The Central American landrace and heirloom thread (Part 2)

Oy that’s a pretty girl! Lavender? That’s interesting :thinking:


That sounds great. Thanks for sharing your experience with this line. Is this one from the landrace team?

I have a Panama gold clone in flower and it is the most abrasive , offensive, acrid , smelling plant I have come across in a long time. This is a very hard to describe smell , almost reminds me of motherwort or white whorehound. It’s not a smell that makes you want to smoke it , more of a nauseating herbal musk that makes you raise your eyebrows and think is weed supposed to smell this way.


Lol @Heritagefarms Thats funny. Im sure someone will wanna smoke it. Cant wait to hear a review.


It might turn out to be some dank weed idk , I have another strain that smells like dogpoo/puppy breath in flower but tastes like sweet skunky dank with a hint of camphor on the backend. I will never cease to be amazed at all the different smells cannabis can produce.


I was searching for info on the freebies I got with some seeds I recently bought and the search brought me here! I won’t get a chance to grow them out until next winter, but I’m excited to see the results. This was the description mean Gene gave.

Dolores is a Pure Mexican–not long flowering, very hardy and does good in pretty rough weather.

I got them from my friends Shawn and David – they came from their friend down by Big Sur that has had them since way back, at least the 70s.

Light green and frosty looking, it reminds me of our old northern lights clone. It should breed well with modern stuff (untested indoors but I’d try it since it never herms outdoors).

Most are taller with more narrow leaves but not extreme narrow leaf, a few have slightly broader leaves and more round golf ball nugs but I used my two favorite tall narrow males to make these.

Most of these need support because the buds are fairly dense and resinous and the stems aren’t robust. They have resin that can likely wash but the heads aren’t as big as I’d like to see for a hash plant. I’d expect them to cross we’ll with something with bigger heads though to make hash hybrids since they’re very resinous and not greasy. Screened hash from them has the nice yellow color I remember from the 80s and 90s


@GlassJoeGrows Sounds like fun. Are you going to grow them indoors or outdoors? :grinning:


I’m really trying to stick to a low number of outdoor plants this summer, so I’d be flowering them out over the late fall or winter. I’d have to supplement light in veg, but I could flower them outdoors or in a mixed light situation depending on weather.


Hey @upstate and anyone else with an opinion. I don’t know if you remember my issues with my Afghan original but I flished with 3gal rain water. I’m pretty sure my pH is low 6

Also have leaves turning pink and purple about 2/3 up the plant is the only spot showing show far. With all these symptoms I have to think low pH. Of course my pH pen went to hell some no hope there only educated guess. Since is showing lotsvof different difencencies so with the leave colors and knowing it not lacking it fits low pH. I use to water and I know some nutes can drop pH. Only effecting the older big fan keaves. And they aren’t falling off still firmly attached. So I remove the leaveas with color damage since no green they can’t photosynthesize right? Oh ya you see those pics :point_up:t2: as good I can get with my phone.lmao


They can, but not as efficiently as a green leaf.
Are you growing soiless? Rain water can have a low ph but it doesn’t seem to bother plants in soil. At College in the early 90’s some rain had the same ph as vinegar. Very acid. I’d say you have some salts building up potentially? The leaves have that look…
Hold on though…I remember a deficiency that shows as pink leaves. A wierd nutrient that would only be deficient in a low ph soil…but way lower than 6.
I’ll look in 30 minutes. I remember rolled leaf tips as a symptom too
Zinc shows as hooked leaf tips btw…maybe pinks too…hmmmm.
I think ph too.


Good morning everyone! I have been following along a bit and I am very interested in sativas. My first grow was from Mexican bag seed and I am in the middle of a trade where I should be receiving some Mexican bagseed that the guy has backcrossed as well as some Oaxacan/Colombian crosses. I would like to post about the plants I grow that belong on this thread. I am used to using organic soil mixes that I make myself but it sounds like what I normally make might be far too rich for these types of strains. Could anyone reccomend a soil recipes that works well with Central America sativas? Thanks in advance!


No different, really. Just make sure it’s not too hot to start with. Sativa seem to need less in general.


Thank you! I got d some soil I made a while ago and I’ll set it aside for these ladies. I intend to use a 15 gallon pot minimum.


@Bugsandnugs Last year I was concerned about the same thing - I had some amended “super soil” so I just bought a fresh bag of soil and put the super soil on the bottom half of the pot, and bagged soil on the top half that way they kinda eased into the hotter soil. They didn’t skip a beat.

I was also careful with the seedlings and used a lighter soil to start seeds with.

I used happy frog for the seeds and fox farms ocean forest for the top half of the flowering pots.

Good luck on your grow, looking forward to it!


If you go into a pot that big your sativa will get huge. mostly tall. It depends on where you live. Most places in the US won’t allow for a sativa to finish because of our latitudes.

I’m in southern Colorado and I start mine in smaller pots at first to keep them from getting out of control too early, and then before flower I put them in larger pots and I have to bring most sativa types in the house to finish the last month or two. That’s the other reason I don’t go beyond 5 or 7 gallon pots. I use a dolly to wheel them in the house, but make sure you don’t have any pests on them before. peace


Snowhigh Mexican punto rojo “el primo”.

Sending good vibes that I get 2 males and 3 females!


Doubling those vibes for el primos to find some keeper dance partners :pray:


Thank you so much for the advice! I think I will blend some Coco and perlite in with the soil I have mixed up.
I look forward to getting started!


I have pretty high ceilings and I am doing them indoors but I will rethink my potting strategy.
I am glad I asked and I am grateful for the helpful friendly atmosphere here!


And you can experiment adding a bit of sulfur to the medium to alter the terpenes.