The Central American landrace and heirloom thread (Part 1)

Yes I like modern strains as well, I think everything has its place and I don’t only smoke/grow strains from times past. Im sure you grow great cannabis friend… I know It is always a little special to smoke homegrown with friends and see their reaction to it. A lot of government weed here is bad but I have had a couple nice batches of things over the years.

Im with you on cannabis should make your body feel good. Happy that you have found some strains that you enjoy :slight_smile:


Just as in Afghanistan our folly knows no limits. In Afghanistan we go in where the Soviet Union (which is right next door more or less btw) bankrupted itself trying to fight a war and spend decades pouring money into a corrupt system.

The French had attempted to perpetuate colonization in Vietnam instead the Viet Minh came to be and Ho Chi Minh rose to power. Human rights violations and the moral high ground have served for both cases. But who bears the cost? Certainly not the old money selling weapons.

Certainly both events have led to a ‘weedspread’ influx of old world genetics


Well considering Hannibal Barca’s (and Carthage WAS a former Phoenician colony) campaigns in the Mediterranean and Iberian Peninsula, wouldn’t be too far fetched to guess that cannabis varieties may have been traded then as well.

Also, on an unrelated note, my 3 Mexican Red Hair “males” were actually two females and a male. So now I have 3 females and one male (that looks more like a Mexican Sativa than the mother I flowered last round). I’ll start a Freakers thread for it in a few weeks or something.


there seeds from the highland thai strain at the real seed company, it appears they may have the others as well.
maybe these are the ones?

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Realseedcomp has couple Highland are Thais, so i dont know wich you mean.

However, i know wich Regions he speaks of. And there is a Highland Lao from Realseedcomp, that is from Near the Opium Triangle region. On the Lao Side tho.
I mean if you want Thai, send me an PM and i tell you whaere to get Thai78, Thai68… But only if your highly interested.


there seeds from the highland thai strain at the real seed company, it appears they may have the others as well.
maybe these are the ones?

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Ask in PM were sliding offtop :smiley:


@Justanadachuka do you happen to know which tribes have cultivated cannabis for the longest time in Vietnam? I looked up all the tribes a while back and I was surprised by how small some of them are. For instance, One Tribe is just a small village, and many only have a couple thousand people. So, finding these potent strains that have been cultivated the longest is like finding a needle in a haystack. It sounds like the mountains Northwest of Hanoi would be a good place to look and the mountain people must hold some good genetics… but finding that special plant, like you have said, Can require many plants. It would be sweet to have a massive OG pheno Hunt of a Vietnamese variety that we are sure contains potent genetics…
I read the same thing about Dalat. Mostly used for pig feed. However, some people have said it’s the most potent strain they have ever smoked.
Perhaps there were wo different populations of the same Dalat landrace… a wilder jungle version that is used for pig feed, and a small population of heavily Farmed/ selected plants that stem from one of those magical lucky finds. Personally, I think some of the French may have done some heavy selections with this land race, and possibly even some hybridization with it.
The only other place I can think of where no heavy selection has been done but there are some crazy plants is Cambodia and Brazil. I’ll have to think about that. Surely there are other regions.


That’s the thing with these old varieties. You can smoke them everyday all day and they continue to get you high. I wouldn’t trade my bag of oaxacan for anything else. I don’t care what it is, literally would not trade it for anything else. I find the dispensary pot is panic inducing for 15 minutes and then the high rapidly Fades away the first few times you smoke it. If you continue to smoke it everyday it will no longer get you high after a week, and nor will anything else from the dispensary for that matter. Everything is getting to be closely related, or they have all alike had some other cannabinoid bred out of them and they all have a similar cannabinoid profile. I had an incredible experience back in the early 90s and it was not repeated until I smoked Oaxacan hash recently.


Nail on head! Something significant is lost. Probably a great many somethings.


“Entourage effect” is a term often used to describe thc/cbd interactions that is clearly far more subtle and complex than just that.


interesting: from brazil i heard these can be very very strong. someone i know had a brazillian and lost it, since it was just one clone and heavy to hold alive. He said it caused a very very long High, i recall like 8 hours. He was liking it alot. (he smoked it all, old thai, midleamerican…)

But then i heard someone telling pretty convincing that the Good Brazillian was derivering from imports, likely stemming from SE Asia in the 80s… And before this massive wave of Imported Genetics spreading, there was only some Hemplike weak weed in Brazil, not worthy of smoking really.

What i wanted to adress is, if “farmed” or “highclass Selection” is even needed.

As long as its selected sufficient, just a bit selection, it might bring out the best…

But shure if the Map of legendary Landraces matches mostly perfect the places where people selected heavily, we CAN think if those Exeptions like Cambodia, Brazil and such are imported weed-mixed at destination… WE CAN i said.

Hard to make a conclusion.

For me who is not knowledgable in historybooks, what does farmed mean?

How did those people handle it… You mean it was like agricultural, farmed in fields,and traded?


Yes it is. However some areas will have feral populations growing near the cultivated. Bhutanese is a great example, kazakstan in some areas, Uzbekistan.

What folk lable as landrace often isn’t really. Eastern european ruderellis is pretty much just Ditch weed. It’s totally wild and not cultivated. The other extreme is the highly selected afghan and Pakistani varietals.


Cultivated cannabis varies in regions. One old traditional method is the first nations method of burying fish frames under plants. Other areas might plow dung into a field. Some use night water.

Then the most robust, potent, etc but more important the plants that can survive the environment are bred with. Selection is everything.

Now the amount of West coast of South America and columbian cannabis where heavily smuggled in Yachts during the 70s. This was the Pacific route. Pacific islands picked up seeds from smugglers and started growing limone verde from Columbian seed. At the same time Asian seeds were bought to South America or at least bag seed from the smugglers stash.

I know this because I witnessed it as a child in the 80s. Ute trays full of green material covered with a tarp. It wasn’t exactly a big secret The trade continued into the 90s.


You are right with this , wild species are in generally seen as not very good weed . But i asked about lesser selected Variety VS more slected…

I wasnt asking about if in a completly wild Species, with zero selection , if there are any Keepers inside.


I totally agree with you.
I’m far from an advocate for dispensary bud. I have been smoking on the same strain for quite a few years.
I know very well about those you have to throw away by the end of the week. I have flushed my share of them down the toilet. Peace bro.


Sorry I was just trying to understand the difference between landrace and wild, which I know I have been confused by in the past. I didn’t understand your post at first thanks for clarifying :slight_smile:


Check this out, 1970… :smirk:

I’d take it with a ‘grain of salt’ if looking at regional detail.



I’m with you both here. Commercial bud is just that, as uniform and visually attractive as possible in accordance with market demand by the average consumer. Rather like Budweiser or heaven forbid LaBatt’s. The average consumer sadly will likely never even know about much less experience what we’re discussing.


A family member is visiting from Illinois. She usually bring flower with her, but this time she had a cart. I took it as a distillate cart by the way she was coveting it. I asked to see it, the she went to bragging. Of course being the a-hole I am, I offered to let her take a hit from a cart that I made from some bubble hash.
I hit and it took her 5 mins to hand me back the cart saying it was good. I had also rolled some flower, but she was so stoned from the cart that she didn’t want to hit the flower.
I told her, “ just because it cost a lot, doesn’t mean it’s worth a crap.” Then I told her, when she get back to where they sold her that, tell them that you know what a real cart is like.