The Final (confimred) Outdoor Harvest By The Numbers

The Department of team OVERGROW is accepting applications for the 2020 growing season. If you are interested in Overgrowing the world…how we doing so far??

|Units| Totals
|Acres Planted|7,141.03|
|Acres Harvested|5,233.20|
|Percent Harvested|73%|
|Yield- Stalk lbs|15,107.00|
|Yield-Biomass lbs|1,482,428.96|
|Yield-Flower lbs|595,128.20|
|Yield-Seed lbs|65,489.30|
|Yield- Unknown lbs|69,290.00|
|TOTAL YIELD ALL UNITS (lbs)|2,227,443.45|
|Total Reports Complete|611|
|Total Reports
Awaiting Yield Clarification
(Reported above as yield unknown)|6|
|# Licensee who planted Zero Acres 137
|# Licensee who Planted Over 5 Acres|119|

Harvest crews need roughly five weeks to bring in 200 acres, and Sisk estimates one man for every five acres. By necessity, harvest is haphazard at best and a constant learning process without someone that knows what the fuck they are

doing. He equates harvest to killing snakes: just go do it. “Nobody, and I mean nobody, has figured out the harvest process yet. Whatever works is currently the right way. At the point of harvest, nobody is doing it the same. We’re all trying to figure out the best way regarding labor and logistics.”

Very serious issues…processing?? Always the processor…middle man! It wasn’t fkn magic how it got into those bales…
