The Central American landrace and heirloom thread (Part 2)

Skimming that referenced article having noticed it’s recent publishing date and learned that it wasn’t actually Ethan Russo who coined the entourage effect phrase as I’d previously thought, and that it was actually Ben-Shabat et al in 1998. Looking forward to giving that a proper read and checking out the cited references, appreciate you for sharing the link. Much love


Isn’t myrcene supposed to help cannabis penatrate the blood brain barrier?


Thanks for the link. It seems they have only looked at CB1 in this study.

Here is the article I found. I have not read all of it yet but looks interesting. They also look at the adenosine system.


Caleb CSI humboldt and pirates emerald triangle has Mango Beiche of Cannabiogin origins

Mango does do things if you get some nice dehydrated mango slices Makes for a very nice lift to the high I would say…The times Ive tried it…Worked so well I forgot to ever do it again! Will have to get me some more of those…Its so concentrated its like a myrcene high in itself

Caleb’s new podcast w/heavy daze he talks about reproducing some sativas…


Here’s a link. High myrcene strains usually knock me out, so I like them only occasionally, or at night.Myrcene Terpene: Strains, Effects, Dosage, & More - Finest Labs

I think I now know. He must have got these off of Reeferman.
Here’s Reeferman Santa Marta description…

Who is this “One Love Colombia”? Seems to be the source of Santa Marta for Reeferman and possibly Koby’s too. Flowering times are definitely listed differently. I don’t think it’s the exact same
Here’s old school breeders association ( Reeferman)description
9-10 weeks…instead of 12-14.
So either this is the original batch reeferman was able to get, And the guy talked him out of ten or twenty of the original seeds, Or koby also Sourced the seeds from One Love Colombia.


Check out the show ‘SHAPING FIRE’. They get very deep into cannabinoid science on a regular basis.


I am checking the materials used in the papers posted, not intending to stir controversy, I am interested in this topic and how smell and tastes have become more important than high
The paper from Nature magazine talking about “entourage effects” and bragging to be the first ones to prove this with that paper, included Morphine sulfate pentahydrate (from the NIDA Drug Supply Program) was dissolved in USP saline
They just wanted to make sure they were getting some “entourage” with their work

The israeli paper from sciencedirect is using terpenes sourced from Purified terpenes were purchased from Vigon International Inc. (Pennsylvania, USA. α-pinene (natural, 98.2%), β-pinene (natural, 94%) limonene-D (natural, 99%), myrcene (natural, 95.5%), ocimene (Trans, natural, 69.3%) sabinene (natural, 76.67%), terpinolene (natural, 92.6%), borneol (natural, 59.9%), eucalyptol (natural, 100%), geraniol natural (97%), linalool (racemic mixture, 100%), terpineol (natural, 98%), β-caryophyllene (natural, 88.4%), humulene (natural, 91.6%), bisabolol (natural, 98.5%) and nerolidol (natural, 99%)

None of these terpenes appear in purified form in cannabis and these “scientific” articles are tendentious. One thing is a 100% terpene working on your brain and another thing is those terpenes diluted in very small quantities in ganja buds
The only thing proven is science dont understand how the brain works and is very far from it
Science dont know much about cannabis either and scientists are not drug lovers and they are more interested in getting peer reviewed than in proving facts

I have many different terpenes from the same strain. I dont find any correlation so far between terpenes, smells, tastes and high of pure bud. I certainly would love to see proper studies showing how this works

When you transform bud into something else everything changes and you are not talking about the same bud. Fermentation will provide long shelf. It works well with strains having long cure.
For hybridized modern weed that has short shelf life and a 30" high with a strong munchies coming after this 30 min, fermentation dont work.
It is an alchemy, you are transforming a product into something else like hash or charas is.

Science is calling cannabis sativa everything. Indicas, sativas, rudelaris, hemp. Everything is too mixed up and too generalized
It makes more sense to me if one of you guys growing at home discover proper correlations between your brain and terpenes with your own weed than science with their current methods

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The key difference between your post and the “current science” is that your statements are only backed up by your feelings, and your personal anecdotal experiences.
Is science perfect? No, it’s limited by our current technology and understanding. But a well designed, independently researched, peer reviewed experiment with repeatable results is always going to be superior to somebody trying to “logic it out”.

Brother, this is ridiculous. Do we know everything about the Brain? Again, no. But "science don’t understand how the brain works? Come on. I think it’s more likely that you just haven’t engaged that much with scientific research, so maybe your brain doesn’t understand how science works. That’s not an insult, just something to consider.
If you post any scientific data backing up your claims, then I think we’d all be happy to discuss it, but the entourage effect, as well as effects influenced by terpenes has been researched for literal decades.


@Upstate y @Papalag

Oxacan x chocolate rain.

11 weeks in flower…nearly there.



Looks great :+1:
She’s about there
Have you looked at the trichomes


Looking good…def …on course fr next week, the buds are tightening up like little acorn cones. and bds getting darker as they ripen.


@Panamajock Very nice. Excellent grow. You got home just in time to watch them ripen… .perfect timing. Any mold at all on these?
Which is yr favorite?


I am growing a couple of Oaxacan/Columbian right now. They are from Coastal stock but reproduced by @Ziggy77. I do not have any Sativa experience really but I am super excited to be growing them. They smell like motor oil and fuel and incense, a little sweet too.
I have a male too and I plan to make seeds.


The first picture is wrong, the 2nd is oax/col

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This is the second, larger of the two.


oldschoolbreeders is different than Charles scott aka reeferman

“reeferman genetics” is a company formed while charles was was working for some big company and wasnt selling seeds…Its not him

This new site which is down right now

Yeah, another confusing chapter in Cannabis history to be sure


@herbgreen is there any affiliation with then that you know of? Thanks.

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I think we would have much less information if was some switch-a-roo like that

Plus that Colombian reeferman released Apr or May

I would just grow it

How do you force flowering to finish outdoors?

Or will you run this inside?

No problem. A large and ever-expanding (or just an ever-expanding; it shows you’re always willing to learn, always a good thing) challenges the stereotype of potheads being lazy and stupid. I’ve noticed that cannabis growers tend to be intelligent.