The Dogs' House: La Perrera

Wellcome to 2017, January-7:
As I showed before, I had another Psilocybo Malawi Bangui outside The Dog House, in “guerrilla” into the monts… It was cropped during last half December, and now January-7 it only has little lower isolated flowers, iced by the cold night:

Empezo el año en Monte Adentro con las primeras heladas nocturnas.
El 7 de Enero, AñoNuevo, fue el dia mas frio en varios años en Monte Adentro.
Sativeo Tardío, otra Psilocybo MALAWI BANGUI de Guerrilla Extrema dejada de la mano del Altisimo al cieloraso montuno ( flores pequeñas dejadas el dia de su cosecha sobre el 15 de Dicembre)

Que frío! (The coldest part of year):

Right now: Psilocybo MALAWI BANGUI buds:

A día de hoy todavía me queda MB por manicurar… Cogollitos de Psilocybo Malawi Bangui:


Awsome grow there MiG. You have some beautiful looking plants there. The malawi Bangui sounds real interesting. Impressive!

Strawberry Cought Dutch Passion buds:

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Dandy Dance CBD Tropical Seeds co buds:


This pics is from another outdoor season year, 2014/2015, I think… The most sative n fruity genotipe of Acapulco Gold B.F.


I uses germinated by finish May, couse a CBD indica like Dandy Dance I showhed in The Dogs House can be 2 metros high in October: militar police helicopters are tolerant whith weed grows only if it only can be see from air n it looks an autoconsume grow… With only between 2 to 5 plants my people smokes all year…
Now recolectin winter cold dead palm trees to burn it to ashes n compostin animal bosts…

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Im lucky: the Mexican grower Sergio was shooted (but he is ok) in his outdoor mountain grow from air by militar helicóptero gun machines…

Grower like Sergio preserves n giffed landraces. Then Seeds Banks can worked with it n we grow it finally… He gived Jarilla Sinaloa (as OldTimer with his OT Haze) to Kaiki CannaBioGen to work n preserve it…


Crazy Sh#t firing on humans for Loving a plant. Gets me all fired up.

They were cropping in Montains when helicop appeared, @ryasco … One of growers had long tree branche in his hands n militars thought it was an AK…

Wow, how fast did he drop that branch i wonder. We have it easy in Cali.

In Sergio Spanish words, tellin it me:

I new not paying attention in spanish class would come back to bite me in the as@.

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Ya can autotranslate with Googgle…

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Suuweet! Very nice you did it!

hola MiG , nice to see u still kicking !!
wonderful garden…

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Sorry maybe I didint explain myself: it didint happened me. It happenned to Sergio n all of them are fine.

Nice read ya again! How bout your “early startin” grow, your Oaxaqueñas n Thais? Now here warm time again to next outdoor year…

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Nice to hear from you Mig. They’re growin…small but growing…

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