The Central American landrace and heirloom thread (Part 2)

@420noob looking good. That OxRS seems to hit a growth spurt. Can’t tell if it’s lighting but are those coming out lime green or are they yellowing?

@Upstate wow the resin on that old silversides. got a few seeds left from that pack of yours that will need to be grown sooner than later, fingers crossed something close to that comes out!

Huixtepec from @Upstate

Plants are starting to give me a neck ache looking up at em.

Honduras from ACE :arrow_down:

Purple Mexican Heirloom from KropDuster :arrow_down:

This one has felt hybridized and the early flowering that started about 7-10 days ago might confirm that. Looking forward to trying the smoke though for sure. Will be interesting for comparison.

Group Shot :arrow_down:


You have it backwards. Since finding out about it, I’ve always said the only one that is pure and out there( can find it) is the 74. I’ve also said the version I just grew is a hybrid, but is still the strain people raved about.


Beautiful plants! I can’t wait to see how they turn out. Looks like you’ll have one heck of a yield.
For sure get into those Oaxaca. Good stuff.
What is to the right in the photo?:thinking:


haha, ok, man its a good day actually.


@romanoweed i picked off the ripe meangreen × auto viet seeds the other day… Let me know how I can get you some.


following along closely - I have waiting to see her grown out !!!

Watching this one too !!!
I have seeds from Kropduster of this line a few gens back !

Looks great !!!


That part was to you and the rest was just me rambling​:grin::grin:

very good info (or halfinfo. ) i thought silently that we actually dont know much about what is what, especially for Panamas. Youre one of the better informed members i know.

All i know is tha the snowhighs Panama is a favorite of my landracelover Collector who really seaches alot.
yes i heard also that snowhigh outcrosses without telling. Somebody said that about his Vietblack…
would be a real bummer if we cant trust his word neither. and it would really surprise me.

I would say that snowhighs74, and Greenthums aswell look quiet a good place to start… i mean i wished i would have had such offers for my beloved Vietnamese Region… i mean 16 weeks i think… maybe hybredised still, but…

Swami organic seeds didnt impress me as much. oh yes and i always found coastal seed companys panama wich i actually heard was also the 74 thingy… i found his neither the best looking offer…
But thats specualtive based on my sometimes failing meditations…

The Doublepanama, isnt it shorterflowering than the 74 alone ? i never heard of a 12 weeker panam74 . right?


I have the Vibes 74 Panama. I was told it was peace corps Panama By the guy that gave it to me. It’s very long flowering. 24-26 weeks. I assume snowhigh used the same one in Double Panama.
But I didn’t know About multiple collections the peace corp made. Hopefully some other ones pop up and become available.


Around fifteen weeks for double panama f2’s and for my seedrun.


Well the rest of the lineup against that wall include Nepal Annapurna, Kullu, Lambsbread (Exotic Alchemy), Highland Thai, Punto Rojo, and Destroyer.

I hope so but these are all new to me and I’m not even sure if half of these will finish in time but figured I’d at least get some early samples though.

I know a bunch of packs were passed out and I was hoping to see a few others also.


When is the end of your season @deeez99 ? Kullu goes 15 weeks. Exotic alchemy lambsbread is 12-14 I think.
Huixtepec around 18 weeks.


we can speculate far: if Snowhigh outcrossed the 74, may the doublePanama have no other ascensions in it? and be more pure than snowhighs74?
tzz dude

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Just to add more to the Panama mix…

These are Panama 71 are from hippie.cannabis.genetics on IG


hippiecannabis his panama71 pictured above IS definitly different. i totally trust that he sprouted his fathers seeds… so his are different than others,. different story, different line,


Some can muster through till mid Nov which is when the freezing night temps really kick in. It will be close.


:slight_smile: Lol but that is a fine looking plant the structure is really nice!



@Upstate have you grown that vibes 74 yet??

That has got peak your interest after seeing those jahgreenlabel buds…Its really something


It sure is a beauty! . I had been saving that one till I had more experience with something that longflowering, but now I have that experience… And a picture to drool over… Thing is, i’ve already grown three panama’s… but maybe I can squeeze them in next spring/ summer. :wink: