The Cheap and Efficent LED Lighting Thread

This is a great thread I’m looking forward to keeping up with…just wanted to say thank you for this post about more specifics between different things etc…

Good growing and all positive vibes

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Anyone know anything about the Meiji 240watt v3 3000k/4000k LED grow light? I purchased 2 still waiting on 1 to get here.any info/ advice on this light will be appreciated. Is a open box purchase didn’t with the manual so I’m thinking someone has info for me. All comments welcome.

Love your mounting plates and heat shield!:+1:. Great idea take decent panels add better driver for better lights with a budget!

To anyone is there a difference between a ballast and a driver? They look about the same I know that means nothing


The funny thing is, I bought brand new cookie sheets. I got them and the wife saw them.

That was it. She says “ when was the last time I got new cookie sheets?” So needless to say I ended up with old used sheets and she got the 3 pack of new cookie


At a basic level they serve a similar function, convert the AC into what the illumination source needs. but the devil is in the details… :smirk:

A ballast needs to induce a ‘surge’ to spark a bulb to life, then it’s limiting the current (you match the ballast specs to the bulb’s specs)

The LED driver converts the AC into DC and limits both current (primarily) and voltage (within parameters). again match specs.

The digital ballast and LED driver will be comparable in efficiency… but the illumination devices sure aren’t!



@Gpaw just posting your post here too


Looking for information about the 240watt Folux series 3000/4000k misfit grows monster board v3 .I purchased 2 and I have no idea what they are capable of and I don’t have a par meter so any info on them would be appreciated thanks.



Hi friends, would like your help in deciding between 2 led lights (480w) for a 4x4 tent.
Manufacturers are based in China.

Below is ppfd/par measurements of Kingbrite.

Below is ppfd/par measurements of Bright Technology Industrial.

Which one would be your choice to run?

i wouldn’t trust any ppfd map from any manufacture especially Chinese ones, if you have links to the specific products we could likely decern what may be a better light more from its components and layout than what they state.


Sorry for the late reply.

Below is product link of Kingbrite:

Below is product link of Bright Technology Industrial:

Also, I’m looking for lights for ‘veg’ and I’m able to source the 2 below locally.
Which color spectrum would you recommend? :pray:t3:

Ok so I have a question.
I bought two more KQO boars off the big A. And I also bought a meanwell luv-60-48 driver. But when I hook them up in parallel, the lights flash on and off. I think it’s a sign of voltage being off. The board description says it can take up to 48v.

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That’s the driver not the LED board. Does it just do it once and stop or does it flash on every second or two? Sounds like the over current circuit is tripping.


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Thanks for the reply @Gpaw

Every second or two

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It looks like the wrong driver…
The numbers on the board look a little weird, I’ll see if I can find some proper specs. but looking at what they are recommending compared to your driver I’d say you need a different driver.
You wish to drive both at the same time from the same driver?


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Yes, I would like to drive both on one driver. 30 watts each board.

That’s what I’m thinking as well. I wonder if I put a diode inline and drop it 5 volts if it would work.

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That won’t help.
Let me crunch some numbers…


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Yes, the LPV-60-48 is definitely in overload protection, it keeps trying to see if the ‘fault’ has been cleared every couple of seconds.

I would suggest a HLG-240H-48B or HLG-240H-48AB driver to drive both boards in parallel, as well as a 100K linear pot (variable resistor). The ‘B’ and ‘AB’ units are dimmable (with that 100K pot).

It sounds like overkill but the upside is some flexibility down the road if you want more power. Also, running at 30W, both the boards and the driver will be running very cool.

You might be able to do this with a smaller dimmable driver but I’ve not played with that sort of configuration, so I can’t say for sure that it would work.



Thanks @Gpaw
I will order another driver.

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