The Central American landrace and heirloom thread (Part 1)

I had banana plants when I lived in the south coast, but never ate a single banana so much envy for your harvest … beer3|nullxnull


Ok probably ok, @deeez99 older …and old timers will see a different…view…but not that different.

As I said I like Sativa…they have history for me …And natural …ye need preserving…the Geleto, GSC have made there mark on consumer Cannabis.

There’s room for both. But libertad for everyone.


I don’t even like them…ther is one thing they make here George is a banana they fry in brown sugar…then serve it like a desert…wi grated coconut it’s ok 3 out of 5



Todo Hermosa.


You should try this way:

Back on topic the Ganja Godess has “gifted” me with two Oaxacan dudes oldtimer to punish me for not being yet a pollen chucker … :disappointed:




They really do change over time. Sometimes for better or worse.

They can lose what makes them special. The thc degrades and it just feels like any other hybrid.

Other times a sativa that isn’t pleasurable all, electric and anxiety inducing, that can mellow out into really lovely stuff.


Highland Oaxaca is right at home with high elevation and strong sun. It will love Colorado!

I’ve discovered a good way. A black contractor bag. Make a small bowl out of a portion of it and put the weed in there in the sun. Takes half a day to thoroughly dry. I remember the old foil trick too. Haven’t used that one in a while.
@Motaco no doubt. Most are best cured, but some need to be frozen immediately to keep what makes them special.


I posted this in my thread too but thought it was relevant here.

Everyday Haze has been curing for a month so I cracked her open. The smell is unique and interesting. Everything from an antique store to banana leaves.

High is energetic and uplifting and motivational. Mrs Foreigner usually smokes before walking the dog and after smoking this she said it was completely different. “Usually I just plod along but this weed put some spring in my step.”

Very nice stuff indeed. These characteristics carry over to the hash too.

Win win win. She was worth all the effort :+1:

Buen dia a todo.


Cool. Hope it works out for you when you get around to them.


That makes me think how abhorrent the concept “malum prohibitum” really is to any liberty minded person. In this case, it’s cannabis prohibition, which grossly violates both the letter and spirit of the US Constitution (you know, that document cops and military are sworn to support and defend). The vast majority of them have even read it; they don’t even understand the letter of it, let alone the spirit. The LAST thing we need to do is give guns and authority to a bunch of puritanical zealots.
Sorry about the rant.


Nepal and Pakistan are in Asia. You’re thinking of the Eurasian Landmass, the largest contiguous landmass in the world. The dividing line between Europe and Asia is the Ural Mountains in Siberia. Turkey is the westernmost country in Asia.
Don’t feel bad, the geography of that part of the world is a bit complicated.


I think you’ve got plantains there mate, I love them green(fried) or yellow(maduras) Once you harvest that bushel make sure you take down the tree with a machete to give room for its offspring, crazy that they only produce one bushel in their life span.

Here in Mexico, house sitting for a friend tostones(patacones) coming up for lunch. Que Rico mae


Ye your probably right…ye I don’t mind them fried…

Oh man …I knew you would be into the Tequila!


I’m still planning a visit to Mexico …was thinking of going to see Mana playing live there in November.

I see you got sun…still raining cats and dogs here.

Ps…what’s the weed like


No land race action but been very good hybrid’s
so far mate


Man the sun seems too bright and high now to start with tequila new_all_coholic|nullxnull, that widow may bring you some trouble frech|nullxnull, glad to see life treats you good, you should try them burnt with ruhm … beer3|nullxnull


Adjusting to life outside. It’s been a rough few days for them.


Are those 3 gallon pots?Look at the shoulders on those guys amazing how much plant comes out of such small pots on these.I’ll be transfers to fabric pots for sure those look like they like them.


They are 1 gallon ejem|nullxnull, I have transplanted once sexed the remnant to 3 gallon. I was told by my mentor and seed provider Upstate to keep them in small pots so they will not stretch much. I have bought now 2 gallon pots for indicas as second step after solo cups.

I recommend you these fabric pots, no root bound, no overwatering, healthy oxygenated roots and easy to transplant … beer3|nullxnull


Jaja very true George, my wife and I left that bottle outside the night before so I was bringing it back inside and thought I’d snap a pic with my morning doob, no tequlia shots for breakfast for me mate. Although I do like a beverage I always stop after 3 or 4 I actually haven’t been drunk since my daughter was born 3.5 years ago :slightly_smiling_face:

And yes mate flambé banana or plantain with some rum or cognac and lots of French butter is amazing