The Dogs' House: La Perrera

Definitely a giant plant, no kidding…


Hoy, 16-Oct.
Ramas laterales de la Purple Mexican (Oaxaca’79 X Pakistan Citral Kush), CannaBioGen.
Creo estará lista a partir de la 3° semana de Octubre.
Aromas :
Lima/Limón con tonos a Melón, Diesel y Repostería…


A cut to @Fuel

Lookin for it…

…n er we go…it will arrive ya by “air mail”:


LOL that’s what i call a top notch service bro ^^


Hoy 16-Oct:
Ramas laterales bajas (el Sol deslumbra la cámara del móvil si apunto arriba) de la Apollo11 X Smooth Smoke, Tropical Seeds.
Creo estará lista la 3° semana de Octubre.
Aromas : El anterior olor a hash almizclado ahora es mas gomoso y fresco, con un final afrutado.


Very beautiful picturesque home u have brother. Looks like paradise. Enjoy it and give as much as you take. You are very blessed.


Medianoche en La Perrera.
Ramas secundarias de King Congo (Congo Point Noire X Highland South African Ciskei), Tropical Seeds:


Purple Mexican , (Oaxaca’79 X Pakistan Citral Kush), CannaBioGen, (cogollos inferiores pequeños) :


Apollo11 X Smooth Smoke , Tropical Seeds; ramas secundarias:


This is a very good thread, mig. You’ve been blessed in many ways, my friend. Although living in a growers paradise and growing sativas outdoors has only been a dream for me, I’m very happy that it’s a reality for you, my brother. :evergreen_tree:


But it is one of the poorest lands inna the European Unión, @adkfoothills… Anyway, when @Herbie buils us a Jaguar factory, we will not need to grow weed anymore (only to smoke, if @Herbie dosent make drug test to work in his factory, je, je…)

ONLY JOKIN AGAIN, HERBIE: Im a cabronazo like you, je,je…

Seriously talkin, @Supermigu knows it is true : every year some Policemans here are “mareados” (dizzy?) by the smell of the great ganja quantities decomisated that they store in “Police drugs stores”…

A Policeman sais in the last article:

"¿Sabes lo que pude oler 3.000 o 4.000 kilos de marihuana? Cuando deshojas tal cantidad acabas más colocado que el que siembra”, relata con ironía un agente.

“You know what I could smell 3,000 or 4,000 kilos of marijuana?” When you defoliate that amount you end up more settled than the one that sows, "says an ironical agent.

The Trim Hell, @ryasco, je, je…


The town I live in has a connection with a city in the Netherlands Eindhoven, I will get a pic later today when I go past for you inc one of the younger dogs @MiG

The connection of the 2 town is the very famous Truck and Bus company now American owned though and re named Pacaar, but the famous Leyland DAF trucks and buses found all over the world as far away as India, Saudi Arabia etc

Building trucks since 1896, we also have a vehicle museum and a few Historic vehicles placed around the town some in Glass cases like full size fire engines.

There are some larger factories available than the jaguar plant near me @MiG :wink:


Hey, @Herbie, we have n uses trucks, too…

…and yes, some of these trucks have “same conexions” with Holland citys too, je…


Lo que no entiendo es porque hacen decomisos en un lugar donde la weed es legal @MiG?

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@MadScientist, tu crees que un remolque de esos es para autoconsumo?


Muchacho de Dios estoy preguntando para que decomisan la policia, si se supone que en Espanya es legal, porque se la quitan a la gente?

A ver, @MadScientist, esta claro que las grandes plantaciones y camiones decomisados de las fotos no son para autoconsumo, o consumo conjunto no lucrativo… Osea, son para traficar y suelen acabar en Holanda.
Por otro lado, el PP conservador cambio las leyes, y ahora una plantación, aunque sea una sola macetita para autoconsumo, no debe poder ser vista desde fuera ni causar molestias olfativas a otr@s personas…

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A hard work, @ryasco:


Hypocrites getting high on terpenes, our terpenes!

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Tranquilo, que quedan terpenos de sobra…