The Central American landrace and heirloom thread (Part 1)

I got a male! Old SilverThai #2 sprouted male flowers today! So far so good.


Kinda almost looks like those red little popcorn buds on Grinspoon donā€™t it?What part of the world did grinspoon come from?Definitely equatorial thatā€™s for sure.Have you ever seen any highland Oaxacan before?I keep hearing dj short talk about how they were some of his favorites.


Iā€™ve never had northern lights before, so i have nothing to compare it to, but it tasted a lot like the Ace autoNorthernLights/Malawi that was growing at the same time. It was pretty tasty and the effect was pretty good. I go for hour long walks every day and would hit one(NL)or the other(Ace)most days. It was good for walking motivation.
The midsummer caterpillars loved it, but they were super easy to spot. lol

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I thought it looked kind of grinspoony, at least from the pictures Iā€™ve seen. She was ready in 90 days(end of June), but i also chopped a couple of branches at mid June and finished harvesting in early July. I like to harvest in stages so that i can compare early, mid and late taste and effect. They were all pretty similar with this one.
Iā€™ve got a couple of other auto Northern Lights from other breeders Iā€™ll probably try this summer to compare.
Iā€™m still trying to decide what my main plants will be. I donā€™t have a lot of experience with sativas, but I think theyā€™d do well where I live. We didnā€™t have a freeze this year until the end of November.


I think Grinspoon may have had oaxacan or thai origins, but i donā€™t remember. So many wrong answers are mixed in my head along with the right answer.

Lots of Oaxaca talk here my friend. Scroll up and check out the thread. Lots of pictures.


I could read this stuff for days beautiful plants


Thatā€™s impressive. Well done. What a rocket :rocket:


Early Jane Fonda. I remember that movieā€¦lol


Thanks @GREANDAL. It has been a learning journey so far.


Here is 2 of her clones. Topped the one about 4 weeks ago.


I canā€™t adequately express how much I enjoy seeing plants like this grown out like that, in a basement, by an individual perhaps not unlike me. I dig plants of all sorts but some of the wildest most feral cannabis strains are downright sculptural.


I agree. I wish I could grow one outside. Love to see her 8 to 10 feet.

Once I topped the one, then moved her to a 5 gallon bag, she is starting to go crazy. I will get a more recent picture tonight when lights come on.


I can visualize a hectare of those. How does it smell?


I am horrible with smells. I wish I could describe smells they way some people can.

I squeezed a couple of buds. No real smell yet. Could be because of making seeds, or may be because she has so long to go?


Talk about exotic!


I have a feeling this smells and resin will come late. Another month Maybe . That would be week 18 or so right? Is that so @PanchoVilla? Youā€™ve grown Colombian Gold right? Notice a lack of smell early on?
I bet that thing would be a tree outdoors in the ground! Someday hopefully


Iā€™m going to light dep one and try for outside this year on a couple.If I do an indoor itā€™s going to be where I get tent for just flower and one for veg with the flowering times.You guys have the patience of saints.


Yep. I just bought the Criterion Blu Ray of ā€˜KLUTEā€™. Something special.


I find that taking pictures at least once a week really helps deal with long flowering. Sometimes two or three weeks will go by and I feel like the plants havenā€™t changed at all and I start getting a little despondent actually. So I go back through my photos and I can see that indeed they have been growing, sometimes in areas that wasnā€™t really noticing such as smaller stems extending or clumps of flowers that didnā€™t exist before.
If you do light deprivation, you can pretty much grow anything up until 43 North latitude with great results.
Last year I started flowering a Goroka Highland indoors in March, put it out in June ( light dep)and harvested late September or early October. In this manner you can even handle plants that flower greater than 20 weeks. For me 16 weeks is the maximum without starting them indoors


@Upstate do you know if the double panama is stable indoors?