The Central American landrace and heirloom thread (Part 2)

Here’s a couple of your babies

Should I do any maintenance on them or just let them do their thing?


Won’t do any harm to do a wee bit of manicuring…cut out of a few of those fan leaves around the centre of the plant…ie. Get some sunlight and help air circulation on the plants down below the fan leaves…

Looking good so far.



Sounds good. Will do.


Well I guess I won’t be doing it then, lol. Waaaaay over my head. Thanks, though


Senor Garcia is Oaxaca Gold x panama red…Its more or less known Barneys stuff comes out of reeferman

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SO much nicer after just a few days of curing. The smells have shifted ever so slightly into an even nicer smoke experience. I have so much of this from this harvest that I’ll get to put some away for a super long cure. I let some cure for around 8 months once and that stuff still makes me wanna chase that quality of smoke again. It’s just so hard to keep stuff around that long!

I’m very happy this old school woman has entered my life. I’m can’t wait to see how my other three plants come out now. Still only pre flowers on a couple.
This one in the Earthbox is getting nice and large. About 5 1/2 feet tall as well as wide.

The last two are in smaller pots. I’m hoping there are clear winners or else I’ll have to keep them all alive via clones.


Looking good, have they started to stretch yet? Removing some of the fan leaves will help as @Panamajock said. Will you up pot these?


Thanks @Tejas. I’ll up pot the one in the two gallon into a 7 gallon fabric pot today since I’m going to fertilize as well. The one in the 5 gallon fabric pot I’ll leave to ride it out in there the rest of the run. They have started to stretch and have kinda slowed down now.


Dang that plant makes that earthbox look tiny! Every time you all post A picture of a big plant I hurt my back up potting l o l. I just put a vietnam black into a ten gallon… After swearing I would never do so again.


Ticks suck. In 2000 in Arkansas, there was a drought and, for some reason, the ticks were exceptionally numerous. It seemed like nature was playing a cruel joke on them, though. The state of Arkansas had several wildfires that year and we had not one, but two “Ten-Year Ice Storms.” Rain would all and promptly freeze, covering everything in about a half inch of ice. It also snowed twice that December. That was really odd, since it usually snows once every other year, if that. That drastically reduced the tick population…for about a year, then it was business as usual: always too damn many of those little bastards.


Just did a tick check myself

Found one crawling the shag carpet in the living room the other day

They can hitch a ride most deceptive ways…I always wear a hat in the forest

No guarantees out there… be vigilant

Hope you heal up soon Upstate


Do you guys get Paralysis ticks over there? We have one particular type of tick that for 6 months that kills thousands of cats and dogs, I’ve seen it paralyse a horse! They are related to scorpions, so similar venom.


I don’t know what tick species are here, but I’ll take a look. There is one type here that is really small, but can leave a bruise where it bites. Literally a bruise. It’s insane. We have scorpions here, and those things freak me right the fuck out. I’m nowhere near as afraid of red wasps or yellow jackets, and those can fly. It’s irrational. I got malaria in Korea, so I’m well aware of what bugs can do and still don’t much care for mosquitoes.


It wouldn’t surprise me if Oz was the only place with death bringing ticks, most everything else harmless in other parts of the world wants to kill you here; hell even the Platypus has toxic venom and spike to inject it with!

I’ve had Malaria also, It was the sickest I’ve ever felt and it took ages till I had any energy back. Nasty thing to catch!


No they are gonna stay in the SIP. But the Sips can grow them pretty big, excited to see how they do in these. So they are in a 3 gallon pots each on top of a 7 gallon SIP so almost 7 gallons each. They have not stretched yet


If you start long flowering sativa’s at 12/12 how long are they in the veg stage before it is sexually mature is it about 4-5 wks like hybrids and indicas?

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These will stretch 3-3.5 x’s, be ready!


ahh going to the catskills so will see!! good to know some of the patterns you see. Wanna make a temperate food forest sister farm out that way someday, have to learn all the variables all over again :slight_smile: Your old silversides plant looks truly epic btw, really diggin the oaxacan hunting going on man keep it up!


What?!! Learn something new every day.
Our ticks kill now, but everything is treatable.
Thanks for thinking of me @herbgreen @Herrsquidward and everyone else. I’m near 100% again these last couple days. Going to take more than a little tick bite to keep me down. Unless it’s one of those creepy scorpion ticks from down under @slain.
I count my blessings every day that my area is generally really safe. Very few Rattlesnakes…they live here but in very localized areas, one only 15 minutes away…but I’ve never even seen one. Same with Copperheads. I never saw one here, but they exist.
Mountain Lions are here too, again, very rare and plenty of deer for them.
Even had a wolf on the property a few summers back, but " they and Mt lions" don’t exist in NY, according to the DEC.
Reminds me of something…