The Central American landrace and heirloom thread (Part 1)

I agree. African genetics…most likely from Angola area, brought to Brazil by slaves.


That’s super cool. You’re growing a piece of history. Everything about this project is giving a big middle finger to the establishment, past and present.


Amen to that.

Duuude, I love the branching on that


The look of love right there. Fierce serrations.


So I’ve stumbled across more old beans

Figured you’d guys like to hear about em

Collected by a botanist
Been kept in a deep freeze since 80’
Brazilian 1978
Acapulco Gold 1979
Yucatan Emerald 1974
Acapulco Gold 1976
Guatemalan Green 1974
Oaxacan Green 1975
Punta Rojo Columbian
Kona Gold 1977
Culiacan 1973
Columbian Gold 1976
Peruvian Mountain Gold 1974
Brazilian Blonde 1975
Venezuelan Highlands 1974
Lowland Panamanian 1975
Lowland Colombian


Very nice collection of beans, have you thought about dropping any to check viability?


The person I’m getting some from said he recently tried his hand at some of the Colombian golds with pretty simple means of germination following tips from stuff he’s read from chimera and got 1 out of 10 to pop of them

So with culture work it should be pretty successful although it always varies from variety to variety

It sounds like these have been well taken care of thru the years


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This is quite the time-travel treasure chest! :open_mouth:


There’s a few regions there I’ve never heard much about

I guess some were collected in the regions themselves and others here in the states

Waiting to get pics of the guys notes from when they were collected and what the herb/plants looked like they are from


What a honor and a blessing to receive that collection @Shamus !! Truly exciting buddy


They aren’t in hand yet I’m not entirely sure what the deal is

he does want help with them tho and wants me to do it so we shall see


ollala old mexicans, acording my research mexicans were some of the trippyest, but also columbian very special., wowerz and brazillian too. brazillian is also highly sought after, its pretty rare to have old brazillian. and panama , theyre all gold seriously!!

yes, if you get some you should open a thread and specifically ask for EXPERIENCES how to pop old beans…

I often reserched this topic, and its always H2o2 and Gibberlic acid wich are the main ingredients that one uses .
H2o2 kills old fungi and bacteria (i recall you need to dillute a 3 percent H2o2 solution by the factor of 100 with water)
Gibberlic acid provides energy, cause the stored remaining energy is low and can be provided , supplemented by Gibberlic acid…

Those two ingredients used in perfection, and then in a very healthy Soil (earthwormcasting ) . thats about it…

You mean tissue culture? heard about it too, but never heard of how somebody puts it to a test, and uses it… dont know… otherwise the said methods above are basically it.

What i tried to say, there are people around this forum and icmag, and threads about it, just need a bit time!


The reason I collect so many old seeds is because I know how to perform embryonic rescue and other invitro stuffs aka tissue culture

thanks for the insights into the goodies tho

Any and all experiences with anything even from the same regions I’d love to hear


yes, i am hardcore hunter, i smoked lifechanging weed ONCE, and came to the forums to hunt it… dint know what it was…

so i spent 7 year trying to find out where the most lifechanging weed came from, and acording multiple persons it comes from SE Asian Thai, cambodia Vietnam, MEXICO, and Congo

Congratulations, you may find something special in the Mexican!
Thats what i tried to say… but any of those regions, i would say Columbian is secound rank can be outstanding! CAN, doesent have to… hope he did collect from good sources!

Brazillian is ultra rare…but i put it on 3rd Priority rank, together with panama

Ive spent “ALL” my energy for years just figuring out where the best came from, so .

A good mexican can send you to outer space, distort the view, have deeper levels consciousness about live, can be the most pleasant, spiritual weed on earth (i have to say, the Middleamerican Informations and reports are very dilluted and often people didnt know for certain if mexican was in truth a Columbian, and such… but thats what i tell you, i tend to think mexican was the most sought after… if its realdeal not outcrossed of cose)


How much beter is the succesrate with tissue culture? i may need your help one day, would love see you reporting this process just to see what you can do with it.


I can do that

the culiacan intrigued me

Haven’t really seen that region being referred to before


i am very unshure wich region in mexico itselve produced the best, but would tended to think of westcoast , like acapulco, or the closeby guerro Mountains, but thats not on the level of knowing… thats a vague guess, you can google yourselve what is the closest to it…

Beans beeing from mid 70s, i would also go more for the more secluded areas, cause by then mexican weed changed its oldschool apperance, probably by hybridisation, probably by using fatleaved mexicans…

So mountainareas , secluded areas would be choosen first…


ok, shortly googled it myselve, i would go first for
1st Oaxacan
2nd Acapulco (ask if acapulco was a thinleaved, if yes, then thumbs up) / Guatemalan / Culiacán
( 3rd yucatan)