The Central American landrace and heirloom thread (Part 1)

wow that is neat to see @Upstate , thanks for sharing


I wanted to say cryptic Labs didnt label something as hybrid, of course they would tell you what they want.

And “pure Sativa” opposed to “pure Landrace” is exactly what i didnt want to read

Anyway, it doesent matter to me, hope its good.


Seeing is believing.

Here is a string of pearls pheno a friend found. About as wild as they get. May be the skimpiest plant I’ve ever seen lol. The one I have going now yields slightly better.


Look, the claim is just that its hybrid, not if its sativa or indicainfluenced, and cryptic Labs told himselve, that he relased a hybrid called Oxacan Gold. He admitted after a short icmag-conversation that he relased a Hybrid called Oxacan Gold. And that its Oxacan x HighlandGuerro x Blueberry. Thats what he admitted

So, we re not talking about any Indica-influence, but a Thai Hybridisation (blueberry)


If he had written “pure Landrace”, that would led me to speculate he may have relased two versions, one pure and one not. but im speculating only


This summer, i had a Nirvana Northern Lights auto grow out that way.
It was extremely resinous, even the stems and branches were covered in trichomes. I keep wondering what would cause it to grow this way. I don’t believe it has any Central American genes in it.

My apologies for going off topic.
I can delete the post if you’d like.


There’s no Blueberry in this one. I have grown f -generations of Blueberry since 1991. I know more about next generation Blueberry than probably anyone you’ve ever met. Blueberry traits would show up in the F2’s, and it has not. You would expect 8 week plants in the f2 generation, and there is nothing close to that. Nothing fast at all. Thai genetics
Possibly. That wouldn’t surprise me. But I’ve been talking with a couple people about that and they remember old Oaxaca that looks like this does, string of pearls and all.
I do believe this one is pure, and I’m far from the only person that thinks this. After growing it I think El Chiscas ( Mexican landrace grower and long time preservationist) believes it could be pure. He found 6 keepers down in Mexico already. When he smokes it he will know😁
Packaging says PURE sativa. The word hybrid is not there. Blueberry has Indica in it.



This description call Oaxaca gold( is exactly what I have been growing.
I don’t want to beat a dead horse, but nobody takes the time to mix up Thai, blueberry, and Oaxaca creating an ibl out of it, and then never release it. All the Hybrids cryptic Labs have released are short flowering.


Pollinated Columbian Gold. 14 weeks into flower. I guess she has 10 to 12 weeks left for ripe seeds.


that is a nice beast of a plant, well done on the seed as well as the grow


You’re going to need a bigger tent! :rofl:


Do you have a link? I just searched every post by Mustafunk on ICMag and came up dry as far as this particular conversation, though there was one in 2013 about the importance of preserving landraces such as Oaxacan
 and then some discussions of sourcing landraces, preservation ethics, etc, and later on a whole bunch of posts from people thanking him for the Oaxacan and showing him hybrids they’d made. It doesn’t give me the impression that he made a hybrid, at any rate.

He does discuss the possibility that Mexican landraces don’t really exist in pure form anymore, but it was part of a conversation where someone had showed pictures of a E32-Guerrero-Blueberry hybrid alongside pictures of an Oaxacan; maybe this is what you’re thinking of? It’s not exactly an admission of anything other than being as clueless as the rest of us, though. :stuck_out_tongue:


I know those are just photos of a ganja grow tent, but I get ‘BARBARELLA’ vibes when I look at those images. :rocket: :flying_saucer:


So it’s not just me! :laughing:


Sorry to Hijack, but I must know
is the Chicken Bros. still on the main street in Golfito?..its been a couple years, forgive me


i cant give you link, im not gonna dig trough it again,
i spend so much time with research, but this was only 2, 3 hours, im to bizzy, and not allowed to put icmag links, i do it only if important, so, there is no possible way, im not gonna risk my account for it. neither will i ask crypticlabs here on overgrow, cause i dont wanna ask unpleasant questions to people again.

if you arent able to find this conversation, cause you just couldnt find it. icmag is not exactly small
 or eventually it was another forum, what i know is that i had alot controversial conversations and always checked again, and each time my memory proofed so fucking accurate.
im not gonna do it again. im bizzy

well, ill click a bit trough it, can you rather ask crypticlabs himselve? if youre able to find out his overgrow account, by

Small world
ye it’s still there, in fact I got some food there one night
after leaving the Bar Bamba slightly intoxicated


Ok, seems this is first time i missread something.
I found the Thread i think, and it was a Chimeras Relase of a Highland Guerro or Guerro berry, wich i completly mixed up with a CrypticLabs Highland Guerro.

I was doing 2, 3 hours googling for this Keyword like mad, thats how it happend, would never happend for my beloved region vietnam.
Chimera and Crypticlabs-confusion
So, the Cryptic Labs is pure.


Thats a pretty crazy auto. How was the smoke? Looks a bit like some of my Afghani. Maybe Afghan Sativa or Ruderalis showing thru


That looks very ruderalis to me, How long did it take to finish?