The Central American landrace and heirloom thread (Part 2)

It is
I talked my self with mystic Funk
I sent him a rare old Chiapas Strain seeds
Was very poor storage seeds but he sucessfully back to life this Strain
Haven’t heard about him for a long time


Normally, I’d say that Halloween is a fucking pipe dream up here. You downlanders don’t realize how cold it gets here, and for how long. :crazy_face::point_left::point_left: :joy::joy:

That said, this lady has been outside in the February cold for a week and all she can do is yell, “Is that all you’ve got?!!?”


Oaxacan gold clone that I didn’t have the heart to cull but didn’t have the room to flower so she’s been basically outside for 49 of 51 days of flower she’s inside now I have room.
Damn it wrong phone got to update pic later 🤦.


My favorite Oaxaca plants survived twenty three degrees. 19 finally killed them. Multiple mid to upper 20’s nights didn’t even burn the fans. Tough plants.

Oh heck yeah. One of the best imo. For me, the best out of 50+ different landraces. The reason for the short phenos Is the old Lebanese influence imo. Gave Oaxaca the cedar smell and taste, along with the short phenos with chunkier buds. Lebanese migrants had made it to nearby Guerrero by the 1830’s, And what I read mentioned that when they emigrated out of lebanon they brought medicinal plants with them. Of course.Cannabis is the most common medicinal plant in Lebanon today and back then. You’re going to like this one. The pearl types or the plants that have small loose buds will give Durban a run for the money for most energetic smoke. I can work most of the day. pull out( another lol) a bowl at 4 o clock, and then work like a teenager until quitting time. This stuff lights a fire under your ass and gets you going if you find the right pheno. For me it gives a lot of pain relief as well.
Other phenos are more psychedelic. All of them are great smoke.

Funny how that happens lol. When are you getting into those seeds you made?:grin:


I live close to you(5000ft) and have grown Oaxaca, MDS and Punto Rojo outside. They all grew very well and were ready for harvest by the end of October/early November. :grinning:



I call those of you to my west, downlanders because it’s balmy down there compared to where I live. But I gotta tell you, since this Pearl Stem moved out last weekend, I have renewed hope about growing outdoors. And you might see them growing along the Rio Grande this summer too! :rofl::rofl:

Admittedly, she’s looking a little rough and some of her more tender branches are taking damage. But she’s proven she can hack it!


I did a germ test and outta 15 seeds 12 germed and the other 3 were a bit yellow so wasn’t expecting to much from them.
Took 3 of the germ tester and put to dirt about 5 days ago.


I purchased beans from two different growers that said they were Columbian Gold, however neither one had the smell I remember from the 70’s or smoked the same. I bought a zip of Oaxacan spears back then for the outrageous price of $20, they were worth it. :sunglasses:
If I found a REAL Columbian Gold I would die a happy man. :star_struck:


My Red Snake is at week 9, I think. I’d go look and take a picture, but she just went to bed. I’ll post one tomorrow, though. I should have waited, but I’m so excited to tell you!

I dried out a top and smoked a good two grams. It didn’t knock me on my ass, but it’s a great buzz.

I just got hit by the main wave. Fantastic! I was hungry but lazy earlier and smoked a little. I realized it took my hunger away. So later when I got hungry, I smoked the two Gs in a King Palm. I’m not hungry again. But I should probably put those steaks on anyway. :cut_of_meat:

Anyhoo, I’ve got this big sideways grin on my face right now so I’ll stop with the post.


Has anyone ever ran this strain?


@Panamajock @Upstate

Cay O Hueso

Two beautiful ladies all males where culled


Looking great Paps

P j


I figured it was a hybrid. I have seeds but at 9 weeks flowering for the early phenos I didn’t want to take a chance on being disappointed. I think the very first Oaxacan
hybrids made in the 70’s produced Oaxaca Dom plants with lessened flower times, and this is what these old timers are remembering. From Oaxaca yes, but not a pure one imo.
@Papalag looking good!


I’m happy to remember anything from the 70’s… :smirk:


Hey you ever get those seeds I sent your way? My last Oaxacan clone now inside to finish!
Ok on different phone will update with pic.

Yes i let ladybugs go in my plant room! :rofl:


Pearly Oaxacan from Deez…what started out as very compact plants have exploded in the past couple of weeks. Will they ever stop stretching, hehe? :slight_smile: Super spindly wispy buds so far. I don’t know if they will fill out much or not, but they do smell sweet.


Three Ace Guatemala and four Red Snakes.

Yummy Oaxacan 79 x Malawi.


Love it @TexasTea!
Out with the Old (ready) and in with the New
Best Wishes with those Ladies

And you’ve got some of the pearly action in the Middle!

Bases covered Bro


Thanks! I have two of these Pearly Oaxacan and they are virtually identical. Very curious to see how they end up. Really nice narrow leaves and sativa structure.


Plain and Simple @TexasTea thats a beautiful Plant!