The Central American landrace and heirloom thread (Part 1)

Ye got the nostalgia grow started…got the seeds on the Sensi seeds Black Friday 50% off.

I probably do a log on a new thread for them.

4 = Sensi early pearl
4 = Sensi early girl
4 = Diggys BOC

When I first grew Twenty something years ago…I made loads of mistakes…as you still do, then I grew these…early girl,and early pearl…I just taken up growing again after a long sabbatical.

I got plenty coming down the line …and the Mexican jumping beans wil join in ![

Thanks for the help…OG is truly a wonderful place.


when they arrive can join in…

A nice Tony green GG4 RIL three weeks in flower…


The harem awaits…


Whaaaa…plenty of juice there….well done.


Thank you! I’m proud for a first go at it. I’d be really embarrassed if I didn’t end up with a bit of usable stuff considering the amount they produced.


Now that’s a happy tent!
:wink: :+1:




Thank you :blush:

It’s starting to make me a little nervous. I can hardly get in there already. :laughing: Nice problem to have!


The 2 Panama Haze finished up curling brown trichomes. I got 3 OST left crystalizing

I hit them with some light nutes and they seemed to like that better that strait water that they usually get. I didnt notice much stress
At at from the mills
3 finalists finishing last. OST with OST seeds on board. It’s all seed. Not much to smoke maybe a blunt! Ha ha

Panama Haze w OST seeds completely finished seed. 37 inches tall.


Ah damn. That means these are gonna have to be tent grown. Thanks for the info.


Looks to me like you figured it out just fine. Looks like she could use a little compost tea other than that I think they’re doing great.


Kind of you to say that, I was trying to keep them in 1gal pots. Lol Now they’re in 2 gal bags after yesterday. They do look better today.


Or cover them up each night, / carry them into a dark room/shed each night forc12+ hours like i do. A labor of love, but outdoor pot is the best.


I’ve got a shit memory so it isn’t something I can automate I will probably forget. Throw in an awful back and tent just makes it easier.


Im still scared to start those ones you gave me but I keep thinking about them and I know they take a super long time to finish and the more time I procrastinate is the leaps and bounds of time I could have spent on the Oaxacan itself.I have a feeling I’ll be starting them next with my 90s brickeeed XXL bud grow .I mean shit I’m going to have to light dep them and have them sexed before they go out in June so yeah I’m going to have to start them.My curiosity is going to kill me


You are not alone with this condition. My sweaty hands almost germinated mine while I rearranged my life to accommodate them.


Germinate them and sort out the details after😁
You’ll be surprised what you can accomplish when you have no choice.
They flower 5-8 weeks longer than a normal 8 week hybrid grow, but need no veg time, so really its only1-5 weeks longer. WELL worth it. You can’t buy this anywhere. Only way is to grow it.
Stick them in a corner of your tent under 12/12 until they sex while you are flowering something else. They will be lanky, but you’d grab cuttings off them for outdoors. You’ll need to use light dep technique here in Ny.


I know a part of this is wanting to see a plants natural growth habit but most of these landrace sativas will just grow too tall for most indoor set ups.

I find I do best with a lot of training to control the height. This is a Panama Black that went 26 weeks from seed to harvest on 12/12. If I had not done the extensive training my guess is it would have ended up 7-8’ tall.


That’s some solid advise with clear proof it works! Great work @Comacus !


How did you go about collecting your pollen? Haven’t had much success doing so myself, usually put them in plastic with silica but still manage to fudge it up


love that one since i saw them.

Im wondering if the purple haze is from , from wich haze? Original or Neville, cause this Line looks very special to me. Waiting for smkereports


I segregated the males with their own light/timer still on 12/12 in a tight cabinet. The light was all the heat they got and the rh below 50 for about 10 days. Once they started letting go I reduced watering and it began to fall in earnest. I made wax paper trays about 4” x 4” x 1” and tapped ready flowers off each of the three, transferred it all to this box and separated the flowers as fast as possible. I used that box because it has an integral lid and really slick dark paper interior. This was all done inside the cabinet except for the flower separation. The plants and myself going immediately into the shower then returning to a safe spot to separate the flowers.

It was something of a dance that I planned juuust well enough. lol