The Central American landrace and heirloom thread (Part 2)

Different landraces but related. There are possibly 4 landraces in Malawi. Malawi Gold, Mulange Gold, Kaningina and a Peppery Malawi that grows in the North…could just be a different Gold cultivar, but might be a 4th landrace.


Check out the Freakers here on OG. We preserve landraces and heirlooms and swap seeds of each years work.


I know a couple people that are going to achieve it. :grin:
@herbgreen I don’t know much about them myself…only that it’s a pure one collected rather recently.


Ye I was thinking along those lines.

I did run ace seeds Malawi ages ago…and the plants were not to good…I wasn’t an experienced grower then .( if you ever are’
But I did note the buzz was nice.





PTB growing great, loving the sun

My last post my arithmetic was wrong…( after checking …they were 10 weeks in flower after 50 days veg…I thought they were 12 weeks.

Anyway today they are 14/15 weeks in flower.( if my arithmetic is right LOL
There doing that Sativa thing of second flowering now ( see fotos)

These could go 18 weeks maybe…


Sturdy strong healthy plants …I really like them. Nice thin leaves @Upstate

P j


@Panamajock Thank you for the picture show. They look fantastic. :grinning:


Es nada mi amigo

Im enjoying growing them,smashing cross …handles outside,and strong sun like a champion.

Ye will grow again if those other seeds u sent ever turn up LOL

Thanks again…yes looking forward to the show,get some dazzle in my life.



It’s amazing how small you keep them but how fully budded they are great job.


Leaf morphology helping to improve airflow is something I hadn’t considered. It’s one of those things where you hear something and you think, of course! All of the variables of a given environment seemingly influence plant morphology. It can show so much about it’s journey. Your remark about larger original fan leaves denoting domestication or ancient indica lineage is great. I think it’s quite likely some ancient trades happened and that trait got integrated into populations of more tropical regions. Big wide leaves late in veg or during flower probably aren’t ideal in the tropics but as a seedling it seems advantageous to some degree. I think it’s likely to consider some seed populations picking up this favorable trait.

Sort of in the same breath of plant morphology showing it’s story of passage, I think you’re onto something with your remarks of similarities being noticed between Colombian types and Oaxacan types. I read the Mexican export market shifted to Colombia back in the day. It would seem likely that they would have brought their genetics too. From what I’ve read, Colombia wasn’t always a traditional cannabis producing region for export until it moved from Mexico. I remember reading something about the pull out of the United Fruit Alliance having something to do with cannabis being cultivated as a cash crop in Colombia as well. It was previously bananas and coffee. All that to say, I’ll look for that book and I think you’re right about the likelihood of Colombian lines with Mexican pedigree. I’m sure there are and have always been small pockets of unique stuff going around the globe and even at some of the farms producing in Colombia of yesteryear but I think a majority of that seed came from Mexico first. The yucatan was an empire unlike no other back in the day! Many blessings and much love


Sorry @Cbizzle , but according to the movie “The Day After Tomorrow” the Earth is actually going to get colder :laughing:


Copalita Oaxaca, grown a few years ago, I don’t know if it’s like the old landraces but it’s certainly good, long flowering, slightly hermie, a cheerful, stimulating effect, sometimes a little trippy


Can anybody comment on their experience on BOEL Oaxacan or what they’ve heard about that line specifically? My understanding is it’s fairly fast flowering since I have been looking into a Oaxacan x Vietblack cross from AKBB to understand the lineage and it appears that the VB is from billy goat repo(i think the same as snow’s VB = vibes co?) which AKBB estimated it to finish in ~12-13 weeks?


I just saw someone growing that BOEL Oaxaca somewhere. IG maybe. Looked like the short pine pheno. 9 or 10 weeks would make it a hybrid Oaxaca if it goes that fast, but I thought I saw a 14-16 weeker.


I grew some Oaxaca boel plants, years ago, very beautiful plants, perhaps slightly hybridized (my personal opinion), an early plant was ready by mid-October, the others took 2/3 weeks longer…
I had a long doubt that it was a wrongly labeled Hawaiian (due to the similarities with some Hawaiians) but a pleasant chat with RC_Colas removed all doubts from me; it is a good, fairly early Mexican strain…
I saw that RC grew it last year…


Looks nice @Willydread. You’re probably right about some hybridization with that early plants finish time , but it looks like plenty of plants were spared the foreign pollen. You must be down around 35 latitude for that harvest window?
What were the smells and how was the buzz?
Looks like landrace team Oaxaca.


45 north in babilon…
It’s good, everyone who tried it liked it, it’s not as stimulating as a Copalita, but it’s a cheerful sativa, it doesn’t unnerve you but it doesn’t relax you too much, it puts you in that “aperitif by the sea” mood, this cheerful and happy effect, combined with a fruity/citrus flavor (some puffs tasted like spices or even licorice/menthol) they reminded me a lot of some Hawaiian varieties around in the late 90s…and I was wrong…


That’s a really early harvest for 45 North. I’m quite surprised the plants still look so " oaxaca". Hybridized for sure, but someone did a nice job of it.

I don’t know about that. There’s certainly some Oaxaca genes in some Hawaiian strains. That could be what you noticed.



X post from breeders labs …if anyone interested.

**Snow High collection for preservation


Looks like you died and went to stoner heaven!


All the Mexican and Colombian are back @ socal seed vault…

They only seem to put out a couple packs here and there…but theyre there!