Back to Seeds

Just joined and figure I’d run a diary on here. Just moved, so unfortunately starting fresh with seeds. Luckily, I have quite a few seeds from GLO and the Stdealllllllls. I’d love to run cuts, but prices that I see are crazy. Just have little seedlings now, so nothing interesting to see. I’ll throw a pic up when I transplant them into little pots. The seeds are as follows:

-Pink Certz (The Menthol x Grape Gas) x8
-Stay Puft (Marshmallow OG x Grape Gas) x8
-Panama Pupil V3 (Freebies. See people fussing over this guy. Seems like a lame, but some swear by the smoke. So, figured I’d pop them and see.) x3
-Good Ol’ Days (Panama Red x Bubba) x3
-Anarchy Hashplant (Think it’s HP13 x HPK. Only had one seed left.) x1
-G13 Haze x2 (No clue where these are from. Old freebies I think.)
-TK x OFP x2
-5150 Tk x TK x5

They’re in a closet now with a LED board that’s for flowering (3000k), but they’ll be fine. Hopefully get a 4x8 soil bed setup in the next month as they veg and then throw a cut of each in the bed. I’ll be back with a pic in a week or so. Also, I got those Compound packs for crazy cheap. I bought six from him at $85 per pack and that was pricey to me.


welcome to the OG community, your going to love it here!
really interested to watch your run. i have some of the stay puft. great deal on those packs!


No, no. From seeds, from seeds, from seeds… :slight_smile:

Just one man’s opinion. :slight_smile:


I like to keep cuts for a bit, but I’m always running/making more seeds… I like sifting through and finding some cool plants! Good luck to you!


Haha I prefer keeping 3-4 mothers in a closet and just flowering out cuts in a room. I’m really only into the finished flower. Definitely not as interested in the other stuff as many others. Zero interest in breeding or anything like that.


Yeah, I’m not nearly that sophisticated a grower! Hell, I managed to poison virtually my entire grow a couple of months ago! xwi2Y3G I’d go deeper into it but I’ve got to change the water in our turtle’s 150 gal aquarium.


Seeds can be better than cuts. Just not always uniform. Find your keeper bro if cuts are your thing. Seems like you’re in good order otherwise :innocent: wishing you luck. Keep us posted with many updates. Pictures will get far more attention. So make sure your photos have as much detail as your writeup and you’ll be grand. I’ve got a good feeling anyway. Welcome to OG

Also if you need more seed shout up


hang around here long enough and the cuts will find you.
I enjoy keeping good plants around and I do keep moms when I can but I never fear starting from seed. Every one that pops is a new adventure :wink:

good luck on your grow… interested to see how some of those on your list turn out like the g13 haze and the anarchy hashplant… those might be real good if not great!!!

Welcome to OG !


The Anarchy Hashplants I’ve grown out have been nice. The best ones are chunkier and tighter HPK plants basically. HPK is a favorite of mine.Remember G13 Haze being a nice smoke back in the day, but who knows what these beans will be.


Welcome to OG!
Look forward to seeing your progress with this grow!

Lovely selection that you have to start with so sure you’ll find some worth keeping around.
And remember all those ‘elite cuts’ out there, came from seed at some point.


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Lol. I disappeared today to do this exact same thing! Turtles happy now.


Welcome to OG! It’s pretty awesome here! Looking forward to watching your run!


I get it folks, people on here love seeds, seeds make people money, making seeds and breeding gives people stuff to do, and so on. I just think it’s ridiculous that must of us still want the same few strains from back in the day (80s/90s) and there are ten million different strains now, but people still struggle to find what they’re looking for. I’ve always thought renaming stuff and whatnot was super corny, but it’s ridiculous these days. It also makes me laugh how so many people claim to grow for the best smoke, but are looking for or growing out old commercial strains. It’s all really weird to me.


Some of the stuff from the 90’s when many of the hybrids were still young and not outcrossed or inbred to oblivion are still around. Speaking about G13… I’m running reeferman’s RM-13 which is the airborne g13 x(airborne g13 x santa marta columbian gold). Only got one seed to pop and she is a nice plant.
I have dutchgrowns G13-IX in seed form still but this uses Hermetics Pacific G13 which is an indica.
fun times :wink:


Those sound great! It’s almost overwhelming trying to decipher what older beans are legit and what aren’t. If I was super wealthy or still selling flower, buying 5-10 packs of 10-20 of these offerings that look interesting wouldn’t be a hassle, but alas money. That Puck work and the NLxHaze crosses from C&C have my eye for sure. Whenever I buy new beans, if I don’t get cuts, I’ll grab some C&C stuff and then try to find who has legit NL5xHaze beans.


This is Gril, our 9 1/2 lb, ~20 year old red-eared slider. She’s been a real joy all these years. She was about 3" long when our neighbors separated and they gave us their children’s turtle. All of em, kids and turtle, are adults now! HA!


Nice! An old weed head on the beach I grew up on had a big turtle/tortoise habitat in his backyard. It was super cool to go check out.


@PatHealy I promise not to hijack your entire thread with turtle pics…… @mota started it!
This is Ralph. Ralph has a dirty shell cause he decided to eat his best buddy Donny the pleco that kept everything nice and clean last month. Now Ralph gets to endure his least favorite thing… being handled and bathtime.

He’s also still upset cause I touched all his stuff!


No worries at all. Post away. Will be months before I have some flowers to show in here.


I’m tellin’ ya bro, we like to see flowers as children, adolescents, young adults as well as adults! HA!