The Central American landrace and heirloom thread (Part 2)

Did not know that, thank you @herbgreen
I really don’t feel a difference from seeded to unseeded flower. Just wanted to see what you guys think about the subject.


Another thing that comes to mind…

Clones are different than seed plants

Clones have no tap root like a seed plant…Makes difference outdoor in dry summer heat

I think that the size and maturity of the plant is factor in seed making…tap root may factor into as well


Hadn’t thought about that. Great info to think about


Natural selection is a bitch sometimes. :slight_smile: :guitar:


Here’s Oaxaca doing what Oaxaca do. Just about an inch above my light,
90 days in flower :hibiscus:


What? Thanks! That I can do. Ññ!!!


What a beast! That’s a tent filler right there. You’ll be surprised at what you get. Probably a couple half gallon jars of beady goodness, maybe more. Seeing good resin yet?
I can’t tell if it’s single calyxes or if they are in small clumps of 5-10…
Harvest the main stem calyxes when they swell for a pre harvest taste.


Ive read seeded is less resinous. I haven’t noticed much difference myself.

Interesting. I’ll have to pay attention. Maybe due to less intense light down low indoors the plant is thinking " I better hurry and ripen the lowers before I lose more light."

I’ve found clones more likely to get blown over and uproot outdoors, too.

It’s still a little early for most of the local stuff, but Barber’s farm is worth a drive to visit. It’s north of Margaretville 45 minutes/ hour, in Watsonville, just short of Midddleburgh. Beautiful drive along route 30. Visit/ hike Vromans nose while there. Easy hike, wide flat trail on a moderate pitch. Stunning views. Peregrine Falcons nesting on the cliffs.
There is a fruit farm below the nose, but it’s temporarily not running yet. It’s under new ownership now…the Iroquois tribe that had its old village near the creek in the back, but sold the land to Vroman in the early 1700’s , bought the land back. They are letting the fields rest, and going fully organic😃
71 Panama Red.
Nice easy beginner Sativa. Double Panama is similar in that regard. Wish I had thought to get cuttings. The size and structure are indoor ready with this 71. Buds are pretty full and resinous. Epic smell. So epic I want to eat it :yum:.
This one could use some veg time, or try planting in a 3 or 5 gallon from planting, run 12 12 from seed. I expected more stretch, and restricted size too much. You could fit 8-12 of these under a good, strong light in 3 gallon pots if you grow them how I did.
One of the big ones, my favorite. Had some mold from humidity alone( 90% or so) indoors. I’ll have to hook up a dehumidifier, and outdoor time will be restricted to low humidity days. Too bad. They like the sun.

For the group buy folks, pollination appears to have been successful :+1:

Hoping for a few extra seeds to pass out. :pray:


What pH should I shoot for with the long flowers? Is between 6-7 ok like with hybrids or are they a little more picky.

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I always thought they are all the same PS the only difference would be grow style like I think hydro is a little different but 6.3-6.8 is the window to hit but my grow style the plant and microbes doing it :slight_smile: lol I couldn’t tell you the last time I used a pH meter :slight_smile: lol @420noob

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I truely have no idea I’m just asking for reference because the thought came to mind. Thanks I kinda figured but I’d rather ask.

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I may leave OG. I’m landracer3 on IG. I’m not going to be censored anywhere.


What? What happened bro? @Upstate oh I found it

Censorship happened. Again.


Why the fk would someone censor you? I don’t understand that doesn’t make any sense I’ve never seen you talk out the way to nobody @Upstate


For speaking truth my friend. The same reason everyone is censored these days


Well hold on I ain’t got much to pack bro :slight_smile: @Upstate


@Upstate hey brother I didn’t realize I had already been following you on IG im JackLondon1970 on IG
I’m tired of the commie censorship as well everywhere I love you brother and not in a lefty way. Your a good man and I have nothing but the upmost respect for you. Where ever you go I will follow . On a side note I tried messaging you on IG and it won’t allow me your avatar on IG is blank and it says you have zero posts. ? Is this the right account?

Have a blessed American Independence Day :us: My brother. And God Bless.


@Upstate hey man, I don’t know exactly what happened on that thread, but the landraces and knowledge you share are some of the best parts of this site imho.

Now I’m not on IG, but I’ll have to go join to make sure I don’t lose touch with you brother, I would follow your work on here IG RIU wherever you chose to post it.

And you often bring up amazing and factual information about very interesting topics that so many don’t want to talk about or acknowledge etc.

Censorship should be a crime.

Just my thoughts, and I never have seen you come off hateful, rude, attacking, or divisive on here toward others.



Amen I second that, and imo those should be the only criteria of being censored