The Central American landrace and heirloom thread (Part 2)

Getting sluggy here in NY. Unghhh. Gotta be smart about what you grow, or it’ll get devoured. Last summer I called a truce with my slug and snail population. It seems futile to keep killing them, and if they had a say, I’m sure they’d rather live. Well, this summer I’ve gone all hippie. I save slugs/ snails if I see them getting cooked by the sun, and move them under cover. They stopped eating my plants for the most part. Just culled a couple weak ones I didn’t have the heart to kill. When you work with, and not against nature, sometimes it returns the favor.
Now if I could just have a chat with those friggin aphids lol…

The other sides of the containers were equally covered. Slugs and snails hang out on the plants, but don’t eat them. Maybe I have attained the perfect balanced soil mix? Apparently your plants become invisible to pests if the soil is in balance. I don’t know, but I’m happy I’m not making “slug spikes” to feed my plants this summer, lol.


I’m in the woods over here east of you…we have terrible slug issues by mid summer. What works for me is I bought a roll of 6 inch copper flashing and I just used tin snips to cut sections. I used flatters to bend the very ends over and made some simple collars that slip around the stems and then hook together. Seems to deter them pretty well and are reusable.


@TexasTea Oh yeah, copper works the best. Gets a charge from the soil and acts as an electric fence to slugs and snails
They wont touch it. . I used copper collars for years out in the bush, but I haven’t needed them this year, yet. We’ll see what happens. Plenty of time for me to go crazy again and start feeding the nasty bastards to my plants😁 if I start that up, I’ll break out the collars.


Here in Hawaii the slugs can carry rat lungworm disease. which can induce death coma and permanent nerve damage not to mention feeling like you have been hit by a truck for years after getting it. Sadly I have been a slug murderer for a while now :frowning: If I saw that many slugs I would have a meltdown! I never kill any centipedes tho and i never get bit. I feel where you are coming from.


Nasty slugs! I wouldn’t think twice about killing them. Here it’s the ticks that carry disease, and I just got one of them a little over a week ago. Laid me out hard, and I’m still recovering. I’ll be killing every one I see the rest of my life. Useless bugs.


Is that what Dr Grinspoon is? I thought it was a pure landrace. Definitely that Oaxaca brings the string of pearls types to the table. Easy to spot.

It’s a good cover story. People think you have lots of cats instead of lots of plants, lol


My understanding was it was a cross deliberately made in honor of Lester Grinspoon and a mashup of stout Sativas.


But which? Your guess is probably better than mine. lol I’ve heard several different things.


Hey so did some up potting on the long flowers that I didn’t try to kill in those jiffy pots(not the pellets).

3 Oaxacan, 2 Peshawar afgahni, 1 ancestral skunk x Turkish hash plant.


Looking good now, brother @420noob Way to go. Are you on 12/12 cycle? I forget. The Oaxaca/pesh get huge if you let them, so be careful. I see stem resin on mine, too. Exciting!


They are now yes.


Ticks are so brutal, I take our slugs and skeeters over them anyday. I remember turning green and fainting from ticks in cali. Went to the doctor and she was from CT, looked at me and told me flat out you don’t have lymes, I’d know if you do it is a birthright where I am from. Going upstate to vist wifes fam mid july curious is the tick season still a thing at that point?.


Ye there about 3 ft when I flipped…ye like Paps says will double on the stretch…I been nipping it when it was in veg …or they would be bigger.

As you know I don’t have a prob with head room…So ye prop be some on eye level, but let’s wait till they’re sexed.

Edit. @Tejas

You know these look ever so much like your PCO even the way that are stretching and growing




It really depends on where you are. Typically in my experience higher elevations above eighteen hundred feet don’t have ticks, But that is changing on the edge of the Catskills, just above the Hudson Valley, which is infested. They are in Hunter now, along Schoharie Creek especially, but I got bit at a job that was above 2000 feet where I never saw a ticks before. The property is infested, likely from the influx of All the people from downstate bringing ticks with them, And also due to the warm winter we had last year. Where I live, there are no ticks. I can walk around in tall grass all day long, with shorts on and not have to worry.
@Panamajock They do look like p c o don’t they? I can’t wait to see some buds on those plants!


How do the PCO look these days? :grin:


Well, the 71 Panama red are susceptible to Mold. At least the short ones are. The tall ones I’ve had no issues. Just lost a bud on each of 3 shorties, from stem rot. The plants were soaked straight for 3 days, so they withstand a lot of moisture, But with another month to go until harvest, I don’t think the short ones will be good for humid areas. We’ve had 85-95% humidity and temps in the 60’s. Mold heaven.


Yup, the few pearl phenos I’ve seen people post looked just like your Oaxacan plants. There’s some claiming the Thai is responsible but idk

So apparently it was originally a strain called “Señor Garcia” from old Reeferman stock that was a tribute to Jerry Garcia, he pheno hunted (maybe) a keeper cut that displayed pearl pheno and selfed it. Although like last year Derry (Barney Farms founder) came out saying it was a Laotian strain he collected in the 80’s and worked in the Netherlands. People speculate that he lost the original cut (and seeds?), then replaced with the Laotian strain but kept the name. Link with some interesting theories below:


The Senor part sounds suspiciously" Oaxaca like" to me. Perhaps a bit of disinformation has come about? Many breeders don’t like to give out secret recipes.
How do I add the proper symbol above the “N”? In senor. The word looks wierd without it.

Sure sounds like Oaxaca. Short chunkers and tall stretchies…both long flowering. Flowering time is right on for the fast Silversides types…about 13/ 14 weeks for the faster pearls.


If you’re using a phone hold your finger down on the letter as you type and it should offer you a drop down of possibilities.


In PC with numpad can be ALT key + 164 or ALT + 0241 (numbers on numpad) for little ñ. And ALT+0209 for big Ñ.
Also can use charmap.exe on windows, and select char and copy…

For spanish is easier,… only press the key ñÑñÑeeee :rofl: