The Central American landrace and heirloom thread (Part 1)

They are going to need more work for stability. Two plants Hermied badly enough that I removed them from the grow. A third one produced a few male flowers until it was fertilized. I included seeds off of that plant. My best guess is that around 15% of the plants may have some issues with this next generation


Your grows are dialed in, pretty well. Are you aware of any factors that may have triggered the hermaphroditic traits?

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The eagle has landed on those beans thanks again I’ll keep them pure.I needed this one for energy in the morning


A short veg time ( 3 weeks)and small containers probably contributed to it. I overdosed them with seafood compost too. They were unnaturally dark. Too much N will do it. I don’t think my bulb is very good for Sativas either. Its really old. Need an eye blue metal halide for now. Switching to LED asap I think.
So to sum it up…several small things together added up to a big thing and the plants reacted.
The proper way to grow any long flower is by vegging for 2-3 months before flowering. Then mimic their home daylengths. Then take cuttings and grow vegetatively 2 weeks, flip to flower. And use a big container to avoid root stress.
But who can do this? The plants would get huge and it takes so long. You can only fit a couple or even one big plant under a light and it may not be a good one. There are so many different Sativas to try. I Need to squeeze them in! :grin:Better for me to stress them a little and grow more plants to find some good ones. When I find my grail plants i will grow them proper.


Sorry to butt in, at what point in that timeline do you take cuttings? Obviously one waits for sex to show but how long after first flowers?

If my dwarf is female I definitely need to do that.


As soon as they have something extra to part with I would take a cutting. Couple/few weeks into flower at least.( 6-8 weeks old)


Plenty of time then. Thank you :blush:


Check your pm

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Male Old SilverThai doing well. I wonder how long pollen will fall from the male? I would like to cycle in several Indicas for seeds.


Day 34

T/O on the left, Oaxacan on the right. Sorry
about the window but it’s cold out here. :joy:

Almost forgot the special little one…


Gosh, beautiful plants y’all.

That Oaxacan especially :drooling_face:


You have a dwarf there for sure. The special little one. I would actually up pot that one plant. The smoke on those is fantastic. They go just about as long as the tall phenos, maybe a week or 2 faster, but yield better. Large fluffy buds if done properly, like the picture Cryptic Labs has of Oaxaca in the photo gallery on seedfinder. Mine went 13 and 15 weeks and I kicked myself for not putting them in a bigger container. They don’t stretch like the others. Of course your plate is a little fuller than mine was at this point in the grow😁. Real estate will be at a premium in that grow space of yours shortly lol. With those tall phenos you have the chance for a 20 week plant. I haven’t grown enough to find one yet…but I will. Or you will


Yes I’m going to up pot it shortly, I didn’t want to stress it out again too soon but it’s ready I think. All the parts for my cloner have arrived too.

I have another 5 x 5 and working on a dusting room.


How many phenos are known? I’ve read the seedfinder article but can’t find much else about it. I actually figured that picture was maybe bogus it looks so good. :joy:


Thank you :blush:


Not much info out there. So far two phenos, tall and short, but with different bud forms and smells/tastes mostly revolving around pine/ mint, catnip. The smoke upon burning is very unique and smells like incense if you aren’t the one smoking. Never smelled anything like it.


Is there something particularly desirable about a 20 week plant? More resin? Different smoke?
Maybe different bud forms?

I assume a 20 week plant is, at least in that regard, supposedly as close to the original as possible?


The 20 weekers are supposed to be extra special, but low yielding. 20 week plants are probably more on the wild/ unworked side of the spectrum. Special high.

I had that pheno. Its one of the “Dwarfs” I think.


Four weeks two days after the flip…ye coming on well…looking forward When it’s finished flowering in 18-20 weeks LOL

Have had them out of the greenhouse some days in the garden as the greenhouse has been to warm…even with the fan on full…real hot here just now past days.

Merry Xmas :christmas_tree: to all you guys following the grow.

EDIT…Ooops I forgot the male…

He’s happy outside away from the girls…



There are some Sativas that start off flowering very heavily and then take forever to ripen. This looks like one of those. Have seen it with Malawi and Thai as well. Perhaps these strains came from more Northerly regions originally, so they begin flowering like an Indica, ready to finish in 8-10 weeks. Over the years the plants learned they weren’t going to die after this short flowering cycle and that they could continue to flower much longer, so they do. Only a theory of course, but damn if Panama doesn’t look like a Kush variety transported to the tropics ages ago. Buds are clumpy like an Indica, stretchy like a Sativa. Could also explain how Ace seeds has been able to lower the flowering time of their Panama so drastically. Panama may have always been a kush in hiding. At least in part. The Cannabinoid profile is also similar to kush. Cbd, cbg, cbn,cbc along with thc. And let us not forget the resin liberally encrusting the buds. Pretty good match if you ask me. Perhaps an old Red variety from Colombia met a kush brought through the canal in its early days, and panama red was born giving both red and green phenos, one for each ancestor.
The plants look great! I see you pinched the terminal bud on a couple of those. Great way to stop upward growth. I frequently do that too.