The Central American landrace and heirloom thread (Part 1)

I haven’t found them. It’s actually known as Sumatran tripping weed though. I’ve only seen one report on this strain and the guy said it was the strongest stuff he ever smoked. I’m only using the name as an educated guess for the effect aside from this one smoke report. The guy said it was like mushrooms


Your step daughters are growing up @Upstate. If they’re not careful they might get pinched.

Seriously though, what a stench. :joy:

Oaxacan society mixer :cocktail:

A real surprise! So fixated on the purple stalks this green one went unnoticed. She was quietly waiting to blow past the fast ones.

A bud comparison

It’s all menthol/balsam/conifer in here. No fruit, no meat or anything unexpected. The wife asked what that awesome cologne I was wearing was.


wow, so beautiful i wantet to quote your pic. lol

Thats the look i had on Hoabac once. It looks like lemon ice cream, with a cyan hue


Thank you :blush:

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That’s what I think when I look at the structure of trichomes. There are easier more efficient ways of generating odor than to distribute it like naval mines over the plant surface. Odors are extremely small particles and volatiles.

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Beautiful pictures! Can’t wait for the rest of the OST to take off.

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They are putting on flowers now. I’ll get some pics of them when I have a chance.


Here they are


Are you familiar with the Botany of Desire?

For sure trichomes and resin are an attractant… to humans. Marijuana doesn’t rely on insects to pollinate it, or birds to spread the seeds.

The modern marijuana plant spends most of its energy producing a chemical which is a very strong attractant to the hairless ape known as humans. That hairless ape goes through an awful lot of trouble protecting that plant, and caring for that plant. Reproducing that plant.


The chicken’s evolutionary edge! :rooster: :poultry_leg:

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You know a good plant when you see one. I’m drooling over those buds too🤤.


Hey @Upstate do you think I need to back the lights off more? I don’t think I can do anything about the curling in the small bags but the stems are looking angry. Not much hope of getting the rh down where it might help.

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Mother warned me about those aggressive nightshades.


I think that might be the rare tool-eating pheno… :laughing: :vulcan_salute:



I opened that picture like four times and zoomed in thinking, damn I have those seeds too! Great work @GREANDAL. We are all blessed @upstate to have been gifted these.


The curling comes from the Oaxaca side though you wouldn’t know it looking at yours. The only plant I had that had curled leaves was Old Silversides, so it might be a good sign, painful as it can be to look at.
What is your rh? My Oaxaca did that same thing last winter with very low rh but leaf curling happened immediately after giving just a pinch of high p bat guano. I think its nutrient sensitivity or ph related or both, (even though it seems to us that its starving to death) but I’m no expert. Some tropical plants just seem to grow that way indoors. I’ve seen plenty of pics with that curl. Seen them turn into a rams horn. Outdoors, no high P guano, no problems. Too much N will do it, but thats clearly not the case.
I think they are used to intense light. How many lumens? What light now?
Have you topdressed with castings or compost yet? I use marine compost because Its loaded with calcium and magnesium. Highly recommended if you can get it. It’s the only way I’ve managed to feed them without bothering them.


Thankyou Cryptic Labs! I :pray::pray::pray: I for one have found a unicorn strain I will always treasure and it looks like there are phenos I haven’t seen yet, too. Perhaps something even better than Old Silversides​:grin:…( nah)
I wish more of the holders of these old genetics would follow Cryptics example and let us get to enjoy them too by releasing them pure.
One final thought…many of us are seed junkies. Hit up Cryptic Labs and give them some business as a Thankyou. ( through Great Lakes Genetics). You never know what kick ass freebie awaits you! I’m going to get that Demon Latcher strain of theirs soon
I’m not afraid…(well maybe a little)

They are calling you…


Thank you kindly. I’m proud they’re alive and worth showing everyone. So much I would do differently.


Hi @GREANDAL permission to add man >>> no tik tok in this flow .
Have so much data to share in this thread … But nothing compared with your indoor growing showcase … Overlord stuff .

Here L23ºS … Same Latitude of Paraguay > The pure South American comes inside the low grade bricks … When you cross a MALE seed landrace of the same Latitude you are breeding in = I lost my Kushayo personal Strain … Have all Robert CC pdfs

Images from my “microcosm” circa 2015 before the Kush Skunk Cheese Domina WW storm

Captions for few >>>


Pure bag Landy > Is part of my TODAY grow project

:heart_eyes: :paw_prints: :man_farmer: :call_me_hand: :broccoli: :zap: :fire: :surfing_man: