The Central American landrace and heirloom thread (Part 1)

You know, I always thought of Afghanistan as a microcosm of our species in general. It’s why an extra-terrestrial invasion would not go very smoothly for the other species, to say the least.


Hey @Upstate are these perhaps string of pearls type bracts early on? Never had such a thing.

That would be so cool. I’ve tried to get grinspoon more than once and lost my money. :joy:


Is that new growth on top?!! Lol


Damn! That looks legit. I’ve got a pack of Grinspoon from Barney’s I purchased last year I’m sure are gonna let me down compared to whatcha got there @GREANDAL


Makes sense. Their weed relaxes them and relieves them of some stress. Good point. Never thought of that before. Previously, like @Herrsquidward, i had found irony in the fact that the weed in Afghanistan is so calming while the tribes constantly war with each other.

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Looks like wheat doesn’t it? This is def one of the wispy Oaxaca. Buds on this one will be frosted firecrackers.:boom:

You are in for a treat. Not quite string of pearls, but close.


I took pictures every week so I could convince myself that there were indeed new buds forming lol. They make flowers slowly.


Motaco, those are great looking buds! Old school…I hope you did a straight repro on them. :wink:


Loving the wispy Upstate. Which Oaxacan is this? I have Bodhi’s Zipolite going right now but it looks more modern. Yours is looking much more Landracy.


Acapulco gold clones. Doing much better than the original donors. Actually smells good and has frost and sticky this time. Maybe the early pollenation stopped all this before.

Still a ways to go but long actual colas. Last time bud to leaf was so horrible wasn’t worth trying to trim. Did my best to block the 1000w. Still striped.


These are Cryptic Labs Oaxaca from the early 70’s. The truest Oaxaca I’ve seen grown yet and the only regular m/f Oaxaca out there. Cryptic did a fantastic job with these. I like that they left the wild crazy plants in here. They are fun to grow.
@rooted certainly looking good this round! Nice buds forming. You’re in for a treat!


I’m seriously thinking of cutting the other clones of it up into bunch of 8" clones in aerocloner pot em n flip em see if I can get a sea the clones don’t branch crazy like the seed plants did. Be pretty easy to make single colas. I want to see what these do first though meanwhile copy’s been in veg 3 months or so. So I got clone donors.


Climate also affects religion. For example, the most tolerant religions tend to flourish in places with a milder, more fruitful climate. The Abrahamic religions come from a dry, hostile environment, on the other hand. The religion any peoples adopt reflects their overall disposition, which often reflects their environment. That being the case, it’s easy to understand why places like the Middle East tend to practice intolerant religions or denominations. Deprivation in a hostile environment can make people less generous and tolerant.


What part of Arkansas are you from, if you don’t mind my asking? I used to live in Ouachita County.

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Pope county. In the River Valley.


It looks like you found the old-school sativa effects. Nice. My first high was the way you described, and I’ve been chasing that green dragon ever since.


Nice. My family used to go to Albert Pike every summer. Arkansas has some really nice wild areas.

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Nice. You could make a big hash ball from that kief and go to outer space.


Certainly climate directly effects available resources, our principal motivator until we have a surplus. Desert people are taciturn culturally because there is little to share and nobody but family shows up unannounced except to take what they have. To be outside a tribe is fatal.

Religious systems are usually about control. What’s mine vs. yours, the distribution of power and resources in a particular community and maintaing their hegemony These things arise in our minds and naturally are turned towards our desires. Like everything else we do.

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Like the song says “you get what you need” :notes: :joy:

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