inā€¦ but this is a basement so itā€™s usually cool but not cool enough last year to do summer runs.

This year Iā€™ve upgraded my ducting so this one tent has 2x dedicated 6" ports directly outside so I have me :crossed_fingers: but need to litterally ā€œread the roomā€ as this flower session progresses.

I REALLY donā€™t want to have to get a portable AC so if the temps are too high then itā€™s my 1st run of the fall/winter :smiley:


Iā€™ve had to build a grow room with a Portable AC inside of it to be able to keep growing during the summer. Last year it got up to 116 degrees for a day or two during the summer heat. Still changed my lighting to turn on during the night instead of daytime to help keep the heat down. Didnā€™t do that last year and the grow room got up to 102 with the breaker going off every 30 minutes or so. Luckily I had no major ill effects. Got an electrician to pump more power into that room so should take care of the heat for the most part.


I just read electric rates have gone up nationwide between 70-200%. Good golly! No, you donā€™t want that ac going if you can avoid it. Also HUGE chance of frequent power interruptions for the whole country this summer.


You got me excited. That means Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Belize, El Salvador or Costa Ricaā€¦can you give a hint?


I just renewed ours. 100% increase.
They dont expect it to go down again


It will go up more unfortunately. Bastards.


Iā€™m so happy to have solar panels! My bill last month did indeed go up, but it was only by 20% from the year before - $2.73 to $3.25 a month. :slight_smile: A 20% increase just in processing fees would still be exorbitant at any other time, but I suppose I should consider myself luckyā€¦


How many solar panels do you have? Iā€™ve wanted to get some but donā€™t know how many I would need.


I donā€™t remember offhand, but itā€™s about 350 watt-hours/panel if you look for relatively well-made panels. The market hasnā€™t changed much in the past 5 years, it seems, other than getting slightly more expensive - panels themselves are cheaper but the market is structured worse for North America so it balances out. Including installation, it came out to about $3 per watt-hour of rated production for my system - after doing some legwork to get rid of the folks trying to get me to buy energy from them while they put panels on my roof and collect the renewable energy credits, or trying to loan me the money for panels at a 100% interest rate over a few years, etc. There are a lot of them, at least around here. Canada might be better.


When you talk about old silver sides are the stems on that pheno silver like an old nickel?I have one that sticks out and the stems are silver on it Iā€™ve never seen anything quite like this one The leaves are even more thin and serrated than the others



Its from Costa Rica, a landrace called " Hairiet" thatā€™s was the guy told me about it. Thereā€™s not a records about Costa Rica landraces on the media so if he endeed sending me the seeds, will be really interesting to see it grows.
Some photos of this interesting central american strain.


Copper canyon, last week of growing

And destroyer chi


That sounds really cool

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Looking great @gmike What is Destroyer Chi brother? I have a plant that curls its leaves up like that. I though it was heat or maybe the lights being too bright? Only happening on my inside grow and not the same plant growing outside.