The Cheap and Efficent LED Lighting Thread

oh i agree, exploded the odd chip or two my own doing or not, but yeah if there is voltage at least to the leads to the strips one should measure at the strips themselves , and if still the case that there is voltage then one could measure current to see if something funky happened to the driver where its outputting voltage but little to no current to light the strips, still suspect soem faulty connection, the strips burnt out or the driver went wonky.

specs wise of the newer ones they push there chips pretty hard 360chips for 180w and depending on array layout i dont see it taking much to knock it out, especially if the older version is only two strips.


Hey, new member here, just joined today(I’ll do a little intro in another post). I’m completely new to growing and currently on my 1st grow ever and I like to look at lots of different lights and configurations and have kind of a dream wish list(as in “if I had the money, these are what I’d buy”). Currently my #1 is the FL-1 by volt and was wondering if any of you had looked at this light, what you thought of the price and construction, etc? It’s cheaper than similarly sized units but much higher than the smaller units mentioned in this thread but it’s a lot of wattage and would be a dream build type deal.


Welcome to OG @JerBear !

I’m not familiar with that light manufacturer and I’m finding little info about them when I looked online. Few reviews also.

Personally I would find a few options and compare the specs. You may be able to get a more well known or established brand if you shop around.

What size is your space are you going to be lighting?

I’m looking for advice on my aerogarden. I have it on my kitchen counter. I use it to start seeds mostly.

I noticed the tomatoes on the left were leaning and went to investigate and found the leftmost row of LEDs is out. Can I fix this? You all seem so knowledgeable about wiring LEDs I wanted to ask!


I recently upgraded my space, went from a 3x7’ish closet to a roomier 7x7 area. I currently have an HLG 320W XL QB light but am looking forward to when I can afford a 2nd light to add to my new space.


likely a chip burn out so unless you have a replacement and are good at smd soldering may be leave it type scenario.

Or you find the bad chip and do a bypass solder bringing the rest up jsut will put a bit more use on the others


Hey just found this thread I have a 1.5 year old viparspectra xs1500 and I love it! I’ve been looking to get a new light but these new xs1500 seem pretty good my just have to add a new one with my old! Take my vivosun vs1000 out and use it as my veg light.:thinking:. So your name @Mr.Sparkle the first thing that came to mind is the Simpsons episode with homer as Mr. Sparkle mascot for dishwashing soap.lmao. I’m guessing it’s more for sparklely buds.


Nice. That’s a good size space.

The light you listed does look nice. My main concern would be the driver quality. Seems like the few reviews I found are positive.

It’s so difficult to pick a light anymore. So many excellent choices at really great prices.

Fishbulb… lol yeah its a simpsons reference but more i just like sparklely things


That’s awesome! Like I said first thing that popped into my head was homer with sparkle star eyes.lmao. Then your avatar looks almost like the box not the monkey but the background with the yellow beams shooting out. :thinking: I might be remembering wrong haven’t seen that episode in 15+ years at least.

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I seen that light. Not to bad looking. So many light companies. Even expensive lights are getting cheaper. The new styles are becoming more popular. Like the light you posted. The rail lighting instead of boards. I could see how it could run cooler.


That looks sweet. I use a homemade system. For seeds I use grow bags. You need to check out @Papalag @Pigeonman @MumenRyder they have good stuff going .


Cooler and more even light distribution (compare the PAR maps).
And for a bonus: somewhat better light penetration.



The thing with the company is that they’ve been in the lighting industry for awhile, even a racing sponsor albeit classes that I know nothing about. So in that respect it makes me feel that it’s a quality made item. They only offer a few “garden light” models though so I’m not sure if they’re just testing the waters or wanted the right to say “we do this too”. Either way this light remains #1 on my wish list for now. Happy grows, everyone!


The 5 year warranty stands out to me. You normally don’t see that with LED’s. Great reviews. The worst review was that is wasn’t packaged discretely. I’d take a chance on it.


I missed the warranty that is huge


I had a spare meanwell driver collecting dust and was messing around on Amazon. Noticed a pair of led boards for a reasonable price.

It’s cheap and hopefully efficient. I have it set at 40 watts per board at the moment. Going to check temps to determine top wattage I’m comfortable with.


re-purposing old stuff nice.


Pretty much. For example a meanwell hlg-185h-c1400b has an efficiency of 94% in the specs. But that’s at full power, if you run them less it effects the efficiency. It’s not much lower though.

Someone else will hopefully chime in to correct me if I misunderstand this to be the case.


likey that 94% is only if running 240vac from the wall but id have to look at the spec sheets.

Most drivers though and decent ones are in that 0.92 + or - efficiency range

So 100w from the wall is 92w at the lights with the other 8w going to driver losses.