Luxor's Chocolate CBD. Purple Caper seeds. What's your thoughts on this 8%thc/8%cbd/5%others type of strain?

This stuff is Luxor’s Chocolate CBD. a cross of their Luxor’s THCV & Chocolate Kush. It’s said to be a mix of 8% THC, 8% CBD, and 5% other cannabinoids, maybe 1% thcv. idk. I have no way to analyze this stuff, except to taste-test. And. Yeah. it’s a great, non-panic high. My girlfriend gets a bit too anxious with the other strains. This stuff is a great “calm down, slow down, feel better” smoke. Colors definitely get brighter.

I just wasn’t finding CBD flower locally anymore. it was all replaced with D8 stuff. No thx. And I liked the THC-V in other stuff… So… we popped a 5pk, all 7 seeds in there, 4 females, 3 males. Got 1 that’s green-green pheno, and 3 that were the more purple pheno. that one seems to finish quicker.

It’s been a fun and rewarding winter grow project. Now I can enjoy this nice almost-snowy April day.

What’s everyone’s else’s experiences with CBD strains been? Anything you noticed? like it burns hot af. turns my white papers dark. I still have half the plants to harvest. Would this make good RSO?


Dude, this stuff sounds awesome! I love partaking some “sativa”(ish) CBD in the mornings, or having a few drops of tincture. Really helps keep my day rolling smoothly.

I’m very intrigued by this cannabinoid profile. Sounds like the ratio is around 2:2:1 THC:CBD:(other cannabinoids), and I bet that produces a really unique effect compared to a lot of modern high-THC strains.

As for finding CBD flower, I have gotten mine from a few different farms that have online ordering then shipped to home. Prices can vary greatly. My favorite CBD vendor is Sunset Lake CBD based in Vermont. Their prices are a tad high, but the flower is incredible! Better quality than any of the THC bud in my local dispo. I’ve been waiting for Sunset Lake to re-up their flower because right now their listings are from the 2022 harvest and they’re out of my favorite (Cherry Abacus). I’ve got some “bagseed” saved that I plan to pop one day for some homegrown CBD.

Overall, I’ve had a highly positive experience with consuming CBD strains. It helps give me an extra pep in my step. Always combines well with my THC flower so I can enhance the experience. People used to say that CBD brings down the high, I think it just changes it depending on the amount used. My tolerance is about the biggest it’s been in my life and I can still get rrrrripped if I vape a mix of 5:1 CBD:THC flowers.

Agreed that it can sometimes “burn hot,” and I’m not sure why. I have one CBD strain that always makes me cough no matter how much I use, even if I combine the smallest amount with some organic grown cannabis. So I might process the cough flower into a tincture or budder. RSO would probably make a good option too. For your harvest, if the flower has the cannabinoids that you say it should then I think RSO would be a good option for e-z dosing.


The ‘burning hot’ part sounds interesting.

I have some CBD Cream and Cheese seeds from when I first started growing. It’s supposed to be a 1:1 but I never successfully grew them out and the seeds are a number of years old at this point.

I would definitely like to try growing some kind of CBD or full cannibinoid strain.

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My experience with CBD is limited. Back when the 2018 farm bill was passed, a local sheriff called me and asked for my help setting up a hemp grow. At first I said absolutely not until he promised me a percentage return. I got my hemp growing license and went out to the property he was gonna grow on. He didn’t know wtf he was doing and it was obvious because he planted CBD clones straight into red clay without consulting me. I told him that’s not gonna work and he needs to either move them to another location or put them in massive pots with actual soil. He put them in small ass, half filled pots of miracle grow moisture control lmao. He did zero research of his own. The grass surrounding the field was really high and it was holding humidity so I told him he needs to get a greenhouse with push/pull fans on either end. He put up the frame but that was it. Then I didn’t hear from him for a while and then he called me one day “hey can you come look at these plants?” So I drive down there and EVERYTHING has PM and bud rot. He didn’t listen to me and hired someone else that he knew that never grew a cannabis plant in their life and started listening to them. Each one of those clones was $25 and he had 20 thousand of them. He lost his entire retirement because he didn’t listen to me in the first place.

So after that, CBD has always left a bad taste in my mouth lmao


lol. this crap would have loved red clay. i swear. i took a couple clones of each of them. it’ll be cool to see what they do outside in Allegheny new york. they took all the UV lights I threw at them. very strong fan leaves.

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Holy crap, this feels like it coulda been an excerpt from a book that I read earlier this year. So many people became convinced that they’ll strike gold in the hemp space. So many hard lessons learned.

For what it’s worth, I have found fantastic medicinal value in CBD. Helps my anxiety big time, and also helps with pain relief and inflammation. Also makes a great addition to lotion & other topicals to help sooth aches from the outside, my wife made a salve that made my muscles go to jello Lol


This guy for sure did. He was scheming on how to get this many gallons of CBD oil and how much this many plants would yield him. He was thinking in pounds per plant. It turned out to be grams per m^2 and even that wasn’t useable

One of the big things I took away from the book is how many people thought they’d be growing hemp and then they wound up needing to pivot to something else. Happened to the author. He bought giant farm, was all set up to plant his seedlings, and then had to keep waiting on paperwork for so long that he missed the entire first growing season. Colorado was super backed up on processing the licenses so a ton of people did everything right, paid their fees, and then still missed out on the season because the office couldn’t process everything before it was too late.

He wound up shifting into a hemp storage, drying, and trimming and made back a decent chunk when all of the farmers with crops realized that they had no clue what to do with them after harvest. So then there’s also a bunch of farmers who got to the harvest point and realized that they never gave a thought to what needs to happen afterward. Thousands of pounds lost to mold and rot from improper storage.

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