The Central American landrace and heirloom thread (Part 2)

I think Dr. Grinspoon is certainly at least part Oaxaca, if not 100%. I would have to smell it to know for sure.
@Jimdoors That’s definitely 1 Of the coolest looking plants I have ever seen. Thanks for growing it and posting pictures. The cat piss makes me think it could have some vietnam black in there…
@Bobgrows Sometimes I miss some obvious stuff. Now that I see your avatar it should have been apparent lol. Glad my mistake didn’t ruffle your feathers.


@Upstate my feathers don’t rustle easy… lol
I just go with the flow. :grin:

As far as the “cat piss” smelling …I don’t think I could stand! Would have to be some DAAAAMN good weed! Lol just don’t think it’s for me.
Is it very strong smelling?
What did the terps taste like? Or do I not want to know…:thinking: ?
Now I’m curious.


The cat piss smell is not very strong on this one but its there. The nl x haze I had years ago was very strong catpiss smell after cure burned the sinuses didn’t transfer to taste much actually was harsh on exhale in a good way.


It’s Oregon Purple Thai x Panama Red. The Oregon purple Thai is Highland Oaxacan Gold x Chocolate Thai. Pretty sure the infamous “pearl” phenos come from its Oaxacan lineage


@Jimdoors Wow what a gnarly looking plant, that’s awesome!

Nice smoke report @HumblePie420 that juniper sounds really nice.

Previously I would agree with this for sure but after growing the Peshawar which had some strong cat piss/litter box smells it eventually mellowed into a more dominant pine which was really nice. I can only say that I’m now more intrigued by the cat piss terps rather than disgusted and hope to try a few more out.


The cat pee smell is quite revolting, But the smoke makes it worth it. Especially with that old vietnam black. That stuff lays you out awake and sends you to wonderland. My own strain is pissy too. Super strong get up and go weed, with a stone to it. Glossy eyed work weed.
Cat pee smell translates to a sour smoke. Vb smells like piss and white grape juice, tastes like white grape juice. My strains that have the pissy usually smoke/ taste like pure sour hash. It’s really good.
Peshawar, like @deeez99 says, can be pissy. Usually tastes sour/ pine


Thank you everyone for the explanations.
Now more curious than ever… lol
Sounds like I would still have to get passed that smell…:confounded:


I actually have a cat piss growing from @misterbee, damn it now I have to get a picture.


See I would take you up on it but I take dandelion root powder every day like 4-6 times a day lol so I just don’t know about that, I also was under the impression that dandelion had no negative effects? PS and I really need it that much too and it’s really not enough , by chance do you have any turkey tail tincture? See I got hep C when I was like 15 years old and I didn’t find out till I was 33ish and I was pretty wild smh retarded is more like it SMH lol it’s really not funny it’s borderline psurosis and I’m 40 and I don’t have Insurance, I’m single white male so no medicaid (I’ve tried 3-4 times now) so dandelion is one of the main things in my diet :slight_smile: and if I leave it out I can tell @Bobgrows and I wish I could afford their 1000$ pills but I don’t see that happening anytime soon but they say that if I take it every day with turkey tail for 7 years I can cleans the liver completely just as long as I catch it before it starts to scar


Dandelion root is an excellent liver/kidney cleanser. When combined with Burdock and Red Clover, they work synergistically to clean the liver and kidneys -essentially the fuel and oil filters of the human body.


I’ve had the cat piss smell a few times too. Nirvana Maui Wowie was one, but like Upstate said it turned into a nice smoke once it cured.


I’m with the belief that nothing should be taken consecutively. The body , in my own opinion and that of my Regeerative Dr, that it should have a cleansing break from all supplements from time to time. To not take more than 10-12 days at a time. It could just be my own personal case, too. I’ve had a stem cell transplant. That could be why for me.


the pulsing recommendation is sound and I have heard many practitioners recommend this approach, makes sense - ofcourse also depends on the unique circumstances of the individual, their habits, etc.


I have turkey tail in agar. Haven’t grown it yet. Hopefully this fall -winter.


Upstate Oaxacan cola and cuttings.


I have lots of Turkey Tail growing around here. I’d collect some for you when I get some time. I should probably take it too.


Raspberry leaves too, if I recall.


Man that looks wonderful! I want To reach through the phone and smoke it on you, lol. Glad to see the cuttings revegging😁


I can find Draydle Saddle here. But not Turkey Tail…:confused:
I’ll pay shipping if you can vacuum seal some too send?


Is Turkey Tail a fungi?