The Central American landrace and heirloom thread (Part 1)

Awful to look at but you know quickly what you are up against. Russet Mites had my cousin and I scratching our heads for a couple weeks. Thought it was Nitrogen deficiency at first, so i fertilized. The plants yellowed from the bottom up and kept right on going so figured overwatering occured. The effected plants were in a low spot… Turns out it was those Russet Mites. Little Terminator bugs.


Chop day tomorrow AM for short Huixtepec( pics 2 and 3) and maybe the purple one too.( picture missing) pic 1 and 4 are same plant. Needs another week or so. Resin stalks on that purple plant are also purple. Its just beautiful! Wish I could show you guys a photo.
…last pic is Old Silversides daughter. S1 seed

Another Cryptic Labs Oaxaca
I picked the dwarfed Huixtepec over the last week. I’m desparate for Oaxaca smoke. It was done but nothing has made it long enough to dry properly. I either nuke it (.the horror!) Or dry in my hot car for after work or dry with car heater for work. I’m a weak man. Disappointed in myself. I’d always gone by the phrase" we pick no kind until its time". Wellllll I did do that lol. Just didn’t let it dry. I think I have enough to make it until the next Plant dries. I challenge anyone to smoke Oaxaca for a year straight and then run out with Oaxaca plants close to harvest and leave those plants alone. Not possible lol.


Counting weeks left to smoke that Oaxaca :sweat_smile:, sad to see the Huixtepec go, beautiful plant … beer3|nullxnull


Funny dude I do the same things quick dry in microwave, car window in a paper bag , oven when I’m out of weed and it’s ready I need to try it lol


Mexican strains are so easy to judge ripeness in my opinion. (All the gold strains are actually.)When all the big leaves yellow and fall off it’s time to pick it around a week or two later. Resin glands are just turning milky. Could leave another week for sure but its done for my taste. This stuff is strong :muscle:. I’ll have to wait for a cure
for a proper smoke report. I’ll put away half to cure. The other half will be smoked immediately lol.
@George1961 and everyone else growing these Cryptic Labs Oaxaca… I can’t wait to hear a smoke report. I think you guys will love this one as much as I do. Huixtepec and is another special one and surely related to Cryptic’s Oaxaca. Going to have to run another batch very soon.


Off to a slow start but they should shoot up fast. I put the seedlings into 2 gal and gave the first feeding today; 5ml of Surge (Roots Organics, fish hydrolysate), along with Oregonism (myco+), molasses, silica, trace elements w/humic, and, I got some age old SuperThrive, that I ran out of the last run. It’s a mind thing. But, glad to have the few ml to throw into the soup, heh. I really want to get into KNF and I may finally get some free time, soon.

Anyway, I burnt the little buggers early on with some diluted fish stuff, but they pushed through without problem. Then I left them outside to be in the sun all day and it has been brutal. Really intense at my place of 6400’ elevation. Once they get growing they should love it here. These photos were from today. They should look better in a couple of days. I can’t wait! peace


You can see why the old-school landraces aren’t as popular as hybrids. Being tall and taking so long to complete their life cycle, in this socio-political environment (prohibition), are liabilities. Keep in mind, the asshole (William Randolph Hearst) who dreamed up cannabis prohibition is the same one who got us into war with Spain.


Even more so because they wouldn’t finish outside in my climate. And it’s a challenge doing it indoors with minimal headroom.

If you want a sativa you need to grow it yourself. There is no such thing as commercial pure sativa. Not around here anyway.


In legal jurisdictions, I’m sure someone has bred a sativa that stays short and has a short flowering time, but without the heavy body stone of most indicas.

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Yes. Here the legal outlets call it sativa dominant which likely means 51/49%
These sativas you mention have been bred by injecting indica lines into the mix which defeats the whole purpose.

Nothing wrong with hybrids but that not what we’re talking about.


Indeed terminator bugs, because of the mites Ive temporarily stopped growing sativas, until I manage to control them (I live in an area surrounded by them, impossible to full eradicate) and live with them. I havnt had a single harvest free of mites since I stopped using the mini split and the dehumidifier. Depending on how this flowering cycle ends, I may or may not go back to growing mostly sexy sativas under my leds :joy:

Guerrero highland#1 (#1 of first lot of guerrero seeds popped)


The new hybrids are indeed very good, with percentages of THC I had never believed possible. The difference between pure sativa and sativa dominant is the latter’s indica genes make me a bit lethargic. Indica is great for the end of the day, but I’m useless after I smoke it.


I actually think sativa are easier to grow than anything. They go in slow motion compared to hybrids, so nothing happens fast. The times I’ve topped them, they respond really well and stay short without problem. They don’t seem to be real sensitive to lots of normal environmental problems.

I seem to get fading and dropping leaves from them constantly, so that’s somewhat normal as they age, imo. If I grow it outside, I keep them in 7 gal pots that I can move easily with a dolly, and can rush it inside at any chance of a freeze. I bring them in to stay in front of the south facing picture windows and they finish without problem.

These Oaxaca may be the exception to the others I’ve grown. I really get a kick out of them though. They seem to be bombproof once they get rolling.

Another thing to consider with growing sativa is the best cure is supposedly around 6 months, and I’m finding that to be true ime. Some that I didn’t warm up to at first were different after 6 months in the jar.

Man, we are getting brutal sun, but the Oaxaca seem to be unfazed by it whatsoever. The weekend will be their first full feeding with grow ferts. and they should shoot up. I have to find which to try in the ground and which to keep in pots for moving them. The dolly makes it easy to move them around the yard, too, lol… :slightly_smiling_face:


A few years ago, Beanhoarder made a cross of F-13 and C99, that he described as smokes like a sativa but flowers like an indica. They sold out fairly quickly. I’ve got a 10 pack but haven’t had a chance to run them.


We all been there….wi the DPR I sun dried a few buds…ricoo nice smoke.
If you don’t have a micro …you can build a fire or put the bud in tinfoil and put it in the BBQ at low. Like u would with a baked potatoes

Bet there is Loads of ways to dry weed badly when your desperate LOL




Summer I hang it in the south facing window.
Winter I put it on the steam radiator.
Both work, and both are terrible haha. :+1:


Another one is.

You got some lovely weed….and no skins…and u might find no lighter as well…there is remedy’s?

And eating don’t count.




I’m totally devoted to Sativas…your description is spot on.



Ye @George

When is a bud not a bud. lol

It looks real weird…I never grew Bananas b4…ain’t my favorite
prefer weed.


This is new info for me so thanks for sharing. I’m going to have to stash a few strains away to test this out but I think I’ll have to have someone else hide it for me otherwise ya know it won’t make the 6 months! :laughing: