The Central American landrace and heirloom thread (Part 1)

Net reports? Seriously what reports? What do they have to compare it to? I’m genuinely intrigued.

Cause dude that Balinese material grown in Dutch trays under hps IS the most intense experience personally.

Dalat is in the south. Mostly pig feed. Tieng up in the mountains very potent.


Thong… I can’t recall sang thong? It was some good stuff. However it’s super sketchy. Remember you can be executed for cannabis in nam. I’m not Vietnamese so I relied on locals and expats.


ok. vietnam strongest sample. thanks

It doesn’t work like that and no, tieng was the area I smoked the most sensi and potent imo. You can’t just stroll in and find seed stock either. Also most Viet growers for smoke are now hybridising using Dutch and USA genetics. Most Viet growers for smoke/sale don’t even bother with local sativa anymore.


Seeds are highly variable my man. You might need to sift 100 seeds of the best local smoke to find what your after or more. It’s not going to be 5 seeds and you find a winner is what I mean.


I mean you can try but I’d have some in country contacts first up.

mamamia, it doesent matter to me so much. ive heard enough other people whats their verdict.

I already said i dont want to get in a fight about wich is the strongest, Peace

Fight, dude yeah no. It’s not a fight it’s called educating you.

I’m educating you on the reality. That other guy on the forums opinion might mean heaps or might mean 0.

Anyway take from what I’ve said what you will. I’m not trying to dissuade you at all. Hope you find what your after and have a great week. :relaxed: Peace bro.


thanks @Justanadachuka and your right, yeah i wouldnt want to get caught there with anything, long and lonely prison time too, defiantly wouldnt mind finding good seed but trying to get it is another story, i can bet the tribes dont let loose on the seed very easy either. yeah i kind of figured most seed place sell the lower as this makes sense, cause the thia i am growing that is what im seeing for sure and smells good, looks good but it is short snd smaller than what you would expect, again thanks for the info


Perhaps this is exactly right…


@upstate are there other Places with Legendary Landraces, where the people have not selected as strongly?
Or does the “Map” of most loved Landraces match the “highclass-selection”.

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Hmm I thought local selection is what distinguished Landrace cannabis from wild. Am I misunderstanding this?


Well there’s a big difference between selecting over a hundred years vs. 1000+.


I imagine seeds that traveled from say China to the Americas a long time ago would probably be seeds that Chinese locals consume and have selected for desirable traits to them. Cannabis and humans have been intertwined for so long, I cant imagine many places where cannabis would be left completely to the pressures of natural evolution?

*Just musing I am so far from informed…


Oh I’m sure there are unsullied wild things living where it’s just too much of a pain or risk for humans to go. We can’t stop the wind though.

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Although I’m not familiar with the strains that you guys are discussing, however I do deal with a very potent strain.
Potent strains alway make people think of a strain that they had back in the day.
I see it all the time when people smoke my bud. They will immediately regress and begins to talk about chocolate Thai. For some reason they alway bring that one up. Some will even talk about the weed that smoked while in Vietnam. Some speak of the first time they got high.
So I will say, good bud will cause a person to reminiscence about those good ole days. People will tel past stories about good times with friends. They might begin to talk about a good time that they had while on a trip. Good beer or a time drinking. Most of all they will go back to a time where the weed was good to them.
If your bud is causing similar effects, chances are you are smoking good/ great bud. I’m not knocking how good bud was back then, I’m only saying it’s also good now.
Personally when I trying to go back and smoke buds of the past, the effects are no where near the same as I remember them. Often it doesn’t seem like the same bud. That another clue that modern bud is more potent. Your tolerance has risen beyond a bud that you enjoyed 20 years ago. I’m sorry but I have to say it. If you are still on a level based on weed from 20-40 years ago, brothers you are missing a lot.
However, enjoy your bud in a manner that you prefer. If you prefer the older strains, please recommend one that you have access to. I most definitely would like to grow one out and see for myself. Thanks brothers.

It part of the euphoria that’s cannabis causes.


I think most of us here realize that in terms of pure THC percentage, modern hybrids take the cake. But I believe over a couple of decades of selecting mostly for dense buds, “hashplant type appearance” (Everyone loves a sparkly Instagram shot), and THC percentage other cannabinoids inadvertently got selected against. Modern hybrids are often too strong for me… I don’t know if you have access to dispensary bud that is tested for potency but I have on more than one occasion preferred the effects of one with a lesser THC percentage or found it more potent. Now that finally research is allowed, I think we will find some of these lesser known cannabinoids can work in conjunction and can change the high or increase the potency of THC we digest.


I have had a few guys bring me dispensary stuff… I must say that it’s not for me.
The bud that I smoke is more potent and affect the entire body.
The dispensaries stuff that I smoked seems to concentrate in the center of the forehead and right between the eyes at the bridge of the nose. It left me with a pounding headache and flat mediocre high. It was hard to enjoy what little buzz that It had because I was trying to endure the constant head beating. To me this isn’t a sign of potency. I will agree with anyone who shy away from it.
In my opinion, a potent bud should affect your entire body, head to toe.
It should be euphoric, nerve tingling, and cause your mind to travel into the future past. It causes me to think of everything that good. Bud should bring about creativity and allow a person to do whatever it on their mind.
Most of all, it should be able to do that each and every time that it is smoked.
This is the type of potent bud that I smoke. And I love it. I think bud should work with our bodies, not torture it. To each his her own in what they choose to smoke. This is my choice and I see many people looking for something similar.