The Central American landrace and heirloom thread (Part 1)

Your genetics have that same combination of wild and farmed varieties we were talking about earlier. The most potent stuff I ever made did as well and the same with my cousin. Wild genetics definitely bring something to the table aside from disease and pest resistance.
@romanoweed there is hardly any information about Brazilian genetics. There are definitely some that were known to be potent such as Mango Rosa, Bahia Blackhead and Pernambuco gold. Another variety called Amarillo was potent but not very, (more daytime weed) and there were or are varieties from regions bordering Colombia that are potent as well, and perhaps related to Colombian genepool as well. The best Colombian is grown in the interior Highlands which are part of the headwaters of the Amazon. Anything Downstream from there could have Colombian genetics in it. So, here again, you have a mix Where the wild jungle genetics meet the heavily Farmed Colombian Highlands


hmm. i have alot people pointing thowards Dalat (middle-high-Lands), and Highlands in Vietnam as the best. And those reports come also from the old Stoners, wich found that out in the 70s. Like 5 different sources who all pointed thowards there.

So, since the Tribes in Vietnam only lived in the mountains, they are kinda outsiders, and viet folks generally look down on them (dont know why). Since this, this could indicate that the best vietnamese came from them.

I am not shure tho. I mean Realseedcompany says in the viet Highlands you find mostly Hemp wich is grown by the biggest Tribe the Hmong.

But then , realseedcompany was there after the 70s , and we know there was massive Erradication of Weed going on around 1980
 So, probably the Picture where the best is coming from and from who is massively dilluted.

Probably the Hmong, or some other Tribe grew the good stuff once. And we just cant see this at all. But why are the Hmong telling that they only grow Hemp for Clothes if you ask them, and very very rarely a bit Ganja

A: they forgot about it since the massive fight agains Ganja in 1980, and all they tell you about is what they are doing now. (But again, Realseedcompany insists that Hmong has no Ganja Culture at all, but again, probably it was just forgotten)

B: There was another Tribe that grew the best.

C: Of course, probably Vietnamese was only good if outcrossed to Thai.

Now to Cambodia, and Thailand: Realseedcompany mentiones Khmer as very good Ganja Growers, are those a Tribe too?

Anyway: There is a Copterpilot who basically has seen half Vietnam in the 70s, he also tells the name of the Tribe wich grow the best: Montagnard , says they grew the best Stuff in Vietn.

Here is the Copterpilots Article (exerpt):


Another old Stoner said it were the “Black Hmong” who had the good Viet Weed.
There again, a Tribe who had the good Stuff.


Yup what I’ve been trying to say. It’ll even come down to individual growers/farmers etc. Cause tbh they are farmers not monoculture cannabis growers. They aren’t running selected clones and bxing etc. Each region may have cross pollination, wild populations, traditional methods etc. Some simply allow for open pollination from anywhere, others will cull all but one male.

People expect landrace to be a single pheno, Super stable, every seed gives you plant X with potency to match. They just aren’t at all, unlike say a heirloom tomato for example, but even that will have some variance in fruiting bodies.


The montenarg are the people. They are the folk im (mostly) talking about when I say hilltribes. They are a distinct ethnic group. It’s cultural for them. They fought against the VC and NVA but would have just as quickly fought the southern regimes given the chance.

Also you got to remember most Americans coming into Vietnam hadn’t smoked cannabis prior or at best some Mississippi mud grass. Once they started returning from the war and the beatniks became the hippies cannabis started to be imported in larger and larger quantities, mostly from Mexico. Mexi brick: harvested to early, fed whatever, hermi in crop cause they still buds. Mexi brick vs SEA no contest. SEA for the win.


Many of the Southern mountain people fought with the United States and in particular with our special forces during the Vietnam war. They are predominantly a Christian people most likely converted by the French, and are looked down upon by the Lowland Vietnamese, who are mostly originally from China. It is my guess that the Vietnamese Crackdown on cannabis growing in the 1980s was a punishment for the Montagnards helping the US during the war.


Lambbreath X AK - Vision Seeds - in week 5 of flower very good plant but a late grower


Thanks thousand Times @upstate for taking the Time.

You see how precise my two Anektotes of “the best Viet Weed” match where the Montagnards live?

They live in Mid Vietnam, some also thowards the South if you read the Article. But not thowards North Vietnam. Thats exactly where the best weed is said to come from: Dalat and its surroundings. I never heard of any place mentioned more often for killer weed.

It also states they are economically isolate.

@Eudaemon read abouve where the legendary Vietblack probably came from


Sorry that topic was pretty offroad, im gonna make a break now.


Does this not look like it’s in flower to y’all?

This is the Mexican Red Hair stud in veg currently.


Pre flowers maturing


@Upstate that purple Mexican heirloom finally got done 16 weeks in flower


From Kropduster? How is it?


Ok. Lol just a little paranoid since these seem to be semi-autos or something. Transferring them as we speak and will flip them in a couple weeks


Yes and dunno on the smoke just cut it down


Nice! Any more pictures of the whole plant? How did it turn out? I wasn’t expecting the flowering time to be so long. That’s a great sign! Looks great!


Over the last week or so I’ve been getting some of the Oaxaca seeds out to people that have asked. Just got coin flips in the mail last Wednesday, so anybody still waiting won’t have to wait much longer. Old Silversides is coming down today, earlier than expected, around 12 weeks flowering. The plants want to continue flowering, but those couple days under the h p s light really pissed them off and they produced male flowers for about a week. These plants seem to be more sensitive than others to things like changing the light spectrum( sun and hps), or differing day length,(11-12 hours light
depending on when i get home from work) two things my plants have to endure. It seems this oaxacan is either meant to be grown Outdoors only, or indoors only. No mixing of the two. They are worth the effort in my opinion.


Naw that’s it on the pics, as far as the smoke goes it’s hanging right now


@Blue1963 Good chance it will need a good cure to bring out its best qualities. Looking forward to some photos of some dried nugs before you jar them up😁


im def. wanting sum of those my friend, i will send out something in return,