The Central American landrace and heirloom thread (Part 2)

Some presex early ( 5/6 weeks)under 12 12. Up to 8 weeks for some, like Lambsbread. Maybe 10 weeks. I’d have to check.


Thanks don’t worry about checking. I was just curious so 5-10 wks for presexing is what I was looking for man!

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You know, this is the first time I’ve heard of PARALYSIS ticks but if I was on a game show and was asked where they come from I would say Australia without hesitation.


Mountain lions are extremely stealthy. The population in North America is larger than most people are aware of because they have learned how to avoid notice.

Hiking with a friend in a wildlife refuge where reportedly there were no cats of any sort my friend looked back about a quarter mile to a pond we had just left and asked me what the hell a St. Bernard was doing out in the heat of summer. I handed him my binoculars and told him we were lucky it was 105° and she wasn’t hungry. A quarter mile is too close to be to a 250# cat.

I find the more urgently park employees insist on the absence of large cats the more likely their presence.


A few years ago, someone got a picture of a mountain lion in my county and it was in the newspaper. The wildlife people (I don’t know what that bureaucracy is called here) tried to say it was a bobcat. That was no bobcat. It’s said that panthers are extinct here, but Florida has them and Georgia is right next door. There is also a large black cat around here. Several people have told me about it. There has never been a case of a melanistic panther, but there are numerous cases of melanistic jaguars (native to Central and South America, part of the same contiguous North American Landmass), and I suspect that’s what it is. I just wish I could get some hair or anything with DNA without hurting the cat. Where I live in Georgia is the land that time forgot in a lot of ways. We’re miles from even an Interstate Highway, and surrounded by hills. Even the plant life is different. Most places you go in the Deep South are inhabited by Loblolly Pine. Here is mostly Longleaf Pine. I’ve also never seen so many Basket Oaks.


To be fair I understand why they do this. Several reasons why saying “yes we know it’s a mountain lion” would be bad for themselves, the cats and the generally ignorant public.


Where abouts you going? Beautiful time of year to visit. Basically just the river and larger creek bottoms have ticks, But that’s changing in isolated places.

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That, and according to official documents, they’re extinct. Contradicting the official story can get someone in trouble. You’re right, the very LAST thing we need is people around here in a panic, armed to the teeth and looking for it. They’d probably never find it, and end up shooting each other in the search.

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I’m from south Mississippi and yes there is a such thing as a big black cat inhabiting the deep south I’ve heard them before never seen only heard really creepy sounding sounds like a woman screaming! Scary as shit when you’re a kid! :slight_smile: Lol but they are out there and the wildlife peoples deny the hell out of it


No doubt. They are largely nocturnal. I’ve only seen 2 bobcats in 40 years, and they are plentiful.
My father in law got a lion on a trail cam, and nearly hit another or the same one with his car. A nearby neighbor has a lion family living on premises. Another local hunter shot one. DEC said, and this is a quote from the cop that shot it and wanted to have it mounted, but feared arrest…and had DEC over to look.
" oh you can do what you want with it. Mountain lions don’t exist in NY. That’s a " Timber Cat" :rofl::sweat_smile::rofl:.
Another collared lion was shot in Prattsville and hung up in the trailer park. DEC showed up and took their cat back…but they don’t exist lol.


I’m alright with that to be honest. If they know different they’re avoiding involvement, if they believe it they’re blissfully ignorant. Both cases are in the animals’ favor.

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Til a kid gets eaten playing in the woods.
I’m not against cats, and admitting they are here they’d be protected by the endangered species act. It’s safer for them, AND us, if we know.

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Well there’s nothing they would or could do to prevent that. Frankly bears are more dangerous to dumbasses in the woods than any cat.


I had one stalk me in the bush deeeep In the mountains near my fav bush patch. Made my neck hair stand up. Only time I’ve ever been hunted. Bears have always run away, and I’ve seen dozens at close quarters. 30-50 feet.
Incidentally…that made my neck hairs stand up too😁


No, but maybe parents would be a little more careful. You know…take the dog with you type of caution.
Disaster is just a matter of time the way it is now.

Too true. “C’mere little fella”, let me get a closeup of you and your cute cubs" lol
My dad’s friends neighbor shot a big bear in the ass with bird shot, and then went out after it, with BIRDSHOT. Lucky for him, my dad’s friend, a great hunter, also went out with his rifle, unbeknownst to " bird shot citiot". He shot the bear as it was sneaking up on birdman. It wanted blood.


Whatever it takes to keep the big cats from being hunted down and killed. They’re obviously no threat to anyone here. I just hope to see one someday.


Ooh sounds great. I’m ready!! Maybe

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I am stoked! going to be good to get away from the rampant jungle growth…it holds no quarter. Really into permaculture so going to visit some cool mixed orchards and berry spots I hope. Saw you are into hugelkulture :slight_smile: Any farms/homesteads you recommend for max diversity of fruit/veges? Wife has fam up in margeretville area, nice acreage with springs. Will be in vermont and CT as well for a bit.


Hey guys, quick question if I may. Is seeded bud less potent than seedless flower in your opinion? Thanks


One strange factor to consider there

outdoor plant mature top down…Indoor plants bottom up

Many times is that factor working since indoor people dust the lowers

I love the seeded if Lightly seeded

If heavy seeded its dry sift city…holds potency as it seems

I think its like the plant has fulfilled its life cycle when seeded…better smoke

Many factors…seeded bud is often outdoor commercial import It gets compression and storage which equals a primitive cure of sorts

Many factors but I know the seeded smoke can be the best…Different outdoor

Best is outdoor organic light seeded…

Hard to really say…since the best was always seeded from Mexico , Jamaica, Colombia