The Central American landrace and heirloom thread (Part 2)

probably languagebarrier? with stink i mean the smell of modern hybrids, a heavy smell, almost of foul rotting fruits- and thosand other nuances like metall too… creating a big boring sauce-cloud

i didnt mean “strenght of smell” really


While I did find those seed packs 100$ a seed pack is currently out of reach for me because I just don’t have the money. I have some Herm seeds coming from Sebrings original pack release. I’m hoping to buy some off of a random friend. It’s been an uphill battle, I have a friend who’s uncle has been growing the same stuff for thirty years (they are all from Maui) and he’s sending me some as soon as uncle finds the seeds haha ! I’ll be trading with them 100000%

But other than that the original search for MWCB79 is still in process


Thanks, I have seen these things too. But there has to be some more scientific information out there. Like, can I sprinkle some essential oil on my weed and change the effects? :joy:
I’ll try to find some papers about it.


I think the key question is what them terps l00k like? The growth structure of sativas can only take so many forms, it makes sense that equatorials would look like, but ultimately they all have their own finger print .

Regarding the potency - when you’re in Europe at 40’N ++ and the genetic point of origin is revolving around the equator, why would you expect anything less than a shell of the original? Same goes for those doing indoor. Personally - I’ve enjoyed growing tropical lines in a northern ish environment, but i also proceed with the understanding that they will be only be a glimpse/morsel of the real deal grown in native environment.


You want to change the effects? Make it more potent? Look into cobbing or fermentation

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lots of artificial terp sprays in the market as well to make up for the poor growing and curing environments

Regarding terpenes, it’s said that they modulate the effects of cannabinoids though it’s likely there’s more complex interactions happening within a wide range of potential secondary metabolite production and observable synergistic effects.

There’s a book I’ve been wanting to add to the collection titled The Big Book of Terps by Russ Hudson though I’m uncertain of the quality of information. It does boast of being the world’s largest and most comprehensive resource on terpenes, flavonoids, and synergy in cannabis with over 1,275 scientific citations. I believe this synergy was coined by Ethan Russo with the phrase " the entourage effect".

Anecdotal, a while back a buddy soaked some material from a variety of plants in food grade alcohol, steam distilled the terpenes for collection and then evaporated the alcohol off. I’m not sure the exact processes but was gifted a small vial of essential oil from the stem distillation and two forms of the concentrate. One was hard and crumbly but not sticky, and the other was like the stickiest laffy taffy ever. If I recall the sticky laffy taffy type stuff was made from recombining the dry crumbly stuff with some of the steam distilled essential oil.

On it’s own, the dry crumbly stuff wasn’t fragrant and didn’t have noticable effects that I can remember. The laffy taffy stuff had an effect, but what was most noteworthy was the little vial of essential oil from the stem distillation. It was made with mostly Blueberry and some Neville’s Haze and if one were to take that essential oil vial and brush a little bit of it onto another type of flower it would absolutely supercharge the effects with consistency. Too much though and it would cause inflammation in ones respiratory tract. It was a fine line of blast off or coughing fit. So very enjoyable when dosed appropriately, and the effects were also consistent. While I feel there are definitely synergistic relationships between terpenes and cannabinoids, I think it’s not just limited to terpenes but also volatile organic sulfur compounds and other secondary metabolites. Heard someone once mention the idea of using cannabis sourced essential oils from specific varieties to then be employed on the same varieties if needed for integrated pest management strategies and thought it was a pretty interesting thought. Hope the book referenced and anecdotal story helps. Much love


That’s what I get for falling behind on my required reading :joy:

No worries bud.


Super interesting, thanks for sharing this @Sbeanonnamellow!


.Eating mango before you smoke is said to increase the effects quite a bit. Noticeably. Whatever is in the fruit helps with THC absorption. I don’t know if it’s coincidence but Nanda Devi Has a very strong high and it has mango terpenes…
Perhaps a pine needle tea before you smoke would increase the effects as well.

Locking forward to the book


i would assume that our brain may identify that its just something unrelated and hence it might not have as much of modulating effects. But yeah people say a breeze of peppersniffing would give antianxiety effects.
Why did i never try this?


Because you’re smart lol
I think it works because you’re too busy sneezing to be anxious.( I’m joking. I don’t know if it works)


Some of the most potent bud I’ve ever smoked had a mild scent. It was leafy and rustic-looking, even.


Do you think it was dried properly and cured @Herrsquidward ?


Mango has mycrene, terpinolene, limonene and other terpenes. At a minimum, terpenes are a potentiator.


It was. It was also thin and wispy, pure NLD or damn near it.


After I asked about a read I found a paper about certain terps docking to certain receptors and modulating effects. (accidentally closed it, will search again). That could be the case with the mango too. FWIW I had an autoflower with mango smell that did not do much for me :grin:


Thank you for sharing your thoughts and comments. I am grateful to learn this new to me word, potentiator, and it’s uniqueness as it relates to the topics being discussed. Learning of this subtle distinction is helpful in further research and exploration. Much love


Damn. Artificially flavored weed. I never thought I’d see the day

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This is the best article I’ve seen so far. Selected cannabis terpenes synergize with THC to produce increased CB1 receptor activation - ScienceDirect

My opinion is that the effect of terpenes is probably overblown. At least half of them they tested didn’t have any effect on CB1, but some did have some detectable synergistic effect with THC.

Without synergism, the effect on CB1 is 10-48% that of THC; however the naturally occurring amount in cannabis is also like 10x lower than THC.

Anyway I need to spend more time digesting the article, but it seems like there is an effect. It just doesn’t appear to be all that substantial.