The Central American landrace and heirloom thread (Part 1)

That tacoing could be heat stress, plant reduces surface exposed to preserve humidity, I would move up the lights if possible… beer3|nullxnull


Destroyer Chi = Destroyer x Cooper Canyon
We are really surprising About Cooper Canyon,the northerner landrace méxican that we got; really potent stuff so the cross with destroyer must be a bomb!


Yup. That or some excess salts in the root zone. I’d flush the roots if the light change doesn’t fix it.
@Elchischas sounds neat. Is this a Talamanca cultivar or entirely different one?


I have one that started like that too. Its a Silversides “s1”. Very similar. I’ll get a pic tomorrow to compare. Later the stalk gets resin, giving a silvery look to the stems. Good chsnce you have one. Every pack of seeds i sent out had 2 Silversides seeds put in it. Some were regular seeds, some from a couple male flowers from Old Silversides herself. These “s1” seeds are also male/ female, as the male flowers were from stress only. No guarantee you’ll get one, but its the best chance with seeds from that plant.
Here’s a Silversides pheno from a fellow OG’er that wishes to remain anonymous. Resin stalks and all😁 there was a long veg with this one. Day 35 since flip to flower. She’ll be a beautiful beast!!! Additional Veg time quickens flowering onset and duration.

@CapnCannabis note the lower leaves😁


I have another just like it a little fatter leaf but the serrations are there I had to look a bit you were definitely right 2 in the pack holy smokes they stick out once you see them they can’t be unseen far out


Talamanca bro? What is that?


Thank you very much. Yesterday I raised the lamp twice as far and today the plants have woken up with a better color, and the new leaves come out with little or no taco leaf :vulcan_salute:


Costa Rican Landrace grown by Tribals near Panama border in Talamanca Mts. They’ve been hit hard by the law lately.


Hi humble :vulcan_salute:. sorry… I forgot to add the pedrigree. As elchischas says, destroyer chi is destroyer * chihuahua copper canyon 1990.


A week from the last pics of the Bahia BR landrace.

I was going to post every two weeks or that.
But kinda wanted to share the beauty of cannabis plants.

We have had some real stinky weather here past week …top of the chart humidity…and low temps.
She just just changed her colour ( I assume because of the shit weather)

and continues making pistils…This is a real nice plant to grow.and it looks like a real hardy one.

Incredible how a plant can change its colour like that in a week…


Some pics


Nice dark purple stems. They purpled up quickly. Any smells yet with a stem rub ? Weekly updates are nice… we all like the pictures. How’s the Panama?


Beauties mate, do you know what region of CR they are from? Very interesting

I’m in your beautiful country as we speak bro, looking forward to meeting you:)

I’ll be in Oaxaca in a couple of weeks, I wonder what my chances are of finding any old stuff that’s not been molested by polyhybrids

Anyone got any hookups in Oaxaca? :pray:t4:


11 weeks …maybe a other two weeks .

What you think buddy…veg leaves all yellowing. There is a smell of citrus of he r…but not overpowering …

Maybe a fifteen weeker…remember she is natural…I’m just glad none of the plants have got but rot…the mean weather we have been getting.


Hola Hermano @FattyRoots

Good to hear from you .

The only landrace in CR I’ve ever come across was the stuff out of Limon, but growen in Talamanica by the indigenous Indians…the knobe, Bri Bri etc…mostly around the rio asixola and in the Amistad National park ( shared with Panama)

I smoked it about five years ago…in Manzanilla after first encountering it.

To cut a long story short …it’s still around…but the CR Goverment keeps destroying it…there cash crop…the one that buys school uniforms for the Bri Bri etc.

Three times I know of this destruction of those crops. Always the indigenous people who suffer.

And it’s f***ing rediculous it’s still happening …when you can easily buy weed in all the tourist areas no problem.




@Panamajock Good to hear from you too mate,.and BTW your plants look great.

Yes unfortunately the indigenous people of Costa Rica continue to get targeted in what my Tica wife calls a silent war that is pretty hush hush. Meanwhile in Tamarindo you can smoke a joint of Hydro in the street without much of a care, the tourism sector is really all they care about. They do good things with on land and sea conservation but their agricultural ethics are completely lacking, a lot of contradictions going on.

I hope the sun is shining on you down there mate and the wet season is staggered and doesn’t drop all in 3 weeks, its already began in SW Nicaragua/NW CR. Looks like we are in for a long one, stay dry and buds mold free my friend


It’s the same in Panama …drives me mad…lovely people…Do you know the Bri Bri y Knobe Indians repelled the Conquistadors at Boca de Tora…and there descendants are still picking coffee for $10 a day…

Anyway no more ranting , enjoy yourself in Mexico …see if you can find something special.

Good luck to you and the family

Viva la vida


Only coco coir @Panamajock ? Nice!


Coir was only added as a mulch …


She definitely has three or four weeks left lots of white hairs yet. I’ve been doing some thinking and I have an idea of how you could get these 2 flower longer if you wanted to bring out the pure Panama traits. I would pollinate the very last white pistils around week 13 or 14. The seeds will be forming at a time when the plant thinks the season should be over. Perhaps this will trigger unlocked potential for longer flowering? Not that there’s anything wrong with a 15-week Panama😁…


Back in 2009 I was in Tamarindo and scored some good local Sativa. I don’t know for sure what it was but upon reflection I am sure it was a sativa and a delicious one at that. I can still picture that bud when I close my eyes. Managed to smuggle a quarter ounce home in a deodorant stick. Seedless unfortunately.
@Elchischas this was my honeymoon trip. I’d love to score some Costa Rican beans. It was the first landrace I actively looked for.