The Dogs' House: La Perrera

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Suuweet! Very nice you did it!

hola MiG , nice to see u still kicking !!
wonderful garden…

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Sorry maybe I didint explain myself: it didint happened me. It happenned to Sergio n all of them are fine.

Nice read ya again! How bout your “early startin” grow, your Oaxaqueñas n Thais? Now here warm time again to next outdoor year…

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Nice to hear from you Mig. They’re growin…small but growing…

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Hello Mr.Mig…finally back home after a long work day… I hope you don’t think I’m trying to be nosy but I was wondering if you were in Northern or Southern Spain? The reason that I ask is because I find rivers and mountain ranges interesting, and if you’re in Northern Spain I was wondering if you have ever seen the Ebro or been to the Pyrenees? I have seen many pictures of the Pyrenees and it looks frikkin Awesome!

Hola, amigo! Encantado verte aquí!

Im midway betwen Centre n South, in a Mediterránea/Continental mounts…
Like pictures are most from the wet late Autum/Winter it’s looks nothern…
I know Ebro in Catalonia coast n Aragon Pirineos High Montains toó…

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By the way, ya love history! Ok, for you friend: in my región our “ancester tribe” killed ones Anibal El Cartaginés’ brothers…

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You sure must lead a very interesting life living in such a beautiful wide open country! And looking at the weed you grow just blows me away. Have you ever been on the Ebro in a boat or went fishing there? The camp I live in is less than 30 meters from a major river system. You can’t get to where I live unless you have a boat and then sometimes when the weather is bad it’s almost kind of dangerous crossing such a big river because my boat is only about five meters long.


No big rivers but lakes… Another Sunny Winter day wiew(it cant be Pirineos as ya see):


When you say ancestor tribe do you mean the castilians?And in what year are we talking about here? In 1580 King Philip II of Spain inherited the kingdom of Portugal when their King died. Can you imagine the money they were getting because Portugal own colonies in Africa India and the Americas. Phillip needed the money because he was soon at war with the Ottoman Empire.


Im talkin bout more than 1000 year before Castilla Kingdom borned .Castilla is a Medieval Cristián Kindom as ya well knows, @Stonervet68 . Im talking bout Iberics tribes (1500BC-1BC). They killed the Hannibal’s brother before 2nd Punic War (Carhago vs Rome)… Our first big city, Cadiz, was borned in 1100BC.

About the Portuguese & Spanish Unión, durin Emperador Felipe 2° times, A lot of money was expended reconquestin to Portugal Bahia n NorthEast Brazil from Holland invasion toó…

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Wow. Yes Hannibal was a long time ago he crossed the Alps with elephants and kick the Romans ass.


In fact was the end of Carthago in North África n Spain (Carthago-Tunisia n Nova Carthago or Cartagena-Spain, were the Capitals of Carthago) , n the real Rise of Rome…


Hannibal was a carthaginian General and he really beat the Romans up at Cannae. He could have marched on Rome itself and probably destroyed the Roman Empire then than there but he waited to rest his troops.Very big mistake looked at through histories hindsight


The Ebro River was the demarcation line between the carthaginian and Roman Sphears of influence in Spain. When Hannibal attacked Saguntum in 218 BC it started the Second Punic War


Scipio was the first Roman Commander to have any success against Hannibal and really put a whooping on Hannibal’s brother Hasdrubal at the Battle of Ilipa.


Sorry about all that information but Rome and the Punic Wars are kind of one of my specialties!, lol


Its sad that I can’t remember what I did two days ago but I sure as hell can remember what happened to over two Millenia ago!