The Central American landrace and heirloom thread (Part 1)

Just received Oaxaca Guerrero border seeds from @Elchischas :grin: they will be going in a paper towel tonight. Thanks my friend! I’ve really been looking forward trying this unknown landrace.


Interesting smell. Can’t wait to grow some out!

Depends how many parts make up the strain you are talking about. Modern polyhybrids are made up of sometimes hundreds of parts, and from what I have read landraces tend to get swallowed up hybridizedwith this type, adding a nice lift to the high but not effecting yield or flavor. If the strain you are talking about only has a couple ingredients then you will be able to find Thai Oaxaca phenotypes to a varying degree, at least in the f2’s
@Panamajock what a beautiful bird! Love to see it in person one day. Thanks for sharing. I love bird watching. My wife and I have seen just over 100 types on our property. Not a lot by Panama standards, but for NY, that’s pretty sweet.



I’m PAGAN and have no intention of offending anyone; but the AAT at least takes into the account “what if…?”, with an open mind.

Albeit I really don’t appreciate the attitude: “We (humans) needed help to get this far.”

But I will randomly yell always: PUMAPUNKU!!!


The World was buried in mud. There is your first clue. What we know of history is a lie.

TV is a lie

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Christianity (Islam, Judaism, etc.) are nothing more than pagan beliefs with a few name changes. It seems that Pagans know the science, but enjoy rituals and pageantry, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that.
One source of frustration with Xtians is how little they understand their own Bible. It’s no coincidence that more atheists have read the Bible than Xtians; the best cure for Christianity is reading the Bible.


Another interesting fact is the 3 pyramids were arranged to match Orion’s belt, and it’s a mirror image of where the constellation was in the year 12,500 BCE. The Sphinx faces where the constellation Taurus would have been in that same year. Water erosion indicates it has been there since before the climate changed, when Egypt had a much wetter climate. Plus, scientists are admitting that Gobekli Tepe is far older than they had initially thought.

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A good friend that’s NOW A RABBI read everything, so he can sit talk and understand with anyone and everyone! But oi vey the yelling he gets from SPECIFICALLY THOSE YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT is spectacular.

He’s not even dissagreeing with them, he ask questions they can’t answer (they could have IF they had read the book) and then get ANGRY AS F%^& at him for it.

I asked him “Why bother?” and he totally Rabbi’ed me with:

:arrow_right: “Even the simplest child deserves the chance to learn.” :arrow_left:


One reason for their bravery is that life sucks, and being dead might be an improvement. Couple that with promises of an eternity in paradise if you die for a cause…



And who knows WHAT THE FUCK is under the canopy in South America!

Serious Doggerland shit!


Underwater is where a lot of it is. To this day, the majority (if I’m not mistaken) of humans live near or in coastal areas. A global flood would have been more than enough to set their progress back by millennia, which is what appears to have happened.


Gorgeous creature! What large eyes for its size.

Yes thank you :pray: for sharing

Nice! They’ve only excavated part of it, a small part of it. History books are about the be re-written, or at least another chapter is about to be added. A bunch of dates are also going to be pushed back.

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Speaking of stonehenge.

This is ALWAYS on me.


As much as I love this type of discussion we should probably limit it in this thread. I think it would be a great topic as its own thread. (I thought about making one myself)
Maybe we could move most of the last 20-40 posts on this thread to a new one and continue the conversation there? Ancient Astronaut / Ancient Technology Theory thread? Fun discussion fellas…I just want to keep this thread relatively focused on the topic, lol. I think i started this too :rofl::joy::sweat_smile:


I’m sorry to keep banging on every day but I don’t think people get to see this very often. It’s new to me anyway

This is the rarified air for me


I admit my culpability in this trend, I love earnest discussion. :joy:


You’ve got yourself a purple stalk silversides pheno😁 last photo. Those other buds look different than anything I got to see. They look really potent. Nice ones!


Keep those pictures coming my friend. It’s extremely hard for me not to pop a bunch of Oaxaca seeds right now. You’re keeping me going lol. Which one is that second photo down? Damn that one looks good!


Thank you, it’s thanks to you. :pray:

But is it purple with rage from starvation? Lmao


I think if that was purple from starvation my plants would have had purple the first round. You’re seeing Expressions I didn’t get to see. I’m definitely popping some more of these for this summer. 4th photo down is looking really good too… they are all looking good.
Are those all Oaxaca?