The Central American landrace and heirloom thread (Part 2)

Love everything about them both…Diego could be probably the godfather of Graffiti.

And Fridas Pain ,interpreted in her art…an incredible combustible duo.

terminó en lágrimas .(ended up in tears.



This interesting thread when it comes to vintage Red strains…


Big fan heartfelt impressionism


Have any of you seen the frieda movie with Selma haeck? Did that seems to be some what of an accurate depiction of her struggles. I only know bits about her just curious if y’all have a better idea.
Ok :ok_hand: edit for pics!
Oaxacan 6 wks flower I believe

Oaxacan male

Oaxacan x red snake



The use of marijuana in Mexico​

It is said that the Franciscan Bishop Juan de Zumárraga claimed that marijuana was what the indigenous people needed “to be happy.”

According to Juan Pablo García-Vallejo, in his book The Dissipated History of Marijuana in Mexico, he refers to Jesuit priests as the first to spread the medicinal use of hemp in northwestern Mexico.
García-Vallejo also says that the use of cannabis was also transmitted by African slaves, who never abandoned their ritual medicine and cults. It was the shamans and healers who adopted this knowledge.

The indigenous population of Mexico already had a tradition for the ritual and medicinal use of natural substances such as God’s meat or teonanácatl (mushrooms), peyote, toloatzin (seed of the virgin) and picietl or yetl known as rustic nicotine ( tobacco). Therefore, when marijuana arrived in Mexico, they quickly discovered the benefits of consuming it both for daily life and for religious use.

It is possible that smoked marijuana also began to be consumed at that time, since in 1550 Viceroy Luis de Velasco y Ruiz de Alarcón limited its use because “the natives began to use it for something other than creating strings.”

On its medicinal use, centuries later, texts such as that of Juan de Esteyneffer in his treatise Florilegio medicinal de todos los diseases of 1712 affirmed that hemp seeds were used in horchata against gonorrhea, or that scrubs and baths served to regularize the menstrual cycle or to reduce the abundance of milk after delivery. Years later, in 1772, José Antonio Alzate in Memoria sobre la Indians use pipiltzintzintlis describes that this plant produced a calming effect and could be used against muscle and toothache pain.

European doctors began to spread the word about the pharmacological use of cannabis. In fact, Queen Victoria used it to relieve menstrual cramps. When the news reached Mexico, Mexican doctors incorporated various marijuana remedies into their recipe books to cure different ailments such as hemorrhoids, colic, intestinal humors, hemorrhages, joint pain, among others.


I’ve been neglectful with my picture posting this summer. The brutal heat has stunted everything.
Here’s a Punto Rojo, in the white bucket.

Here’s a 100% Mexican sativa cross between Oaxaca and Jim Ortega’s MDS (Guerrero and Michoacan). Thanks @Upstate and @lambchopedd.


Wow you’re keeping them much healthier than I’m able to do when it gets really hot. I couldn’t Grow a healthy plant In a white bucket when it’s hot to save my life. Your plants look healthy. You thinking they’re just a little bit smaller than they’d otherwise be because it’s so hot? I don’t see any damage at all. How are you keeping the roots from getting cooked?
Looking forward to seeing what you come up with In the end. Should be a great cross.
@mexcurandero420 I’m going to have to look for that book. Great post.
@420noob You’re getting closer my friend. Another couple months and You’ll be jumping at the bit for harvest.


What about this @Upstate

O G podcasts…man be great if we had a Central America and Mexican one with you and others Participating. Bet you be up for tha!



I have those seeds they cost me a fortune


Which ones…HM x BB or the Chimera Highland Mexican?

I have the first gen hmxbb


Here they are again

These are oaxacan volunteers from open pollination using upstate seeds from cryptic labs
The plants in pots are the cambodian x golden tiger


Close ups

The first two and last one are the cambodian cross.
The very last one is darker green and smells very nasty. The grass hoppers like it. And have topped it twice.


That would be fun. Love to get @Elchischas on there. He’s the expert on this area.
@Trowertripper I heard so many people say how great that one is. Don’t let thone beans collect any dust. Nice plants!


Male acupulco gold

Two of the 3 female acupulco gold I have. He third one had tipped over and needed a stake etc. I will post a shot of it when it gets straightened out.


My two Oaxacan/columbian females. I also have a male and I plan to make a few seeds.


Awesome brother @Bugsandnugs


If I had to spend my time as a plant, I like that spot next to the creek (pond?) I bet those roots are itching to grow into the local soil😁
Looking good :+1:


Oxacan clone

Also think my male Hermied I’m seeing pistils form around ball sac is this Hermie? Will have pics when lights on tonight.

12 Likes has a few packs right now from the same source (Kobe’s). Expensive, but rare stuff usually is. Check out the description